V2_0.java [src/java/m/example/simpleservice] Revision: 01c5d1e0809f19123630d5643710581b9221e8dc  Date: Sat Aug 18 13:08:40 MDT 2018
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package m.example.simpleservice;

import csip.ServiceException;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import oms3.annotations.*;
import csip.annotations.Stage;

@Name("conv #2")
@Description("Example of an simple service")
@Stage("Stay away.")
//@Resource(file = "/data/us_cvalues_topo2ras_masked.zip", type = ARCHIVE)
//@Resource(file = "/data/us_cvalues_topo2ras_masked.tif", type = REFERENCE, id = "tiff")
public class V2_0 extends csip.ModelDataService {

    protected void doProcess() throws Exception {
        long sleep = getLongParam("sleep", 0);
        double temp = getDoubleParam("temp_c");
        String un = getParamUnit("temp_c");
        if (un.equals("C")) {
            putResult("temp", temp * 9 / 5 + 32,"temperature", "F");
        throw new ServiceException("missing unit.");