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Name: CR 2.10 Description: This release contains all back-end services to support RS and IET. They contain the latest csip-core library code, V2.2.14, which contains updates to allow for the new complex proxy server setup at NRCS that affects how services build host pathnames.
Directory: CR Releases / CR Release Packages for NRCS Last modified: casesp Mar 22 2018 14:04
Document ID: 44001 Owner: casesp
Status: -- Created: Mar 16 2018 13:30
Version: 2 Lock: Unlocked
Comments & Attachments (2)
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Submitted Comment
Mar 22 2018 14:07
CR V2.10 has been posted:
Mar 22 2018 14:06
Note: This release contains all back-end services that are needed for support of RS and IET. Additionally, in previous releases we had maintained a “from CR Vxx.xx” directory that contained an historical collection of unchanged data from previous releases. This release does not contain this structure because every back-end service has changed. The remaining data that would have been found in those previous directories would be database update scripts, which are from previous releases, and were historical. Consequently, it is assumed that the conservation_resources database in use at NRCS has already had all of the previous update scripts applied. If that is not the case, then those update scripts can be found in the previous releases, and CR V2.09.03 contains all of them together. Additionally, in previous releases the IET application had been included, mistakenly, as this application is a front-end application that is distributed to NRCS through separate cover and agreement, and has since been updated through those mechanisms. IET required a database, LMOD, as well, which has also previously been distributed although current IET 1 uses database endpoints at CSU not NRCS. Consequently, that database is not found in this release. If that database is not present on the servers at NRCS but is needed, it may be found in CR V2.09.03.