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Sim #17034/HEAD / v10
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DSL Root Element sim{}

A basic simulation is the standard method to setup and run a model. The root DSL element is sim, and a sim file may contain instances of six sub-elements, as shown the following table.
//create the simulation object
sim(name:"CSMLite Basic Simulation for Workshop") {
     //add sub-elements...

Element sim{}


sim - Specifies a basic model simulation

Property Description Type Required
name Name of the simulation String Root element for basic simulation

Sub-Elements Description Type Default Occurrences
build Build the model - - One, optional
model{} Define the model - - One, required
resource List resources for the model - - Zero or many
outputstrategy Manage storage of output - - Zero or one
output Capture and store output field values - - Zero or one
summary Apply ad hoc statistics - - Zero to many
efficiency Quantify the prediction performance of the model - - Zero to many
analysis{} Analyze by plotting or graphing - - Zero or one

Root element


 * EF Carson simulation. 
sim(name:"Efcarson") {


    // define output strategy: output base dir and
    // the scheme NUMBERED|SIMPLE|DATE
    outputstrategy(dir:"$oms_prj/output", scheme:SIMPLE)

    // model definition
    model(classname:"model.PrmsDdJh") {
        // parameter definition
        parameter (file:"$oms_prj/data/efc_svntest.csv") {
            inputFile   "$oms_prj/data/data.csv"
            outFile     "out.csv"
            sumFile     "basinsum.csv"
            out         "summary.txt"

            startTime   "1980-10-01"
            endTime     "1986-09-30"

        logging {
             // "Ddsolrad" "INFO"

    //model efficiency (optional)
    efficiency(obs:"runoff[0]", sim:"basin_cfs", methods:NS+ABSDIF+TRMSE)

    // compute some summary for runoff 'on-the-fly' (optional)
    summary(time:"date", var:"basin_gwflow_cfs", moments:MEAN+MIN+MAX+LAG1,
            period:YEARLY, file:"sum.txt")

    output(time:"date", vars:"runoff[0], basin_cfs, basin_sroff_cfs,
           basin_ssflow_cfs,basin_gwflow_cfs, basin_potet,basin_actet,",
           fformat:"9.6f", file:"out1.csv")

    analysis(title:"Simulation Output") {
        timeseries(title:"Efc_Q", view: COMBINED ) {
            x(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"date")
            y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"runoff[0]")
            y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_cfs")
        timeseries(title:"Sim_Error", view: STACKED) {
            x(file:"%last/out1.csv",  column:"date")
            calc(eq:"simulated - observed") {
                simulated(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_cfs")
                observed(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"runoff[0]")
        calc(eq:"simulated - observed", acc:true) {
                simulated(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_cfs")
                observed(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"runoff[0]")
        timeseries(title:"Components of Flow", view: COMBINED ) {
                   x(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"date")
                   y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_sroff_cfs")
                   y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_ssflow_cfs")
                   y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_gwflow_cfs")
        timeseries(title:"Potet vs Actet", view: COMBINED ) {
	            x(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"date")
	            y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_potet")
	            y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_actet")