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Summary #17071/HEAD / v10
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DSL Element - summary

The summary element provides ad-hoc statistics for selected model (state) variables. This element is a part of a simulation. Statistical moments are computed over an aggregation period that can be selected. The period can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or the entire simulation. A summary is always specified for one variable at a time. That variable must be output of one component in the model.

The use of the summary element is shown as follows:

sim(name:"CSMLite_MLRA67") {
   // define the model
   model(iter:weathr.moreData) {
   summary(time:"DOY", var:"LAI", statistics:MAX, file:LAI_max_stats.txt)

The maximum value of the output variable LAI gets computed over the total simulation period, and the output will be stored in the file stats.txt, located in the simulation run output folder.

sim(name:"WaterBalance_MLRA67") {
   // define the model
   model(classname:"tw.Thornthwaite") {
   summary(time:"time", var:"runoff[4]", statistics:MEAN+MIN+LAG1, 

The runoff array element #4 will be aggregated over one year and its minimum, mean and auto-correlation will be printed to the console.

A list of available statistical moments is shown in the table at the bottom of this page.

Element summary


summary - ad-hoc summary statistics

Properties Description Type Required
time the time field to be used to compute the aggregation period String Yes
var an output field that provides the values String Yes
statistics statistical moment(s) to compute Enumeraton, statistical moments KEY Yes
period aggregation period enumeration, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY, TOTAL}}}} No, defaults to TOTAL
file the output file string No; if missing, output goes to the console, otherwise to the specified file located in the output folder



  • Multiple keys for statistics can be combined using the + operator, the output will be a combined table.
  • Multiple statistics can use the same file for output. They get appended.
  • Aggregation periods cannot be combined.
  • Variable names may refer to scalars or array elements using the Java style (e.g. 2D array element: ro[1][0])

Statistical Moments Description
Q1 First Quartile (TBD)
Q2 Second Quartile (MEDIAN)(TBD)
Q3 Third Quartile (TBD)
LAG1 LAG-1 autocorrelation (TBD)