[src/java/cfa] Revision: 4daefd1ac3a5cce6d2af07d219b133db7ce0b7a4 Date: Thu Sep 26 16:17:42 MDT 2013
package cfa;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle;
* Last Updated: 8-August-2013
* @author Tyler Wible
* @since 18-June-2012
public class BaseflowResults {
* Graph the 3-pass base-flow separation results from "BFLOW"
* @param mainFolder the file location where the input file is and where graph will be saved
* @param organizationName the name of the supervising agency for the current station
* @param stationID the station ID of the current station, used for graph labels and error catches
* @param stationName the name of the current station, used for graph labels
* @throws IOException
public void graphBFLOWresults(String mainFolder,
String organizationName,
String stationID,
String stationName,
String[][] sortedData_user) throws IOException{
DoubleMath doubleMath = new DoubleMath();
DurationCurve durationCurve = new DurationCurve();
//Pull out results to be graphed
String[][] baseFlowResults = readBFLOWresults(mainFolder);
//Create TimeSeries to graph of the stream flow, baseflow1, baseflow2, and baseflow3
TimeSeries streamflow_series = new TimeSeries("Streamflow");
TimeSeries baseflow1_series = new TimeSeries("Base-flow Pass 1");
TimeSeries baseflow2_series = new TimeSeries("Base-flow Pass 2");
TimeSeries baseflow3_series = new TimeSeries("Base-flow Pass 3");
TimeSeries streamflow_series_user = new TimeSeries("Streamflow User Data");
TimeSeries baseflow1_series_user = new TimeSeries("Base-flow Pass 1 User Data");
TimeSeries baseflow2_series_user = new TimeSeries("Base-flow Pass 2 User Data");
TimeSeries baseflow3_series_user = new TimeSeries("Base-flow Pass 3 User Data");
ArrayList<Double> baseflowPass1 = new ArrayList<Double>();
int day = 1, month = 1, year = 1900, ctr = 0;
double d =1, m =1, y=1;
for(int i=0; i < baseFlowResults.length; i++) {
double streamFlow = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][3]);
double baseFlow1 = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][4]);
double baseFlow2 = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][5]);
double baseFlow3 = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][6]);
//Re-format date for graph
y = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][0]);
m = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][1]);
d = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][2]);
year = (int)y;
month = (int)m;
day = (int)d;
Day date = new Day(day,month,year);//day,month,year
streamflow_series.add(date, streamFlow);
baseflow1_series.add(date, baseFlow1);
baseflow2_series.add(date, baseFlow2);
baseflow3_series.add(date, baseFlow3);
//Create a date string of the current date to compare against dates of user data
String date_str = String.valueOf(year);
if(month < 10){
date_str = date_str + "-0" + String.valueOf(month);
date_str = date_str + "-" + String.valueOf(month);
if(day < 10){
date_str = date_str + "-0" + String.valueOf(day);
date_str = date_str + "-" + String.valueOf(day);
//Create an XYSeries only if user data is not empty
if(sortedData_user.length > 0 && sortedData_user.length > ctr){
String userDate = sortedData_user[ctr][0];
streamflow_series_user.add(date, streamFlow);
baseflow1_series_user.add(date, baseFlow1);
baseflow2_series_user.add(date, baseFlow2);
baseflow3_series_user.add(date, baseFlow3);
double baseflowMax = doubleMath.max(baseflowPass1);
//Graph the baseflow on a timeseries axis
XYPlot plotTime = new XYPlot();
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, streamflow_series, true, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, false, false, true, 7);
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, baseflow1_series, true, Color.GRAY, true, true, true, 6);
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, baseflow2_series, true, Color.DARK_GRAY, true, true, true, 5);
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, baseflow3_series, true,, true, true, true, 4);
//Create user data points
if(sortedData_user.length != 0){//only show user points if it is not zero
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, streamflow_series_user, false, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, false, false, true, 3);
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, baseflow1_series_user, false, Color.GRAY, false, false, true, 2);
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, baseflow2_series_user, false, Color.DARK_GRAY, false, false, true, 1);
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, baseflow3_series_user, false,, false, false, true, 0);
//Define Y Axis
ValueAxis rangeTime = new NumberAxis("Flow [cfs]");
rangeTime.setRange(0, baseflowMax);
plotTime.setRangeAxis(0, rangeTime);
//Define X Axis
DateAxis domainTime = new DateAxis("Date");
plotTime.setDomainAxis(0, domainTime);
//Set other graph preferences
//Graph plot onto JfreeChart
String title = "BFLOW Base-flow Separation For Station: " + stationID + ", " + stationName + " Agency: " + organizationName;
JFreeChart parentChart = new JFreeChart(title, durationCurve.titleFont, plotTime, true);
//Set legend Font
LegendTitle legendTitle = parentChart.getLegend();
//Save resulting graph
try {
guiBaseflow_Model model = new guiBaseflow_Model();
String path = mainFolder + File.separator + model.getGraph();
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(new File(path), parentChart, 1280, 800);
System.out.println("JFreeChart created properly at: " + path);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Problem occurred creating chart");
* Reads the output file of BFLOW and reformats it to be used in later functions
* @param path the file location of the output file
* @param fileName the name of the output file
* @return a String[][] of the results of the BFLOW analysis where:
* the first column contains the year of the date, the second column the month, third column the day,
* fourth column the initial streamflow value, the fifth column the 1st baseflow analysis pass, the
* sixth column the 2nd baseflow analysis pass, and the seventh column the 3rd baseflow analysis pass
* @throws IOException
private String[][] readBFLOWresults(String path) throws IOException{
//Open a reader for the results file
FileReader file_to_read = new FileReader(path + "/baseflow.out");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(file_to_read);
String currentLine;
int ctr = 0;
ArrayList<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();
//Read out the contents of the results file
while((currentLine = reader.readLine()) !=null){
if(ctr >= 2){//Ignore the first two rows of headers
String[] columns = currentLine.split(",");
String year = columns[0];
String month = columns[1];
String day = columns[2];
if(!year.equalsIgnoreCase(" 0") && !month.equalsIgnoreCase(" 0") && !day.equalsIgnoreCase(" 0")){
String[][] resultArray = new String[resultList.size()][7];
Iterator<String> iterate = resultList.iterator();
ctr = 0;
String[] columns =",");
//System.out.println(ctr + "\t" + currentLine);
//substring out the results of year, month, day, Streamflow, Baseflow Pass1, Baseflow Pass2, Baseflow Pass3
//based on csv columns
String year = columns[0];
String month = columns[1];
String day = columns[2];
String streamFlow = columns[3];
String baseFlow1 = columns[4];
String baseFlow2 = columns[5];
String baseFlow3 = columns[6];
//Trim off extra white space characters
year = year.trim();
month = month.trim();
day = day.trim();
streamFlow = streamFlow.trim();
baseFlow1 = baseFlow1.trim();
baseFlow2 = baseFlow2.trim();
baseFlow3 = baseFlow3.trim();
//Add values to the result array
resultArray[ctr][0] = year;
resultArray[ctr][1] = month;
resultArray[ctr][2] = day;
resultArray[ctr][3] = streamFlow;
resultArray[ctr][4] = baseFlow1;
resultArray[ctr][5] = baseFlow2;
resultArray[ctr][6] = baseFlow3;
return resultArray;
* Graph the hydrograph separation results from "HYSEP
* @param mainFolder the file location where the input file is and where graph will be saved
* @param organizationName the name of the supervising agency for the current station
* @param stationID the station ID of the current station, used for graph labels and error catches
* @param stationName the name of the current station, used for graph labels
* @throws IOException
public void graphHYSEPresults(String mainFolder, String organizationName, String stationID, String stationName) throws IOException{
DurationCurve durationCurve = new DurationCurve();
//Pull out results to be graphed
String[][] baseFlowResults = readHYSEPresults(mainFolder, ".bsf");//hysep.bsf
String[][] streamFlowResults = readHYSEPresults(mainFolder, ".sro");//hysep.sro
//Create TimeSeries to graph of the stream flow, baseflow and total flow to be graphed
TimeSeries totalFlow_series = new TimeSeries("Total Stream flow");
TimeSeries streamflow_series = new TimeSeries("Stream flow");
TimeSeries baseflow_series = new TimeSeries("Base-flow");
int day = 1, month = 1, year = 1900;
double d=1, m=1, y=1;
for(int i=0; i < baseFlowResults.length; i++) {
double streamFlow = Double.parseDouble(streamFlowResults[i][3]);
double baseFlow = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][3]);
//Re-format date for graph
y = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][0]);
m = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][1]);
d = Double.parseDouble(baseFlowResults[i][2]);
year = (int)y;
month = (int)m;
day = (int)d;
Day date = new Day(day,month,year);//day,month,year
streamflow_series.add(date, streamFlow);
baseflow_series.add(date, baseFlow);
totalFlow_series.add(date, streamFlow + baseFlow);
//Graph the baseflow on a timeseries axis
XYPlot plotTime = new XYPlot();
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, totalFlow_series, true,, false, false, true, 2);
// plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, streamflow_series, true, Color.lightGray, false, false, true, 1);
plotTime = graphTimeData(plotTime, baseflow_series, true, Color.gray, false, false, true, 0);
//Define Y Axis
ValueAxis rangeTime = new NumberAxis("Flow [cfs]");
plotTime.setRangeAxis(0, rangeTime);
//Define X Axis
DateAxis domainTime = new DateAxis("Date");
plotTime.setDomainAxis(0, domainTime);
//Set other graph preferences
//Graph plot onto JfreeChart
String title = "USGS-HYSEP Hydrograph Separation For Station: " + stationID + ", " + stationName + " By: " + organizationName;
JFreeChart parentChart = new JFreeChart(title, durationCurve.titleFont, plotTime, true);
//Set legend Font
LegendTitle legendTitle = parentChart.getLegend();
//Save resulting graph
try {
String path = mainFolder + "/baseflow_graph.jpg";
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(new File(path), parentChart, 1280, 800);
System.out.println("JFreeChart created properly at: " + path);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Problem occurred creating chart");
* Reads one of the WATSTORE formated output files of HYSEP and reformats it into a daily timeseries to be used in later functions
* @param mainFolder the file location of the output file
* @param fileType the type of HYSEP output file being read (".bsf" for baseflow or ".sro" for stream flow)
* @return a String[][] of the results of the HYSEOP analysis where:
* the first column contains the year of the date, the second column the month, third column the day,
* fourth column the values of the file (if the file is .bsf then baseflow values, if the file is .sro then streamflow values)
* @throws IOException
private String[][] readHYSEPresults(String mainFolder, String fileType) throws IOException{
//Open a reader for the results file
FileReader file_to_read = new FileReader(mainFolder + "/baseflow" + fileType);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(file_to_read);
String currentLine;
int ctr=0, dayCtr=1;
ArrayList<String> yearList = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> monthList = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> dayList = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> flowList = new ArrayList<String>();
//Read out the contents of the results file
while((currentLine = reader.readLine()) !=null){
if(ctr >= 1){//Ignore the first row header
//substring out the results of year, month, day, Streamflow, Baseflow Pass1, Baseflow Pass2, Baseflow Pass3
//based on fixed width columns
String year = currentLine.substring(16,20).trim();
String month = currentLine.substring(20,22).trim();
String week = currentLine.substring(22,24).trim();
//Loop through the 'week' and pull out the values for each day
int numberOfDays = checkMonthYear(year, month, week);
for(int i=1; i<=numberOfDays; i++){
String dayFlow = currentLine.substring(24 + (i-1)*7, 24 + i*7).trim();
//Add the day's flow value to the list
if(Integer.parseInt(week) == 4){
String[][] resultArray = new String[dayList.size() - 1][4];//The minus one is there because if 10 days are given only 9 will have baseflow calculations because the 10th day is the calculation for the 9th day
for(int i=0; i<resultArray.length; i++){
//System.out.println(i + "\t" + currentLine);
//Add values to the result array
resultArray[i][0] = yearList.get(i);
resultArray[i][1] = monthList.get(i);
resultArray[i][2] = dayList.get(i);
resultArray[i][3] = flowList.get(i);
return resultArray;
* Checks based on the year, month, and week how many days are in the current 'week' of the WATSTORE (.gsd) file
* @param year the current year
* @param month the current month
* @param week the current WATSTORE file 'week'
* @return an integer number of days in the current 'week' of the WATSTORE (.gsd) file
private int checkMonthYear(String year, String month, String week){
//If week = 1, 2, or 3 it has 8 days
if(Integer.parseInt(week) < 4){
return 8;
//If week = 4 then its more complicated
int numberOfDays = 0;
switch(Integer.parseInt(month)){//Determine the number of days per the 4th 'week' in each month (gsd/WATSTORE files use an 8 or less day week to allow each month to have exactly 4 'weeks' keeping a consistent number of lines per year in the file)
case 1: numberOfDays = 7; break;
case 2: numberOfDays = checkLeapYear(Integer.parseInt(year));break;
case 3: numberOfDays = 7; break;
case 4: numberOfDays = 6; break;
case 5: numberOfDays = 7; break;
case 6: numberOfDays = 6; break;
case 7: numberOfDays = 7; break;
case 8: numberOfDays = 7; break;
case 9: numberOfDays = 6; break;
case 10: numberOfDays = 7; break;
case 11: numberOfDays = 6; break;
case 12: numberOfDays = 7; break;
default: break;
return numberOfDays;
* Determines if the provided year (as an integer) is a leap year or not taking into
* account for leap years every 4 years, not every 100 years, and leap years every
* 400 years (this has to do with round off errors in the length of a day that propagate
* over time). If support for >400 year leap year information is desired modify this subfunction.
* @param currentYear the current year
* @return an integer number of days in the forth 'week' of february (a WATSTORE file 'week')
private int checkLeapYear(int currentYear){
//Determine how many days February should have based on if it is a leap year or not
boolean leapYear = false;
double currentYear_db = (double) currentYear;
//Determine if this year is a leap year (divide by 4) and take into account every 100 years it is not a leap year and every 400 it is
double yearUp4 = Math.ceil(currentYear_db/4);
double yearDown4 = Math.floor(currentYear_db/4);
double yearUp100 = Math.ceil(currentYear_db/100);
double yearDown100 = Math.floor(currentYear_db/100);
double yearUp400 = Math.ceil(currentYear_db/400);
double yearDown400 = Math.floor(currentYear_db/400);
if(yearUp400 == yearDown400){
leapYear = true;
}else if(yearUp100 == yearDown100){
leapYear = false;
}else if(yearUp4 == yearDown4){
leapYear = true;
//Based on the leap year or not determine the number of days in February
int feb = 4;
feb = 5;
return feb;
* Graphs the TimeSeries on to the provided plot with the below properties for rendering, color, series index
* @param plot The XYPlot to graph the XYSeries on
* @param currentLine the XYSeries containing the x,y points of the current line series
* @param lineTrue a boolean, true if the series is to have lines connecting the points, otherwise no line
* @param seriesColor The desired color of the series (Java.Color)
* @param dashedLine if true then the XYSeries will have a dashed line instead of a solid one, if false it will be the normal solid line
* @param shortDash if true a dashed line like the major grid lines will be drawn, otherwise a long dashed line will be used
* @param visibleInLegend if true then the XYSeries' name will be visible in the legend, if false this XYSeries' name will not be visible in the legend
* @param graphIndex the series index for the current line, this should be incrementally increased
* each time this function is call so that the new dataset does not replace the old one
* @return the XYPlot with the added TimeSeries
private XYPlot graphTimeData(XYPlot plot,
TimeSeries currentLine,
boolean lineTrue,
Color seriesColor,
boolean dashedLine,
boolean shortDash,
boolean visibleInLegend,
int graphIndex){
//Create Line Data and renderer
TimeSeriesCollection currentDataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(currentLine);
//Check if this series should have a dashed line or solid line and change the renderer accordingly
XYItemRenderer currentRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(lineTrue, !lineTrue);
currentRenderer.setSeriesPaint(0, seriesColor);
currentRenderer.setSeriesVisibleInLegend(0, visibleInLegend);
//Check if this series should have a dashed line, if so change the renderer
//Change the renderer's stroke to a short dashed line
new BasicStroke(
1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND,
1.0f, new float[] {1.0f, 2.0f}, 0.0f
//Change the renderer's stroke to a long dashed line
new BasicStroke(
1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND,
1.0f, new float[] {6.0f, 6.0f}, 0.0f
//Put the LDC line data, renderer, and axis into plot
plot.setDataset(graphIndex, currentDataset);
plot.setRenderer(graphIndex, currentRenderer);
//Put the line on the first Domain and first Range
plot.mapDatasetToDomainAxis(0, 0);
plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(0, 0);
return plot;
* This sub-function takes the provided plot and changes the fonts of the axis to a standardized new font
* @param plot the XYPlot containing the graph on which the fonts will be changed
* @return the original plot with the modifications to the axis fonts
private XYPlot setAxisFonts(XYPlot plot){
DurationCurve durationCurve = new DurationCurve();
//Set Y axis fonts
ValueAxis yAxis = plot.getRangeAxis();
//Set X axis fonts
DateAxis xAxis = (DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis();
return plot;