V1_0.java [src/java/m/example/gis_geotools] Revision: 0eb7802d87405cd03bb930945bc6bcd624982cdb  Date: Mon Jun 06 10:54:08 MDT 2016
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package m.example.gis_geotools;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import csip.ModelDataService;
import csip.ServiceException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import static java.util.logging.Level.INFO;
import static java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import oms3.annotations.Description;
import oms3.annotations.Name;
import static org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.toInputStream;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureIterator;
import org.geotools.geojson.feature.FeatureJSON;
import org.geotools.geojson.geom.GeometryJSON;
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;

 *  Basic usage of the GeoTools Geometry and Feature objects.
 *  NOTE:  This example also delves into:
 *         -- SQL statements for MsSQL -vs- PostGIS
 *         -- Demonstration, in the JSON example input files, of the _proper_ usage of "Geometry", "Feature" and "FeatureCollection" types.
 *              Notice in the basic_geometry JSON file there is no keyword "Geometry"...This is correct usage.  "Geometry" is only specified in
 *              "Feature" or GeometryCollection, and has been misused, to date, in our service JSON examples .
 *              The FeatureCollection and Feature types in GeoJSON should be used to their utmost ability, if possible.
 *              Features that have properties should set those properties in their associated Feature properties section
 *              not specify them as separate JSONObjects in the input params.  Using tools like ArcMap or ArcGIS can, subsequently
 *              produce the inputs for our services without outside intervention, if we utilize these GeoJSON features correctly.
 *              Please See:  http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html for further details...
 *              NOTE:  Thus far, to date, our usage of "Feature" and "FeatureCollection" have been invalid GeoJSON in many cases, and this needs to be repaired,
 *                     for instance, every "Feature" MUST have a "properties" section, but most of ours do not...and most of the time, we really mean 
 *                     to use "Geometry" not "Feature"....
 * @author Shaun Case
@Description("An example of how to read in geometries or featurecollections using the geotools libraries.  Also demonstrates proper GeoJSON, error passing with ModelDataServices and SQL differences between PostGIS and MsSQL")
public class V1_0 extends ModelDataService {

    Geometry aoa_geometry;
    JSONObject aoa_input_geometry;
    String exampleQuery1, exampleQuery2, exampleQuery3, exampleQuery4;

    //  NOTE:  Changed "Exception" to csip.ServiceException.  (It's considered really bad form to throw a generic exception in Java)
    //         We will check the validity of the param array, if it is present, and return a distinct message identifying what is
    //         missing, if necessary, when we throw a csip.ServiceException. This is much better than just throwing the exception
    //         with no message at all.
    protected void preProcess() throws csip.ServiceException {
        Map<String, JSONObject> inputParams = getParamMap();
        if (null != inputParams) {
            this.aoa_input_geometry = inputParams.get("aoa_geometry");
            if (null == this.aoa_input_geometry) {
                throw new csip.ServiceException("No 'aoa_geometry' item was found in the JSON input.  Please specify an 'aoa_geometry' .");
        } else {
            throw new csip.ServiceException("No JSON input parameters were found.  Please specify some input.");

    protected void doProcess() throws ServiceException {

        GeometryJSON geoJSON = new GeometryJSON();
        try {
            if (this.aoa_input_geometry.has("features")) {
                FeatureJSON featureJSON = new FeatureJSON();

                FeatureCollection inputFeatures = featureJSON.readFeatureCollection(this.aoa_input_geometry.toString());
                FeatureIterator tFeatures = inputFeatures.features();
                int count = 1;
                while (tFeatures.hasNext()) {
                    Feature tFeature = tFeatures.next(); 
                    this.aoa_geometry = (Geometry) ((SimpleFeature) tFeature).getAttribute("geometry");
                    LOG.log(INFO, "Feature geometry " + count + " recieved was:" + this.aoa_geometry.toText());                    
                    //  Do something with this particular feature here...OR just grab the first one if only one was specified.
                    //  This particular code assumes only one was specified, but can easily be altered to send more than one
                    //  and do something with each....
            } else {
                if ( this.aoa_input_geometry.has("type")){  //Try to uncover if this is a "Feature" or a geometry object                    
                    if ( this.aoa_input_geometry.getString("type").equalsIgnoreCase("feature")){
                        FeatureJSON featureJSON = new FeatureJSON();
                        Feature tFeature = featureJSON.readFeature(this.aoa_input_geometry.toString());
                        this.aoa_geometry = (Geometry) ((SimpleFeature) tFeature).getAttribute("geometry");
                        //  Here we could pull out the Feature's properies as well...
                        if ( LOG.isLoggable(INFO) ){
                            LOG.log(INFO, "This Feature''s Id is: " +((SimpleFeature) tFeature).getID());
                            LOG.log(INFO, "This Feature''s name is: " + ((SimpleFeature) tFeature).getAttribute("name"));
                            //NOTE:  For some reason, property values that are arrays (as in the example JSON), don't get read, so watch out for this!
                            LOG.log(INFO, "This Feature''s adjustment factor is:" + ((SimpleFeature) tFeature).getAttribute("AdjustmentFactor"));
                    else{  //Try to read the GeoJSON geometry object
                        this.aoa_geometry = geoJSON.read(toInputStream(this.aoa_input_geometry.toString()));

            //  TODO:  Add your code here to do something with the geometry(ies) you read in.
            //         For instance:  See code lines below:  (NOTE:  The .toText() funciton of "Geometry" returns WKT..)
            //  Log the WKT of the input.
            LOG.log(INFO, "Last aoa_geometry value recieved was: " + this.aoa_geometry.toText());
            //     PostGIS specific SQL statement below to calculate area in acres.
            exampleQuery1 = "SELECT st_area(st_transform(ST_PolygonFromText('" + this.aoa_geometry.toText() + "', 4326),3541))/43560 as areaInAcres; ";

            //     MsSQL specific SQL statement below to calculate area in acres.  (NOTE:  Assumes point rotation is openGIS compliant, i.e. non-ESRI Shapefile)
            exampleQuery2 = "SELECT  geography::STGeomFromText('" + this.aoa_geometry.toText() + "', 4326).MakeValid().STArea() / 4046.86 as areaInAcres; ";

            //     MsSQL specific SQL statement below to calculate area in acres.  (NOTE:  Assumes point rotation is non-openGIS compliant, i.e. ESRI Shapefile)
            exampleQuery3 = "SELECT  geography::STGeomFromText('" + this.aoa_geometry.toText() + "', 4326).ReorientObject().MakeValid().STArea() / 4046.86 as areaInAcres; ";
            //     MsSQL specific SQL statement below to calculate area in acres.  (NOTE:  Example MsSQL Query for unkown rotation types using MsSQL CASE-WHEN Statement in-case rotation type is unknown.)
            exampleQuery4 = "SELECT CASE WHEN geography::STGeomFromText('" + this.aoa_geometry.toText() + "', 4326).MakeValid().EnvelopeAngle() > 90 THEN  geography::STGeomFromText('" + this.aoa_geometry.toText() + "', 4326).MakeValid().ReorientObject().STArea() ELSE geography::STGeomFromText('" + this.aoa_geometry.toText() + "', 4326).MakeValid().STArea() / 4046.86 END as areaInAcres; ";            

        } catch (IOException ex) {
            LOG.log(SEVERE, "Cannot parse the input GeoJSON into valid GIS entities: ", ex);            
            throw new csip.ServiceException("Cannot parse the input GeoJSON into valid GIS entities: ",ex);

        } catch (JSONException ex) {
            LOG.log(SEVERE, "Cannot parse the aoa_geometry geometry type.  Please check your syntax. ", ex);
            throw new csip.ServiceException("Cannot parse the aoa_geometry geometry type.  Please check your syntax. ", ex);

    protected void postProcess(){
        putResult("example_postgis_sql", exampleQuery1, "Example PostGIS SQL Query using input" );
        putResult("example_mssql_sql_1", exampleQuery2, "Example MsSQL Query for ESRI Shapefile rotation using input" );
        putResult("example_mssql_sql_2", exampleQuery3, "Example MsSQL Query for openGIS compliant rotation using input" );   
        putResult("example_mssql_sql_3", exampleQuery4, "Example MsSQL Query for unkown rotation types using MsSQL CASE-WHEN Statement" ); 