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Wind Erosion (WEPS) Simulation v3.0#30491/v3
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Wind Erosion (WEPS) Simulation v3.0[SERVICE-30491]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: Deployed
Submitted by: rob.streetmanFeb 27 2017 15:42 Modified by: JRCarlsonApr 26 2017 22:11 Type:
Path: m/weps/3.0 Context: csip-weps Version: 3.0
Website: -- Apps:
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Wind Erosion (WEPS) Simulation (csip-weps/m/weps/3.0)

20170425: This version runs the WEPS 1.5.52 model, uses soil component keys from the NRCS Soil Data Mart, and calls the wepssoilinput/1.0 service to create a soil .ifc file for input to the model. It is part of the NRCS Integrated Erosion Tool (IET 1) production release package. This version resolved several edge/boundary case issues and therefore can be used for wind erosion assessment in the Pacific Basin and Caribbean in addition to CONUS states. The service runs in asynchronous mode with the calibration parameter set to true, meaning crops so marked are calibrated to the target yield in the service request. The service takes between 30-60 seconds per crop year to complete. The model generates 50 years of daily climate data and steps daily through 50 years per crop in the rotation.

Request Response
    "metainfo": {
            "name": "csip-weps",
            "dataCommands": "See also: csip-WEPS-DataHandler endpoint for a list of data commands also supported by this endpoint"

    "parameter": [
            "name": "hydrologyMethod",
            "description": "Resurfacing buried roots 0 = no resurfacing of buried roots 1 = resurface buried roots (default) (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1",
            "value": 1
            "name": "resurfacing",
            "description": "Specify hydrology calculation method used 0 = darcian flow (default) 1 = Green-Ampt infil., simple drainage (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1",
            "value": 0
            "name": "initialization",
            "description": "Specify if initialization is done and if so, the # loops 0 = No initialization 1 = Runs one management cycle (default) 2 = Runs x management cycles (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "2",
            "value": 1
            "name": "confidenceInterval",
            "description": "Confidence Interval on Rotation Mean Annual Erosion 0 = no confidence interval calc (default) 1 = confidence interval reported 2 = used to limit run length (not implem) (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "2",
            "value": 0
            "name": "furrowEffect",
            "description": "Deep Furrow Effect on Transpiration Depth 0 = no deep furrow effect (default) 1 = deep furrow affects transpiration (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1",
            "value": 0
            "name": "calibrationMode",
            "description": "WEPS crop calibration mode 0 = Do not run crop calibration (default) # = Run crop calibration # interation max (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1000",
            "value": 0
            "name": "calibrationCycles",
            "description": " Specify maximum number of cycles to run while calibrating 0 = Use all cycles (default) (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1000",
            "value": 0

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