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Application Lifecycle Management

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Epics #162594/HEAD / v60
Tags:  not added yet
Epic Status Notes
Almost Done - Forecast Prediction Computation isn't fully tested
- Computation Pattern Works. Is in place.
- Results of WCIS might come back empty and not be handled
only frontend experiments - tagging installed and queryable but not used or populated
- saved filter models and CRUD but not used or populated
services/stations Almost Done - types and schema complete
- no periodic syncing with the datasource (needs a CRON job)
services/watershed Buggy - shape file can be uploaded
- gdal reads shapefile
- column type doesn't match what I can make with GEOS

Almost Done
- Step pattern and all (5) steps that work

- StepPredict can't get CsipRaw data
- StepPredict doesn't get a computation id correctly for CsipRaw and LogText

Existing Figures
- StationDataTable
- LogText polling
- CsipRaw
- BuildPdfs
- minor: the AnalysisPanel should grow vertically
- GridGenome
- needs columns and rows swapped for readability

Missing Figures
- Forecast Statistics
features/map Not Implemented - FakeMap which is just a manually created Vector layer.
- What is missing from er2_map?
features/misc Old - Old style
- Might not resize well
features/search Half - There is a form
- Form is in a tooltip and it ends up styled very poorly
- Each dropdown _should_ create a Vector by searching the Index from features/forecasts/utils/lunr.ts
- Lunr Index is somewhat out of date. Doesn't account for different date formats.
- If we don't need things like fuzzy date/station matching, consider using a django QuerySet?
features/stations Half - Redux refactor
- Query refactor
- doesn't fully populate or react to form changes
features/watershed Almost Done - widget sends file
- doesn't have layer metadata to display (map sources) (is it leaner without it?)