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Efficiency #17070/HEAD / v10
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DSL Element - efficiency

Model efficiencies are commonly used to quantify the prediction performance of a simulation model by computing some aggregate based on observed and simulated values of the same model property. Multiple efficiencies can be computed at once. Just combine those by using the '+' operator as shown. The list of available model efficiencies is shown below at the bottom of this page. The simulation below shows the use of the efficiency element in a simulation.
sim(name:"Efcarson") {
   // define the model
   model(classname:"model.PrmsDdJh") {
   // ... model sub-elements here
   efficiency(obs:"runoff[0]", sim:"basin_cfs", methods:NS+NS2+ABSDIF+TRMSE)

Executing the simulation above produces additional table output for the requested efficiencies, which as an example we have rendered as follows:

Efficiencies ns1 ns2 absdif trmse
runoff/basin_cfs 0.66512 0.82971 764.30044 2.44043

Element efficiency

efficiency - Model efficiency computation

Properties Description Type Required
obs an output field that provides observed values string yes
sim an output field that provides simulated values string yes
precip precipitation values string yes only for ROCE, ignored otherwise
method efficiency method(s) to compute KEYs (can be combined) yes
file the output file string no if missing output goes to the console, otherwise to the specified file located in the output folder



  • Multiple keys can be combined using the + operator, the output will be a combined table.
  • Multiple efficiencies can use the same file for output. They get appended.

Several model efficiencies are available, as shown in the following table

Efficiencies (KEY) Description
ABSDIF Absolute difference
LOGABSDIF Log of the absolute difference
NS Nash-Sutcliffe
LOGNS Log of Nash-Sutcliffe
LOGNS2 Log of Nash-Sutcliffe (Pow 2)
IOA Index of Agreement
IOA2 Index of Agreement (Pow 2)
R2 Goodness of fit
GRAD Linear Regression Gradient
WR2 Weighted Correlation Coefficient
DSGRAD Double Sum Analysis Gradient
AVE Absolute Volume Error
RMSE Root Mean Square Error
PMCC Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
TRMSE Transformed Root Mean Square Error
ROCE Runoff Coefficient Error