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@Bibliography #17047/HEAD / v10
Tags:  not added yet


A component an be tagged with the @Bibliography annotation to reference the research supporting the science in the component. One or more citations can be listed, with one citation per annotation. It is optional meta data primarily for documentation purposes.


arg - literature citation character string within quotations marks


Documentation Annotation


Class (subroutine)

!  @Description("CSMLite Plant Component")
!  @Bibliography("Jones, J., Hoogenboom G., Porter, C., Boote, K., Batchelor," 
   & "W., Hunt, L., Wilkens, P., Singh, U., Gijsman, A.," 
   & "and J. Ritchie. The DSSAT cropping system model...")
!  @Bibliography("Smith, R.  Second citation...")
!  @Execute