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Outputstrategy #17069/HEAD / v10
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DSL Element - outputstrategy

A simulation usually produces output files such as times series predicted runoff, sediment yield, etc. The outputstrategy element of a simulation manages the storage of the output based on different strategies. However, it does not manage the files or the values them self. It provides for a consistent method and strategy dealing with subsequent simulations.

An example simulation might use a output element:

sim(name:"CSMLite_MLRA67") {
   outputstrategy(dir:"$oms_prj/output", scheme:NUMBERED)
   // define the model
   model(iter:weathr.moreData) {
      // add parameters, components, and connect components

The types of supported output strategy schemes are:

The simulation creates a folder to hold the model output files. Each new simulation run will overwrite existing files with the same name. The simulation output folder is always <output dir> + <sim name>. For the example above the output would always go into "c:/csm67/out/CSMLite_MLRA67"

The simulation creates a new folder for each simulation run. A new simulation will not overwrite the output from the previous one. The last simulation always has the highest number folder. The simulation output folder is <output dir> + <sim name> + <simulation run number>. For the example above the output of the 5th run would go into "c:/csm67/out/CSMLite_MLRA67/0005"

The simulation creates a new folder for each simulation run. A new simulation will not overwrite the output from the previous one. The last simulation output is always in the folder named with the simulation start time. The simulation output folder is <output dir> + <sim name> + <simulation start time>. For the example above the output a run would go into "c:/csm67/out/CSMLite_MLRA67/2009-04-05T12:04"

Element outputstrategy


outputstrategy - manage storage of model output

Properties Description Type Required
dir Folder (directory) where output is to be stored String Yes
scheme How the output will be stored <enumeration>, SIMPLE, NUMBERED, TIME Yes

sim{}, luca{}