59 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...ument/CornBelt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| !3 [{Image src='http://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter.php?page=6687052&style=0025&nbdigits=5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'¶ | link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] unique URLs | Show diff |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...ument/CornBelt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| !3 [{Image wiki='[http://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter.php?page=6687052&style=0025&nbdigits=5&type=ip&initCount=0]' link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com' }] unique URLs | |
58 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...ired: [https://www.getpostman.com/] __
| __description for Postman setup: [WIKIPAGE:24068] __
| [!LAMPS_PostmanScreen.png!]
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!
| %%center
| !3 __PDF:__
| !3 __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/.../displayDocument/CornBelt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| !3 [{Image src | Show diff |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...ired: [https://www.getpostman.com/] __
| __description for Postman setup: [WIKIPAGE:24068] __
| ¶ | [!LAMPS_PostmanScreen.png!]
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0);)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!
| %%center
| !3 __PDF:__
| !3 __[lamps-client usage description|CB:/.../displayDocument/CornBelt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| ¶ | [{Image | |
57 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro....png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __required: [https://www.getpostman.com/] __
| __description for Postman setup: [WIKIPAGE:24068] __¶ | ¶ | ¶ | [!LAMPS_PostmanScreen.png!]
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0);)...5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'
| link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | Show diff |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro....png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __required: [https://www.getpostman.com/] __
| [!LAMPS_PostmanScreen.png!]
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0);)...5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'
| link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | |
56 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro....png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __required: [https://www.getpostman.com/] __
| [!LAMPS_PostmanScreen.png!]¶ | ¶ | __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0);)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!...5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'
| link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | Show diff |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro....png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __required: [https://www.getpostman.com/] __
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0);)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!...5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'
| link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | |
55 |
54 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro..._
| __.__
| [!Screenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __required: [https://www.getpostman.com/] __
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0);)__3.) With the lamps-clie...5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'
| link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | Show diff |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro..._
| __.__
| [!Screenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color:rgb(255, 255, 0);)__3.) With the lamps-clie...5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'
| link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | |
53 |
Comments/Attachments |
Great Service! |
-- |
52 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...elt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| [{Image src='http://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter.php?page=6687052&style=0025&nbdigits=5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='' Alt='' border='0'
| link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | Show diff |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...elt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| [{Image src='http://www.free-website-hit-counter.com/c.php?d=9&id=100007&s=18' border='0' title='free website hit counter'
| link='http://www.free-website-hit-counter.com'}] | |
51 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...isplayDocument/CornBelt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| [{Image src='http://www.free-website-hit-counter.com/c.php?d=9&id=100007&s=18' border='0' title='free website hit counter'¶ | link='http://www.free-website-hit-counter.com'}] | Show diff |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop ro...isplayDocument/CornBelt.avi?task_id=13580&artifact_id=33944]
| ----
| !3 Website hits:
| %%error wikiError __Image plugin failed:__ Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin\\¶ | (com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.PluginException:Parameter 'src' or 'wiki' is required for Image plugin)%! | |
50 |
Description |
!1 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop rotat...ng agricultural management practices.
| !2 Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]
| !1 __(/)__
| !1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__¶ | !3 __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198715300039]__¶ | ¶ | __.__¶ | ¶ | __(/)__¶ | ¶ | ¶ | ----
| %!
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| __.__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request & .response description example|CB:/cmdb/13580/LAMPS%20.request%20&%20.response%20description%20example]__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| __required: ...
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color: | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__¶ | ¶ | __.__¶ | ¶ | __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167198715300039]__¶ | ¶ | __.__¶ | ¶ | __(/)__¶ | ¶ | ¶ | ----¶ | !3¶ | !3 __Land-use and Agricultural Management Practices web-Service (LAMPS)__
| LAMPS provides crop rotat...ng agricultural management practices.
| !2 Workflow:
| %%center
| [!LAMPSWorkFlow.png!]
| !1 __(/)__
| %!
| !1 __How to use LAMPS__
| __.__
| !3 __[LAMPS .request & .response description example|ISSUE:6452]__¶ | ¶ | __.__¶ |
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| __required: ...
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| __.__
| ----
| !2 __.__
| !2 %%(background-color: | |
Comments/Attachments |
CornBelt.avi |
-- |
49 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}]
| ----¶ | ¶ | [{Image src='http://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter.php?page=6687040&style=0024&nbdigits=...nd counting visits' Alt='url and counting visits' border='0' link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}]
| [{Image src='http://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter.php?page=6687040&style=0024&nbdigits=...nd counting visits' Alt='url and counting visits' border='0' link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | |
48 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...t/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| ¶ | [{Report id='23493'}]¶ | ¶ | [{Image src='http://hitwebcounter.com/counter/counter.php?page=6687040&style=0024&nbdigits=5&type=ip&initCount=0' title='url and counting visits' Alt='url and counting visits' border='0' link='http://www.hitwebcounter.com'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...t/lamps_client.zip?raw=true&task_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ¶ | ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
47 |
Comments/Attachments |
Click on the file below to see a "movie" or animation of the USA Corn Belt from 2010-2016.
Each image spans two years (e.g., 2010-2011 is the first frame), such that corn can be detected in a two year rotation (such as soybean-corn).
CornBelt.avi CornBelt.avi |
-- |
46 |
Comments/Attachments |
LAMPS sheds new light on automated generation of crop mapping, representative crop rotations in each CMZ, and generation of crop management files for the AgES watershed model. |
-- |
45 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s... | !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| __required: [https://curl.haxx.se/download.html] __
| __.__
| __C:\>curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" "http://csip.engr....ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s... | !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| __required: https://curl.haxx.se/download.html__
| __.__
| __C:\>curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" "http://csip.engr....ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
44 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...
| __.__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| __required: https://curl.haxx.se/download.html__¶ | ¶ | __.__¶ | ¶ | __C:\>curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" "http://csip.engr.colostate.edu:8087/csip-lamps/m/lamps/1.0" -F param=@c:/lamps-req.json -F file1=@c:/scott.kmz__¶ | ¶ | __.__¶ | ¶ | [!Screenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| ...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...
| __.__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| [!Screenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| ...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
43 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...creenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| __.__¶ | ¶ | ¶ | ----¶ | !2 __.__¶ | !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!
| %%center
| !3 __PDF:__
| !3 __[lamps...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...creenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| .
| ----
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-client__%!
| %%center
| !3 __PDF:__
| !3 __[lamps...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
42 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...lable to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| [!Screenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| .¶ | ¶ | ¶ | ----¶ | !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...lable to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| [!Screenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the lamps-...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
41 |
Description |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...
| __.__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| [!Screenshot 2014-10-28 13.10.27.png!]
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the la...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | Show diff |
!1 __LAMPS Soil and Tillage Research Journal Paper:__
| __.__
| __[http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...
| __.__
| !3 __There are 3 options available to use LAMPS:__
| !2 __1.) Plain command line__
| __coming soon__
| !2 __2.) With Postman__
| __coming soon__
| !2 %%(background-color:#ffff00;)__3.) With the la...ask_id=6452&artifact_id=7207&version=1]__
| __(/) __
| ----
| %!
| [{Report id='23493'}] | |
40 |