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Rounds #17089/HEAD / v10
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DSL Element rounds

This element sets the number of calibration rounds for a luca simulation, as shown in the following example. The element is followed by an integer number.

luca(name: "EFC-luca") {

    outputstrategy(dir: "$oms_prj/output", scheme:SIMPLE)

    model(classname:"model.PrmsDdJh") {
        parameter (file:"$oms_prj/data/params_lucatest.csv") {
            inputFile  "$oms_prj/data/data_lucatest.csv"
            outFile    "out.csv"
            sumFile    "basinsum.csv"
            out        "summary.txt"

            startTime "1980-10-01"
            endTime   "1984-09-30"

     output(time:"date", vars:"basin_cfs,runoff[0]", 
                 fformat="7.3f", file:"out1.csv")

     // calibration start date
     calibration_start "1981-10-01"

     // number of calibration rounds, default is 1
     rounds 2

Element calibration_start


rounds - Number of calibration rounds

Value Description Type Default Occurances
<number> Number of calibration rounds Integer 1 One, required
