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WEPS - Wind Erosion Prediction System#30491/v1
Tags:  not added yet

WEPS - Wind Erosion Prediction System[SERVICE-30491]

Tracker: Services Priority: NormalNormal Status: New
Submitted by: rob.streetmanFeb 27 2017 15:42 Modified by: rob.streetmanFeb 27 2017 15:42 Type:
Path: m/weps/3.0 Context: csip-weps Version: 3.0
Website: -- Apps:
Test Status:
Last Tested: -- Test Count: --
Test Success Rate: -- Failed Tests: --
Request Response
    "metainfo": {
            "name": "csip-weps",
            "dataCommands": "See also: csip-WEPS-DataHandler endpoint for a list of data commands also supported by this endpoint"

    "parameter": [
            "name": "hydrologyMethod",
            "description": "Resurfacing buried roots 0 = no resurfacing of buried roots 1 = resurface buried roots (default) (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1",
            "value": 1
            "name": "resurfacing",
            "description": "Specify hydrology calculation method used 0 = darcian flow (default) 1 = Green-Ampt infil., simple drainage (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1",
            "value": 0
            "name": "initialization",
            "description": "Specify if initialization is done and if so, the # loops 0 = No initialization 1 = Runs one management cycle (default) 2 = Runs x management cycles (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "2",
            "value": 1
            "name": "confidenceInterval",
            "description": "Confidence Interval on Rotation Mean Annual Erosion 0 = no confidence interval calc (default) 1 = confidence interval reported 2 = used to limit run length (not implem) (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "2",
            "value": 0
            "name": "furrowEffect",
            "description": "Deep Furrow Effect on Transpiration Depth 0 = no deep furrow effect (default) 1 = deep furrow affects transpiration (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1",
            "value": 0
            "name": "calibrationMode",
            "description": "WEPS crop calibration mode 0 = Do not run crop calibration (default) # = Run crop calibration # interation max (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1000",
            "value": 0
            "name": "calibrationCycles",
            "description": " Specify maximum number of cycles to run while calibrating 0 = Use all cycles (default) (optional)",
            "min": "0",
            "max": "1000",
            "value": 0

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