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FAQ #39798/HEAD / v110
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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I create an alias in Windows PowerShell to run the FICUS/UI?

Make sure docker is installed on your machine. You have to create a function in Powershell as a shortcut to run the FICUS/UI via docker. You cannot use the Set-Alias command, since you have to handle command line arguments.

Type this on your Powershell prompt:

 function ficusui {
   docker run --rm -it -v ${args}:/ficus -p 80:80 omslab/ficus-ui

Now you can use the new ficusiu function to run the server with the local framework directory as argument.

  PS C:\> ficusui C:\AbbrCholeraFramework

 * Starting Apache httpd web server apache2
 You may now connect to http://localhost to run the FICUS UI

I get an '...input/output' error when starting FICUS/UI, what do I have to change?

You are starting the FICUS/UI image and are getting the following input/output error below:

PS C:\Users\sidereus> docker run --rm -it -v C:\AbbrCholeraFramework:/work -p 80:80 omslab/ficus-ui
C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint flamboyant_ptolemy (e0d05e7fb485e7a440f72d2655e524b991f2ab06e982e7a5eb328473a73276d0): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error.

Disable the "Experimental Features" in your Docker configuration as shown in the Docker configuration documentation.

You can also try restarting the docker service.

I get a 'BUILD FAILED' error when running Docker OMS, how can I fix it?

You are running the dockerized version of OMS and are getting the following BUILD FAILED error

PS C:\Users\sidereus\vcs\git\ficus\RUG\RUG_OMSprj> docker run --rm -it -v C:\Users\sidereus\vcs\git\ficus\RUG\RUG_OMSprj\:/work omslab/oms:beta simulation/RUG.sim
Buildfile: /work/build.xml

/work/build.xml:7: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/work/.oms/project.xml:62: /root/.oms/3.5.27 does not exist.

Total time: 0 seconds
rm: cannot remove 'build/': No such file or directory
ERROR: OMS project not built

*** ABORTED ***

An error occured. Exiting...

It means that the version of OMS running into the docker container doesn't match the version of the project configuration file.

There is an hidden folder .oms in the project directory. It contain