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CSIP API 2.8.21
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r(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class csip.QueryService
r2(double[], double[]) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
random(double, double) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
Generate a random number in a range.
range(double[]) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
RANGE - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
range(int, int) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser.Tokens
Gets all tokens in the range 'from -> to'
rangeFrom(int) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser.Tokens
rangeTo(int) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser.Tokens
Get the Tokens until the end.
readANNs(File) - Static method in class csip.utils.ANN
Read ANNs from file/dir.
readBytes(String) - Method in interface csip.api.server.SessionWorkspace
Get the content of a file within the workspace as byte array.
readString(String) - Method in interface csip.api.server.SessionWorkspace
Get the content of a file within the workspace as String.
redirectDefaults() - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
redirect to default files and append.
redirectError(String) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Redirect stderr to a file in the workspace.
redirectError(StringWriter) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Redirect the error stream to a string writer
redirectOutput(String) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Redirect stdout to a file in the workspace.
redirectOutput(StringWriter) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Redirect the output to a string writer
register(Set<Class<?>>, ServletContext) - Static method in class csip.Config
RELEASED - Static variable in annotation type csip.annotations.State
The service is released.
remove(UriInfo, HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class csip.ControlService
Remove the session if expired.
removeArchive(UriInfo, HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class csip.ArchiveService
removeExt(String) - Static method in class csip.Utils
removeFirstLastChar(String) - Static method in class csip.Utils
replace(String, String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
replaceAll(String, String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
replaceFirst(String, String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
replaceHostinURI(URI, String) - Static method in class csip.Utils
report() - Method in class csip.ModelDataService
For populating payload report data
report(UriInfo, String) - Method in class csip.ReportService
REPORT_DESC - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
REPORT_DIM - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
REPORT_DIM0 - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
REPORT_FILE - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
REPORT_NAME - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
REPORT_TYPE - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
REPORT_UNITS - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
REPORT_VALUE - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
ReportService - Class in csip
Reporting service
ReportService() - Constructor for class csip.ReportService
request() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
get the request as JSON
request() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
get the request as JSON
request() - Method in class csip.ModelDataService
Get request information.
request(UriInfo, String) - Method in class csip.QueryService
REQUEST_FILE - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
require(String) - Method in interface csip.api.server.PayloadAttachments
Check if a required file attachment exists in the workspace.
require(String) - Method in interface csip.api.server.PayloadFormData
Check is a required key exists.
require(String...) - Method in interface csip.api.server.PayloadMetaInfo
Check is a required key exists.
require(String...) - Method in interface csip.api.server.PayloadParameter
Check if a required parameter exists.
resolve(String) - Static method in class csip.Utils
Resolve a string with system and CSIP properties.
resolve(String, File) - Static method in class csip.Utils
Resource - Annotation Type in csip.annotations
Resource definition.
Resources - Annotation Type in csip.annotations
Describe the resources bundled with the service.
resources() - Method in class csip.ModelDataService
Get the service resources (@Resources annotations).
ResourceType - Enum in csip.annotations
Resource types.
response(UriInfo, String) - Method in class csip.QueryService
RESPONSE_FILE - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
RESULT_FILE - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
results() - Method in class csip.ModelDataService
For populating service results.
reverse() - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser.Tokens
rightOf(String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
Get the part of the line string right of the text argument.
rightOfFirst(String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
rightOfLast(String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
RMSE - Static variable in class csip.cosu.ObjFunc
Root Mean Square Error
round(double, int) - Static method in class csip.utils.Numeric
round a double and keep it a double
run(Collection<Parallel.Run>) - Static method in class csip.utils.Parallel
Execute all runs in parallel.
run(Parallel.Run...) - Static method in class csip.utils.Parallel
Execute all runs in parallel.
run(boolean, Parallel.Run...) - Static method in class csip.utils.Parallel
Execute all runs in parallel or all in series
run(boolean, Collection<Parallel.Run>) - Static method in class csip.utils.Parallel
Execute all runs in parallel or all in series
run(int, Parallel.Run...) - Static method in class csip.utils.Parallel
Execute all runs in parallel.
run(int, int, Function<Integer, Parallel.Run>) - Static method in class csip.utils.Parallel
Execute runs in parallel..
run() - Method in interface csip.utils.Parallel.Run
Perform the run.
RUNNING - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
runoffCoefficientError(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
Runoff coefficient error ROCE
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CSIP API 2.8.21

(c) 2012-2022, OMSLab, Colorado State University.