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csip-jenkins is a plugin for the Jenkins continuous integration system that provides the ability to automatically run and schedule test suites.

The results of these test suites are configured in CodeBeamer, and the results are posted automatically to CodeBeamer.

Getting Started

Download and Installation

Download the plugin file. csip-jenkins.hpi (hpi)

Configure CodeBeamer

Create a tracker in CodeBeamer with the following fields defined:


  • Test Status: a choice field with two options, "Pass" with an ID of 1 and "Fail" with and ID of 2
  • Last Tested: a Date field representing the last time tests were run
  • Test Count: an Integer field representing the number of tests that were ran during the last test run
  • Test Success Rate: an Integer field representing the percentage of tests that completed with a successful result
  • Failed Tests: a Text field a semicolon-delimited list of failed test filenames during the last test run
  • Test Output: a Wikitext field representing a link to the complete Jenkins console output
  • Test Again: a Wikitext field containing a link to run the test again

Create a tracker item in CodeBeamer that will be used to upload all test cases.

Upload Tests to CodeBeamer

Once Jenkins is configured, create a zip file containing all of your CSIP JSON test files and upload them to your CodeBeamer tracker item configured in the previous step. You can upload this zip file by opening the tracker item and clicking “Attach Files” in the “Comments and Attachments” section of the tracker item.

By default, all tests that will be run by the plugin must be named with the prefix "test_" followed by the name of the test, and both zip files and JSON files are accepted. For example, and test_two.json are valid names for test cases.

Once the download is complete, upload the plugin to Jenkins by navigating to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins. Click on the “Advanced” tab, then click on “Choose File” under the “Upload Plugin” section to upload your plugin.

Configure Jenkins

Once the plugin is installed, open your global configuration settings by navigating to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.

You can configure the following settings under the “CSIP CodeBeamer Automation” section:

Timeout: set the number of milliseconds before the plugin will give up on network requests

Click Save when all changes have been made.

Create a Jenkins Job

Once the global configuration is setup, you can create a Jenkins job from the home screen. Open the job and click on Configure. From the Configuration screen, click on Add Build Step > Run CSIP CodeBeamer Automation Tests from the “Build” section.

Configure Jenkins CodeBeamer Job

At this point, enter the following settings:

Jenkins Job Configuration

  • CB URL: The root URL used to perform queries to your CodeBeamer instance
  • CB Project ID: The ID of your CodeBeamer project. This can be found by opening your project in CodeBeamer and then viewing the URL. For example, in, “csip” is the project ID
  • CB Tracker ID: This is the name of the tracker containing all of the tracker items with test cases to be run by the plugin. Defaults to “Services”
  • CB Tracker Item ID: (Optional) The name of your CodeBeamer tracker item. If not specified, all tracker items will be tested
  • Username: the CodeBeamer username that has access to the project, tracker, and tracker items
  • Password: the CodeBeamer password associated with the username

Click Save when all changes have been made.

Run Jenkins Job

Once CodeBeamer contains all of the necessary test cases, you can run the Jenkins Job by clicking “Build Now” from the left-hand navigation menu.