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Feedback #17086/HEAD / v10
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DSL Element feedback{}

The feedback element specifies the input and output connections among components across iterations (e.g. timesteps), as follows:
    model(classname:"csm.Input") {

        components {
            input    'csm.Input'
            weather  'csm.Weathr'
            sw       'csm.Sw'
            plant    'csm.Plant'


        connect   {
           'input.DYN'       'weather.DYN'

           'input.DOY'       'sw.DOY'
           'input.DYN'       'sw.DYN'
           'weather.SRAD'    'sw.SRAD'
           'weather.TMAX'    'sw.TMAX'
           'weather.TMIN'    'sw.TMIN'
           'weather.RAIN'    'sw.RAIN'

           'input.DOY'       'plant.DOY'
           'input.DYN'       'plant.DYN'
           'weather.TMAX'    'plant.TMAX'
           'weather.TMIN'    'plant.TMIN'
           'weather.PAR'     'plant.PAR'
           'sw.SWFAC1'       'plant.SWFAC1'
           'sw.SWFAC2'       'plant.SWFAC2'
        feedback   {
           'plant.LAI'       'sw.LAI'

In the example above, LAI output from the plant component is input to the sw and plant component in the next iteration (or timestep). The feedback connnections can be listed in any order.

The use of feedback must be used in combination with the components element.

Element feedback{}


feedback - component input/output connections across iterations

Sub-Elements Description Type Required
<output variable> <input variable> Output to Input String Yes, if component element is used and feedback data flow occurs
