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Core services, infrastructure, and API for all CSIP services.
fix: wrong use of autoclosable
cha: not needed anymore.
new: Strin vararg compatble interface.
cha: cleanup
fix: execution timing.
cha: generate test response file folder only if needed.
added host/url management.
added delay.
cha: HC multicast config.
fix: typo
fix: reesultfile handling cha: OMS_DSL naming cha: JSON data generation
fix: allow for re-execution.
cha: comment on behavior
fix: Description inconsistency in payload cha: reverse argument order of unit and description.
fix: relative executables. (e.g. cmd ...) cha: rename getResourceExe to avoid misuse.
fix: added wine handling for linux only.
new added array parameter, result, and report support.
new: JSONArray support
fix: progess storage in redis causing NPE