29 |
Comments/Attachments |
What He said!  |
-- |
28 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!
| %%center
| !3 __PDF:__
| !3 __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.pdf?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7208&version=1]__
| !3 __Download:__
| !3 __[lamps-client.zip|CB:/displayDocument/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!
| %%center
| __PDF:__
| ¶ | __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.pdf?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7208&version=1]__
| ¶ | __Download:__
| ¶ | __[lamps-client.zip|CB:/displayDocument/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
27 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...__1.) Plain command line__
| __coming soon__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!
| %%center
| __PDF:__
| __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.p...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...__1.) Plain command line__
| __coming soon__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| %%center
| __PDF:__
| __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.p...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
26 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...ing agricultural management practices.
| !2 Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]
| !1 __(/) __¶ | %!
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request & .response description example|ISSUE:6452]__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| ¶ | __coming soon__¶ | ¶ | !2 __2.) With Postman__
| ¶ | __coming soon__¶ | ¶ | !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| %%center
| __PDF:__
| __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displ...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...ing agricultural management practices.
| !2 Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]
| !1 __(/) __%!
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request & .response description example|ISSUE:6452]__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| %%center
| __PDF:__
| __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displ...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
25 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...rvice containing agricultural management practices.
| !2 Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]
| !1 __(/) __%!
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request & .response description example|ISSUE:6452]__
| ...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...rvice containing agricultural management practices.
| !2 Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| !1 __(/) __
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request & .response description example|ISSUE:6452]__
| ...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
24 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service containing agricultural management practices.
| !2 Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| !1 __(/) __
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request &...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar...by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service containing agricultural management practices.
| ¶ | Workflow:
| ¶ | %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| !1 __(/) __
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request &...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
23 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198715300039]__
| __(...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198715300039]__
| __(...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
22 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016719871530003... containing agricultural management practices.
| Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| !1 __(/) __
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request & .response description example|ISSUE:6452]__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) Wit...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016719871530003... containing agricultural management practices.
| Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __LAMPS .request & .result description__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) Wit...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
21 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016719871530003...ontaining agricultural management practices.
| Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__¶ | !3 __LAMPS .request & .result description__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) Wit...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016719871530003...ontaining agricultural management practices.
| Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]¶ | ¶ | !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) Wit...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
20 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198715300039]__
| __(/) __¶ | ¶ | !3
| !3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides cro...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198715300039]__
| !3
| !3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides cro...ue&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
19 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Journal Paper:__¶ | ¶ | __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198715300039]__¶ | ¶ | !3¶ | !3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...ent/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...ent/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
18 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...MPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| %%center
| __PDF:__
| __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.pdf?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7208&version=1]__
| __Download:__
| __[lamps-client.zip|CB:/displayDocument/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...MPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| __ PDF:__
| __ [lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.pdf?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7208&version=1]__
| __ Download:__
| __ [lamps-client.zip|CB:/displayDocument/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| |
17 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| __ PDF:__¶ | ¶ | __ [lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.pdf?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7208&version=1]__
| __ Download:__¶ | ¶ | __ [lamps-client.zip|CB:/displayDocument/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__¶ | ¶ | [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There 3 options to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.pdf?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7208&version=1]__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
16 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There 3 options to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| ¶ | __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/displayDocument/LAMPS_Client_ReadMe.pdf?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7208&version=1]__¶ | ¶ | [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There 3 options to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| ¶ | !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
15 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There 3 options to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| !2 __3.) With the lamps-client__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There 3 options to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| ¶ | ¶ | !2 __2.) With Postman__
| ¶ | !2 __3. With the lamps-client__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
14 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...Flow.png!]%!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| !3 __There 3 options to use LAMPS:__¶ | !2 __1.) Plain command line__¶ | ¶ | ¶ | ¶ | !2 __2.) With Postman__¶ | ¶ | !2 __3. With the lamps-client__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...Flow.png!]%!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
13 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| __How to use LAMPS__
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
12 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| __How to use LAMPS__¶ | ¶ | [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!
| [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
11 |
Description |
!3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop rotat...nd management information for user-specified areas within the 48 contiguous states of the USA.\\
| The LAMPS workflow links the following data sources:
| ¶ | * annual crop data layers from the [CropScape|http://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/] web service ba...ice containing agricultural management practices.
| Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%!¶ | ¶ | [LAMPS .request & .result description|ISSUE:6452]
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!!__Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop rotat...nd management information for user-specified areas within the 48 contiguous states of the USA.\\
| The LAMPS workflow links the following data sources:
| * annual crop data layers from the [CropScape|http://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/] web service ba...ice containing agricultural management practices.
| Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]%%¶ |
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
10 |
Comments/Attachments |
Page under development ...
Methods and exampling for deploying LAMPS to be added. |
-- |