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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


service() - Method in class csip.ModelDataService
Get the service annotations other that @Resources
ServiceAnnotations - Interface in csip.api.server
ServiceAnnotation access.
serviceCancelled() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
serviceCancelled() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
ServiceConfiguration - Interface in csip.api.server
ServiceConfiguration access.
ServiceException - Exception in csip.api.server
General Service Exception.
ServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception csip.api.server.ServiceException
Exception Constructor
ServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception csip.api.server.ServiceException
Exception Constructor
ServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception csip.api.server.ServiceException
Exception Constructor.
serviceFailed() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
serviceFailed() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
serviceFinished() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
serviceFinished() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
ServiceResources - Interface in csip.api.server
ServiceResources access.
serviceReturned() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
serviceReturned() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
serviceRunning() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
serviceRunning() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
serviceSubmitted() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
serviceSubmitted() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
serviceTimeout() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
serviceTimeout() - Method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
ServletContextHooks - Class in csip
Context Registration.
ServletContextHooks() - Constructor for class csip.ServletContextHooks
SessionLogger - Class in csip
Custom SessionLogger with system delegate.
SessionLogger() - Constructor for class csip.SessionLogger
Null Logger.
SessionWorkspace - Interface in csip.api.server
Session Workspace management.
setArguments(Object...) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Set the executable arguments.
setCacheSize(int) - Static method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall
setCacheSize(int) - Static method in class csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall1
setLevel(Level) - Method in class csip.SessionLogger
setOptions(Object...) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Set the executable options.
setProgress(int) - Method in class csip.ModelDataService
Set the progress as a numerical value (0..100)
setProgress(String) - Method in class csip.ModelDataService
Set the progress as a string message.
setSize(int) - Method in class csip.utils.LRUCache
setStderrHandler(Executable.StdHandler) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Handle the current output from stderr.
setStdoutHandler(Executable.StdHandler) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Handle the current output from stdout.
setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Set the timeout.
setValue(String, double) - Method in interface csip.api.server.COSU
Set the value for the name
setWarning(String) - Method in interface csip.api.server.PayloadMetaInfo
Set a warning message.
severe(String) - Method in class csip.SessionLogger
SimpleCache<K,V> - Class in csip.utils
Simple, non-evicting cache.
SimpleCache() - Constructor for class csip.utils.SimpleCache
skipLinesContaining(String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
skipLinesStartingWith(String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
split() - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
split(String) - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser
SQL - Static variable in class csip.Config
STABLE - Static variable in annotation type csip.annotations.State
The service is implemented and tested.
START_HASH - Static variable in class csip.utils.TextParser
START_SLASH_SLASH - Static variable in class csip.utils.TextParser
STARTED - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
State - Annotation Type in csip.annotations
Service development state definitions.
Statistics - Class in csip.cosu
Statistics basics.
stddev(double[]) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
stderr() - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Get the File for stderr.
stderr(double[]) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
stderrReg(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
stdout() - Method in interface csip.api.server.Executable
Get the File for stdio.
SUBMITTED - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
sum() - Method in class csip.utils.TextParser.Tokens
sum(double[]) - Static method in class csip.cosu.Statistics
SYNC - Static variable in interface csip.ModelDataServiceConstants
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form