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Scatter #17078/HEAD / v10
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DSL Element scatter{}

Scatter plots show the relationship between two variables by displaying data points on a two-dimensional graph. They are useful in the early stages of analysis when exploring data before actually calculating a correlation coefficient or fitting a regression curve. For example, a scatter plot can help one to determine whether a linear regression model is appropriate.

The scatter element of an analysis provides for an easy creation of a scatter plot:

    analysis {
        scatter {
             x(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"basin_cfs")
             y(file:"%last/out1.csv", column:"runoff[0]")

Provide x and y axis information accordingly. The setup above indicates the correlation of a simulated and observed property such as runoff

Element scatter{}


scatter - scatter plot

Property Description Type Required
title Chart title String No

Sub-elements Description Type Default Occurrences
x x axis variable Value column Exactly one
y y axis variable Value column Exactly one



  • The x and y axis must be referencing a column with numerical values.
  • Columns must have the same number of rows.
