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Installation #45225/HEAD / v60
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Required Software Installation and Configuration

This documentation walks you through the process of installing Docker . It is required to run the CWD software.

Install Docker

Docker ( is containerization technology that enables the creation and use of Linux and Windows containers. Docker containers are extremely lightweight, modular virtual machines. We achieve maximal flexibility with Docker containers that can easily be created, deployed, copies, and moved them from one CWD environment to another one. Docker provides an infrastructure for container management, an image format and a possibility to use a remote registry for sharing containers. As a result, developers and system administrators enjoy the benefit of rapid application deployment, portability across machines, version control and component reuse, component sharing, lightweight footprint and minimal overhead, and simplified maintenance.

For the CWD software we reduced the installation requirements to one package (Docker) that is the platform for running the CWD modeling solutions. Alternatively, one would be required to manage a multitude of packages, dependencies, and configurations for languages, libraries, databases, application servers and environments for one or more operating systems.

For a Windows desktop, it is recommended to run Docker under Windows 10 since this version can take advantage of CPU virtualization capabilities. The documentation below focuses on the Windows 10 installation for Docker. For installing Docker on Linux and MacOS or cloud providers please follow the instructions on

Windows 10

Install the stable version of Docker for Windows 10:

  • Download the stable version of the Docker Community Edition:

  • Double click on the downloaded file. As reported on Microsoft Hyper-V Docker web page, Docker for Windows automatically enables Hyper-V during installation. It asks to restart your machine after it enabled Hyper-V.
  • Open a command-line terminal like PowerShell, and check the Docker version by typing docker version

  • Verify your installation by executing docker run hello-world.


Configuration Adjustments

  1. Make sure that Docker is configured to use Linux containers: right click on the white whale in the notification toolbar and then select Switch to Linux containers...

  2. Make sure to disable the Experimental Features ( Daemon tab in Docker Settings):

  3. Make sure to share the drive you will be using to store your data (e.g. if you store your GIS data C:\Users\<path_to_data> you have to share the C:\ drive) (Shared Drives tab in Docker Settings):

Windows 7

Docker on Windows 7 uses VirtualBox as the host for docker. Instructions and the download are here.

  • Start the Docker Quickstart Terminal either from the desktop icon or the Docker folder in the All Programs start menu.
  • This will create a command console starting in your windows home directory. This is typically C:\users\<login name>.
  • Bring up the VM manager by clicking "Oracle VM VirtualBox" on the desktop or from All Programs by selecting ""Oracle VM VirtualBox" in "Oracle VM VirtualBox".
  • Select "default" from the list of available VMs.
  • Add your frameworks directory by scrolling down to "Shared folders" and click on the text. Click on the "Add shared folder" button on the top right of the dialog. Click the down arrow to choose the directory. Set the folder name to /ficus and check the "Read-only", "Auto-mount" and "Make Permanent" boxes. Close the dialog by clicking "OK".
  • Forward port 80 to the VM by clicking on "Network", then "Advanced", then the "Port Forwarding" button. Click the "Add new port forwarding rule" button in the upper right part of the dialog. Set the host port to "80" and the guest port to "80". Click "OK" to close the dialog.
  • Close the quick start terminal and power off the VM by right-clicking on "default" in the VM manager and selecting "Close" then "Power Off" from the menu.


Install docker using your distribution's package manager. No further configuration changes are required on Linux.