[src/java/m/hydrotools/conv] Revision: df57a55ea7dd4f9f640ae39adfb2b9404a2fdad8  Date: Wed Sep 26 10:53:45 MDT 2018
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package m.hydrotools.conv;

import csip.ModelDataService;
import csip.annotations.*;

 * NOAA converter Service.
 * @author od
@Name("NOAA converter Hydrotools")
@Description("NOAA converter. (smoothing)")
@Polling(first = 10000, next = 2000)
@Resource(file = "/bin/lin-amd64/NOAA_Converter_V31_sm.exe", type = ResourceType.EXECUTABLE, id = "auto")
@Resource(file = "*.inp *.err *.dbg *stdout.txt *stderr.txt", type = ResourceType.OUTPUT)
public class NOAA_sm_V1_0 extends ModelDataService {
  // nothing else to do here :)