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CSIP Services moved to Kubernetes

(FEB 2017)

For quite some time we where using Eucalytus to host and stage services for various projects. Eucalyptus is an open source stack allowing to run a Amazon-like private cloud. While it served its purpose for a while it became clear that scientific computing needs a more lightweight hosting solution that preferable also has strong software management emphasis.

We prototyped Docker deployment with CSIP and experimented with docker-compose to setup a whole CSIP stack. This was the first step towards Kubernetes, Google's open source, container management and orchestration framework.

Up to this point we are quite impressed on how fitting Kupernetes is for CSIP deployments. A whole service stack with Session server, archive, application server can be provisioned in a single operation using Kubernetes in matter of seconds. CSIP can now monitor its own health, scale as load requires, updates can be rolled out without interrupting the availability of services.

All this is even more automated using Jenkins, where we track a deployment history and auto-generate Kubernetes yaml deployment files and apply them with one button click.

CSIP at AGU2016

(Dec 2016)

Poster: "Supporting Collaborative Model and Data Service Development and Deployment with DevOps"

The development workflow and deployment process for CSIP services was presented as Poster at AGU 2016 in San Francisco.

(click on the thumbnail below to download it.)