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Requirements #148875/HEAD / v40
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This wiki page describes the setup requirements for a generalized developer's machine. er2_web provides a containerized Docker environment under er2/deploy/build and will automatically include the requirements listed below automatically.

In most cases, you can rely on er2/deploy/build, but e.g. when debugging workflows, it can be incredibly useful to have the core tools that we use available locally on your own machine .

Developer Machine

Developer machines need a way to get setup that isn't a Dockerfile - below are the recommended starts.



The recommended way to access a terminal session is with the official Windows Terminal. It has improved shell functions, autocomplete, and font rendering. It also lets you jump right into WSL.

Package Manager

The recommended way to install packages is with scoop. It is a user-maintained alternative to Microsoft's Windows Package Manager.

Install Scoop

In a terminal: $iwr -useb | iex


Package Manager

The recommended way to install packages is with Homebrew. It is a user-maintained Package Manager.

Install Homebrew

In a terminal: $ bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Jedi Master

Just use Linux


The following programs are provided as part of the erams/build container image.

To debug or prototype new features, you can install them locally on your developer machine with the corresponding commands.


Node >= 15

Windows: $ scoop install nodejs nvm

Mac: $ brew install node nvm

Yarn ^1.22

Windows: $ scoop install yarn

Mac: $ brew install yarn

Python >=3.6

Windows: $ scoop install python

Mac: $ brew install python