[src/java/m/weps] Revision: f91250fd462a7eea76dc2ac0c64cfe29df96b77e  Date: Fri Feb 05 09:36:59 MST 2016
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package m.weps;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import util.ErosionConst;

 * @author User
public class GUI1Parser {
    public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GUI1Parser.class.getName());
    public static void parseGUI1(String data,WepsOutput wo){ // The values pulled from this file were not correct
        boolean bNanFound = false;
        // If we get to a point that we want values from an entire column it might be nice to sort the data into a double array but
        // for now I am just counting from the end of the list because we just need a few from the total row.
        String[] values = data.split("\\|");
        ArrayList<String> trimValues = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++){
        wo.saltation = trimValues.get(trimValues.size()-62-1); // I think I wrote it like this because the 62 was how far back it was and the -1 for 0 indexing
        wo.suspension = trimValues.get((trimValues.size()-61-1));
        wo.pm10 = trimValues.get((trimValues.size()-60-1));
        if (wo.saltation.equals("NaN"))
            wo.saltation = "0.0000";
            wo.bNaN = true;
            bNanFound = true;
        if (wo.suspension.equals("NaN"))
            wo.suspension = "0.0000";
            wo.bNaN = true;
            bNanFound = true;
        if (wo.pm10.equals("NaN"))
            wo.pm10 = "0.0000";
            wo.bNaN = true;
            bNanFound = true;            
        if (bNanFound)
            LOG.warning("Parsing gui1_data.out: " + ErosionConst.WEPS_FOUND_NAN_IN_OUTPUT);
                       "wo.saltation: "+wo.saltation);"wo.suspension: "+wo.suspension);