FlowStatistics.java [src/java/cfa] Revision: 5149545339c5424c7bc37f3a0cd787c1c62b1060  Date: Tue Jun 17 15:32:38 MDT 2014
package cfa;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Formatter;

* Last Updated: 17-June-2014
* @author Tyler Wible
* @since 29-June-2011
public class FlowStatistics {
    public String getFlowStatistics_summary() {
        return "flow_statistics.txt";
     * Calculates the statistics (min, max) for various numbers of consecutive 
     * days of daily data and other hydrologic indicators of alteration.
     * Additionally, this calculates the same statistics for each year within 
     * the dataset
     * @param mainFolder  the file path where the summary will be saved
     * @param flowData  the String[][] containing sorted data for the time series 
     * (column 1 = dates (yyyy-mm-dd) column 2 = value
     * @param highPercentile  the percentile value for defining a "high flow pulse"
     * typically greater than 75% = 0.75
     * @param lowPercentile  the percentile value for defining a "low flow pulse"
     * typically lower than 25% = 0.25
     * @param m  used to calculate an "m-day-average" flow
     * @param n  used to calculate an "m-day-average" low flow which has a
     * linearly interpolated recurrence interval of "n" years
     * @param dataUnits  the units of the data for output purposes
     * @return  an Object[] where returnArray[0] = flow value of "m-day-average 
     * n-year recurrence low flow"
     * returnValue[1] = the error message (if any) associated with calculating 
     * the mQn flow
     * @throws IOException 
    public Object[] calculateAnnualStatisticsSummaries(String mainFolder,
                                                     String[][] flowData,
                                                     double highPercentile,
                                                     double lowPercentile,
                                                     int m,
                                                     int n,
                                                     String dataUnits) throws IOException{
        //Open a file writer for the summary of the flow statistcs per year
        String path = mainFolder + File.separator + getFlowStatistics_summary();
        Formatter statsSummaryFile = new Formatter(new FileWriter(path, false));
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$46s%n", "Statistics Summary for Entire Analysis Period:");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%n", "");
        //Calculate total data statistics
        Object[] resultArray = calculateFlowStatistics(statsSummaryFile, flowData, highPercentile, lowPercentile, m, dataUnits);//These are not annual statistics because the data can include more than 1 year
        statsSummaryFile = (Formatter) resultArray[0];
        //double mQnFlow_temp = (Double) resultArray[1];
        //Calculate Flow statistics for each year in time period
        DoubleArray doubleArray =  new DoubleArray();
        ArrayList<Double> mQnFlows = new ArrayList<Double>();
        boolean moreYears = flowData.length > 0;
        String currentYear = flowData[0][0].substring(0,4);
        String finalYear = flowData[flowData.length - 1][0].substring(0,4);
            //Get current year's data and calculate it's statistics
            String[][] partialData = doubleArray.getYearsData(flowData, currentYear);
            statsSummaryFile.format("%n", "");
            statsSummaryFile.format("%n", "");
            statsSummaryFile.format("%1$22s%2$4s%3$1s%n", "Statistics Summary for ", currentYear, ":");
            statsSummaryFile.format("%n", "");
            resultArray = calculateFlowStatistics(statsSummaryFile, partialData, highPercentile, lowPercentile, m, dataUnits);//Because partial data only contains 1 year's worth of data these are annual statistics
            statsSummaryFile = (Formatter) resultArray[0];
            double mQnFlow_temp = (Double) resultArray[1];
            int nextYear = Integer.parseInt(currentYear) + 1;
            if(finalYear.compareToIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(nextYear)) >= 0){
                currentYear = String.valueOf(nextYear);
                moreYears = false;
        //Close file writer
        System.out.println("Text File located at:\t" + path);
        //Calculate mQn (7Q10) Statistics
        double mQnFlow = 0;
        if(m != 0 && n != 0){
            int ctr = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<mQnFlows.size(); i++){
                if(mQnFlows.get(i) != Double.NaN){
            String[][] mQnData = new String[ctr][2];
            for(int i=0; i<mQnFlows.size(); i++){
                if(mQnFlows.get(i) != Double.NaN){
                    mQnData[ctr][0] = String.valueOf(ctr);
                    mQnData[ctr][1] = String.valueOf(mQnFlows.get(i));
            double[][] mQnRanks = doubleArray.weibullPlottingPosition(mQnData);

            //Find the "n" recurrence interval and return its corresponding flow as the mQnFlow
            double target = (double) n/10;
            for(int i=0; i<(mQnRanks.length - 1); i++){
                if(n < mQnRanks[i][0] && n > mQnRanks[i+1][0]){
                    //Linear interpolation for flow value for "n" recurrence interval
                    mQnFlow = ((target - mQnRanks[i+1][0])/(mQnRanks[i][0] - mQnRanks[i+1][0]))*(mQnRanks[i][1] - mQnRanks[i+1][1]) + mQnRanks[i+1][1];
                }else if(n == mQnRanks[i][0]){
                    mQnFlow = mQnRanks[i][1];
        String errorMessage = "";
        if(mQnFlow == 0){
            errorMessage = "There is no " + m + " consecutive day flow recorded so there was no " + m + "Q" + n + " flow value calculated.";
        Object[] returnArray = {mQnFlow, errorMessage};
        return returnArray;
     * @param statsSummaryFile
     * @param flowData
     * @param highPercentile
     * @param lowPercentile
     * @param m
     * @param dataUnits
     * @return
     * @throws IOException 
    private Object[] calculateFlowStatistics(Formatter statsSummaryFile,
                                             String[][] flowData,
                                             double highPercentile,
                                             double lowPercentile,
                                             int m,
                                             String dataUnits) throws IOException{
        //Determine statistics
        DoubleMath doubleMath = new DoubleMath();
        //Sort Data consecutively
        Arrays.sort(flowData, new DateComparator());
        //Set up monthly data arrays
        ArrayList<Double> jan_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> feb_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> mar_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> apr_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> may_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> jun_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> jul_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> aug_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> sep_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> oct_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> nov_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> dec_data = new ArrayList<Double>();
        //Calculate 1-day statistics
        ArrayList<Double> average_1Day = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> diffPositive = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> diffNegative = new ArrayList<Double>();
        double max_1day = Double.parseDouble(flowData[0][1]);
        double min_1day = Double.parseDouble(flowData[0][1]);
        double oldValue = 0;
        String max_1day_date = flowData[0][0];
        String min_1day_date = flowData[0][0];
        boolean increasing = false;
        int ctr_zero = 0, ctr_rises = 0, ctr_falls = 0, ctr_reversals = 0;
        String date1 = flowData[0][0];
        for(int i=0; i<flowData.length; i++){
            String date2 = flowData[i][0];
            double month = Double.parseDouble(flowData[i][0].substring(5,7));
            int month_int =  (int) month;
            double value = Double.parseDouble(flowData[i][1]);
            //Store data for monthly averages
            switch (month_int) {
                case 1:  jan_data.add(value); break;
                case 2:  feb_data.add(value); break;
                case 3:  mar_data.add(value); break;
                case 4:  apr_data.add(value); break;
                case 5:  may_data.add(value); break;
                case 6:  jun_data.add(value); break;
                case 7:  jul_data.add(value); break;
                case 8:  aug_data.add(value); break;
                case 9:  sep_data.add(value); break;
                case 10:  oct_data.add(value); break;
                case 11:  nov_data.add(value); break;
                case 12:  dec_data.add(value); break;
                default: break;
            //Calculate Max
            if(max_1day < value){
                max_1day_date = date2;
                max_1day = value;
            //Calculate Min
            if(min_1day > value){
                min_1day_date = date2;
                min_1day = value;
            //Count zero flow days
            if(value == 0){
            //Calculate difference
            if(checkSubsequentDates(date1, date2)){
                double diff = value - oldValue;
                if(diff > 0){
                }else if(diff < 0){

                //Calculate flow reversals for consecutive days only
                if(value > oldValue){
                        increasing = true;
                }else if(value < oldValue){
                        increasing = false;
            //Reset yesterday's flow value
            oldValue = value;
            date1 = date2;
        double mean_all = doubleMath.Average(average_1Day);
        max_1day = doubleMath.round(max_1day,3);
        min_1day = doubleMath.round(min_1day,3);
        double mean_diffPositive = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(diffPositive),3);
        double mean_diffNegative = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(diffNegative),3);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$20s%n", "Maximums and Minimums");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%n", "");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$17s%2$11s%3$10.2f%n","Maximum (1-day): ", max_1day_date, max_1day);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$17s%2$11s%3$10.2f%n","Minimum (1-day): ", min_1day_date, min_1day);
        //Calculate 3-day statistics
        statsSummaryFile = addMinMaxResults(statsSummaryFile, flowData, 3);
        //Calculate 7-day statistics
        statsSummaryFile = addMinMaxResults(statsSummaryFile, flowData, 7);
        //Caluculate additional 7-day statistics
        Object[] resultArray = getMdayData(flowData, 7);
        ArrayList<Double> average_7day = (ArrayList<Double>) resultArray[1];
        double min_7day = doubleMath.min(average_7day);
        double min_7day_ave = doubleMath.round(min_7day/mean_all,3);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$34s%2$10.2f%n","Minimum (7-day) / Annual Average: ", min_7day_ave);
        //Calculate 30-day statistics
        statsSummaryFile = addMinMaxResults(statsSummaryFile, flowData, 30);
        //Calculate 90-day statistics
        statsSummaryFile = addMinMaxResults(statsSummaryFile, flowData, 90);
        //Calculate mQn (7Q10)Statistics
        double min_Mday = 0;
        if(m != 0){
            resultArray = getMdayData(flowData, m);
            ArrayList<Double> average_Mday = (ArrayList<Double>) resultArray[1];
            min_Mday = doubleMath.min(average_Mday);
        //Calculate Pulse Information
        double highLimit = doubleMath.Percentile_function(average_1Day, highPercentile);
        double lowLimit = doubleMath.Percentile_function(average_1Day, lowPercentile);
        ArrayList<Double> highPulses = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<Double> lowPulses = new ArrayList<Double>();
        int ctr_highPulse = 0, ctr_lowPulse = 0;
        double duration_highPulse = 0, duration_lowPulse = 0;
        boolean highPulseTF = false, lowPulseTF = false;
        oldValue = 0;
        date1 = "";
        for(int i=0; i<flowData.length; i++){
            //Check for consecutive days of flow data
            String date2 = flowData[i][0];
            double value = Double.parseDouble(flowData[i][1]);
                if(checkSubsequentDates(date1, date2)){
                    //Calculate high pulse information
                    if(value > highLimit){
                            //If on a new highPulse add to the counters
                            duration_highPulse = 1;
                            highPulseTF = true;
                            //If still on a highPulse, add to the counter
                            duration_highPulse = duration_highPulse + 1;
                        //If no longer on a highPulse, store the results, reset the counters
                            highPulseTF = false;

                    //Calculate low pulse information
                    if(value < lowLimit){
                            //If on a new lowPulse add to the counters
                            duration_lowPulse = 1;
                            lowPulseTF = true;
                            //If still on a lowPulse, add to the counter
                            duration_lowPulse = duration_lowPulse + 1;
                        //If no longer on a lowPulse, store the results, reset the counters
                            lowPulseTF = false;
                    //If no longer on consecutive days, store the results (if previously on a pulse) and reset the counters
                        highPulseTF = false;
                        lowPulseTF = false;
            //Reset yesterday's flow value
            oldValue = value;
            date1 = date2;
        //Build Flow Statistics Summary for output
        highLimit = doubleMath.round(highLimit,1);
        lowLimit = doubleMath.round(lowLimit,1);
        double janAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(jan_data), 3);
        double febAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(feb_data), 3);
        double marAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(mar_data), 3);
        double aprAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(apr_data), 3);
        double mayAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(may_data), 3);
        double junAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(jun_data), 3);
        double julAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(jul_data), 3);
        double augAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(aug_data), 3);
        double sepAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(sep_data), 3);
        double octAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(oct_data), 3);
        double novAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(nov_data), 3);
        double decAve = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(dec_data), 3);
        double mean_highPulses = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(highPulses), 3);
        double mean_lowPulses = doubleMath.round(doubleMath.Average(lowPulses), 3);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%n", "");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$19s%n", "Totals and Averages");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%n", "");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","January Average:             ", janAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","February Average:            ", febAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","March Average:               ", marAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","April Average:               ", aprAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","May Average:                 ", mayAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","June Average:                ", junAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","July Average:                ", julAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","August Average:              ", augAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","September Average:           ", sepAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","October Average:             ", octAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","November Average:            ", novAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","December Average:            ", decAve, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10s%n","Number Of Zero Flow Days:    ", ctr_zero);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10s%n","Number Of Flow Reversals:    ", ctr_reversals);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10s%n","Number Of Flow Rises:        ", ctr_rises);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10s%n","Number Of Flow Falls:        ", ctr_falls);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$29s%2$10s%n","Number Of High Pulses:       ", ctr_highPulse);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$27s%2$12.1f%3$15s%n","Threshold For High Pulses: ", highLimit, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$27s%2$6.1f%3$5s%n","Average Duration Of High Pulses: ", mean_highPulses, " days");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$27s%2$12s%n","Number Of Low Pulses:      ", ctr_lowPulse);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$27s%2$12.1f%3$15s%n","Threshold For Low Pulses:  ", lowLimit, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$27s%2$6.1f%3$5s%n","Average Duration Of Low Pulses:  ", mean_lowPulses, " days");
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$26s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","Average Positive Difference Between Consecutive Days:", mean_diffPositive, dataUnits);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$26s%2$10.2f%3$15s%n","Average Negative Difference Between Consecutive Days:", -mean_diffNegative, dataUnits);
        Object[] returnArray = {statsSummaryFile, min_Mday};
        return returnArray;
     * Add min/max results out the summary statistics for the flow analysis
     * @throws IOException
    private Formatter addMinMaxResults(Formatter statsSummaryFile, String[][] flowData, int numDays) throws IOException{
        //Call analysis on data
        Object[] resultArray = getMdayData(flowData, numDays);
        ArrayList<String> average_Mday_date = (ArrayList<String>) resultArray[0];
        ArrayList<Double> average_Mday = (ArrayList<Double>) resultArray[1];
        //Format results
        DoubleMath doubleMath = new DoubleMath();
        double max_Mday = doubleMath.max(average_Mday);
        double min_Mday = doubleMath.min(average_Mday);
        String max_Mday_date = getDateOfValue(average_Mday_date, average_Mday, max_Mday);
        String min_Mday_date = getDateOfValue(average_Mday_date, average_Mday, min_Mday);
        max_Mday = doubleMath.round(max_Mday,2);
        min_Mday = doubleMath.round(min_Mday,2);
        //Append results to output file
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$18s%2$26s%3$10.2f%n","Maximum (" + numDays + "-day):  ", max_Mday_date + " ", max_Mday);
        statsSummaryFile.format("%1$18s%2$26s%3$10.2f%n","Minimum (" + numDays + "-day):  ", min_Mday_date + " ", min_Mday);
        return statsSummaryFile;
     * Loops through and finds "m-day" consecutive values and takes the average of them
     * @param flowData  a string[][] containing: column1 = dates, column2 = flowValues
     * @param numDays  an integer representing the number (m) of consecutive days to be desired for analysis
     * @returns  an ArrayList containing an ArrayList of each set of "m-day" consecutive set of flows for analysis (min, max, average, etc)
     * @throws IOException
    private Object[] getMdayData(String[][] flowData, int numDays) throws IOException{
        //Loop through flow data and find "m"-day consecutive flows
        DoubleMath doubleMath = new DoubleMath();
        ArrayList<String> allDate = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList<Double> allData = new ArrayList<Double>();
            for(int i=0; i<flowData.length; i++){
                ArrayList<String> mDayDate = new ArrayList<String>();
                ArrayList<Double> mDayData = new ArrayList<Double>();
                int ctr = i;
                for(int j=0; j<numDays; j++){
                        //Keep the first day
                        //Compare the current day to the previous day for consecutive-ness
                        boolean checkNextDate = checkSubsequentDates(flowData[ctr-1][0], flowData[ctr][0]);
                            //If not consecutive days, break out of the loop and move to the next date for flowData
                            i = ctr - 1;//Skip to newest date since there is a break in the consecutive day data
                if(mDayData.size() == numDays){
                    //Add this m-consecutive day set of data to the all data array list for statistics later
                    String startDate = mDayDate.get(0);
                    String endDate = mDayDate.get(numDays - 1);
                    allDate.add(startDate + " to " + endDate);
        }catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){
            //If the consecutive day counter (ctr) goes beyond the length of data available,
            //stop the subroutine and return the existing results
            Object[] returnArray = {allDate, allData};
            return returnArray;
        Object[] returnArray = {allDate, allData};
        return returnArray;
     * Checks if the provided dates are subsequent dates, aka nextDate = date + 1day.  
     * This check includes December 31st to January 1st catchs, 4-year leap-year catches, 
     * 100-year non-leap-year catches and 400-year leap-year catches
     * @param date  the first date to be compared (expected format = yyyy-mm-dd)
     * @param nextDate  the second date to be compared (expected format = (yyyy-mm-dd)
     * @return returns true if nextDate = date + 1day, false otherwise
    private boolean checkSubsequentDates(String date, String nextDate){
        double year = Double.parseDouble(date.substring(0,4));
        double month = Double.parseDouble(date.substring(5,7));
        double day = Double.parseDouble(date.substring(8));
        //Next Date
        double year2 = Double.parseDouble(nextDate.substring(0,4));
        double month2 = Double.parseDouble(nextDate.substring(5,7));
        double day2 = Double.parseDouble(nextDate.substring(8));

        boolean subsequentDates = false;
        //Check if nextDate = date + 1 day

        if(Double.compare(year,year2) == 0){//Check if same year
            if(Double.compare(month, month2) == 0){//Check if same month
                if(Double.compare(day + 1, day2) == 0){//Check if subsequent day
                    subsequentDates = true;	
                if((Double.compare(month + 1, month2) == 0) && //Check if subsequent month
                        (Double.compare(day2,1) == 0)){//Check if first day
                    //Check months with 31 days
                    if((Double.compare(day, 31) == 0) &&
                            ((Double.compare(month, 1) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 3) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 5) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 7) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 8) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 10) == 0))){
                        subsequentDates = true;

                    //Check months with 30 days
                    }else if((Double.compare(day, 30) == 0) &&
                            ((Double.compare(month, 4) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 6) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 9) == 0) ||
                            (Double.compare(month, 11) == 0))){
                        subsequentDates = true;
                    //Check February for leap years (including the 100-year-not-leap-year and 400-year-leap-year)
                    }else if((Double.compare(month, 2) == 0)){
                        boolean leapYear = false;
                        double yearUp4 = Math.ceil(year/4);
                        double yearDown4 = Math.floor(year/4);
                        double yearUp100 = Math.ceil(year/100);
                        double yearDown100 = Math.floor(year/100);
                        double yearUp400 = Math.ceil(year/400);
                        double yearDown400 = Math.floor(year/400);
                        if(yearUp400 == yearDown400){
                            leapYear = true;
                        }else if(yearUp100 == yearDown100){
                            leapYear = false;
                        }else if(yearUp4 == yearDown4){
                            leapYear = true;
                        //Check non-leap years (28 day February)
                        if(!leapYear  && (Double.compare(day, 28) == 0)){//Check if is subsequent day
                            subsequentDates = true;

                        //Check leap years (29 day February)
                        }else if(leapYear && (Double.compare(day, 29) == 0)){//Check if is subsequent day
                            subsequentDates = true;

            //Check if subsequent years, months, and days from December 31st to January 1st
            if((Double.compare(year + 1, year2) == 0) && //Check if subsequent years
                    (Double.compare(month, 12) == 0) && //and the first date is December
                    (Double.compare(month2, 1) == 0) && //and the second date is January
                    (Double.compare(day, 31) == 0) && //and the first date is the 31st
                    (Double.compare(day2, 1) == 0)){ //and the second date is the 1st
                subsequentDates = true;

        return subsequentDates;
    private String getDateOfValue(ArrayList<String> dates, ArrayList<Double> data, double value){
        String dateOfValue = "null";
        for(int i=0; i<dates.size(); i++){
            if(data.get(i) == value){
                dateOfValue = dates.get(i);
        return dateOfValue;