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Application Lifecycle Management

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Testplan.wki#44540/HEAD / v11

Testplan FICUS

  1. Startup
    1. Check start-up scripts for server
    2. Check UI startup script.
    3. Start Server
    4. Connect to server from Browser manually
  2. General
    1. Open close all panels
  3. Map setting
    1. Change Background imagery
    2. Check proper working of scale changes
  4. Options
    1. check all options changes.
  5. Themes
    1. check if they open correctly
    2. check if HTML opens corectly if present
  6. Analysis
    1. Switch between statistics
  7. Bookmarks/History
    1. DnD content
    2. check correct update of config.json
    3. delete entries
    4. check for history duplicates
    5. check for themes that show in the list but don't exist on file system
    6. check correct loading of themes