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Resource #17062/HEAD / v10
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DSL Element: resource

Every simulation has to manage resources such as a model executable, DLLs, parameter files, climate data input, documentation, etc. The resource element allows the listing of those resources. There are several uses for the resource listings in a simulation.
  • All jar files listed in a resource element are added to the classpath for JAVA model execution. Jar files can be referenced as local files or URLs, if the model should be loaded from a remote location. If no Jar files are present, the model will use the default class path for the application.
  • All files regardless of which type are used for digest computation to ensure comprehensive hashing of all simulation resources.
  • Other tools for remote execution within a cluster can use the resource listing to copy those files to other machines.

A resource section of a simulation might look like:

sim(name:"ceap") {
   resource "$oms_prj/dist/oms3.prj.ceap.jar"
   resource "$oms_prj/dist/oms3.prj.ceap-lib.jar"
   resource "$oms_prj/input/climate.csv"

The resource values always follow the resource keyword. It also shows the use of string replacement in order to reference a common root directory. Alternatively the files above can be provided as a list to one resource element. Note the required brackets and parenthesis). Both notations do have the same semantics.

resource (["$oms_prj/dist/oms3.prj.ceap.jar",

Element resource

resource - List all relevant simulation resource files

Value Description Type Required
<single file> A file belonging to this simulation String (file or URL) As necessary
<file list> All files belonging to this simulation List of Strings (file or URL) As necessary

sim, model


  • A resource element must have either have a single file value or a list of files.
  • The resource element should at least list all .jar, .exe, .dll files that are needed for execution.
  • Listed files should provide the full path.
  • The resource element of a sim element and a model element are shared.