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RHEM 6 - add interpolated values to Response JSON#29131/v2
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RHEM 6 - add interpolated values to Response JSON[CRQ-29131]

Tracker: Requests Priority: HighHigh Status: Verified
Assigned to:
rumpalJan 04 2017 13:09
Submitted by: peacockgJan 04 2017 13:09 Modified by: rumpalJan 11 2017 14:16 Severity:
RHEM 6 - Risk Assessment

The two final tables displayed in RHEM Risk Assessment UI report are Frequency Analysis Return Period Tables. First table displayed with units(metric or english), years and the second table with years, units(metric or english). The data in the second table comes directly from the risk assessment .out file. The data for the first table must be interpolated. Need to add interpolated values to Response JSON for RHEM 6.

Response from Gerardo about the logic regarding interpolating values for this table is below. He said the interpolation is done on the client side after running the risk assessment executable. I have attached the PHP file he sent.

Attached are images of the two tables.

Here is Gerardo's response:

"In order to calculate the return frequency for the alternative scenarios, I did a linear interpolation. This has been done at the client side with a library called Everpolate( )

I have attached the PHP function that I have defined on the server side to create the JavaScript code to do the interpolation. The JS function that you will want to look at to do the calculation is the first part of CalculateAllReturnPeriods. The $ra_js_array PHP array holds the Frequency Analysis Return Period table from the risk assessment .out file."


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Submitted Comment
Jan 04 2017 13:09
caculatingReturnPeriodInterpolation.php 5.6 KB
ra_freq_analysis2.jpg 137.9 KB