V1_0.java [src/java/m/wqm/wqm09_pesticidesarp] Revision: default  Date:
package m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp;

import csip.ModelDataService;
import csip.api.server.ServiceException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import csip.annotations.Description;
import csip.annotations.Name;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import csip.utils.JSONUtils;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;

 * @author Srinivas
 * @author Rumpal Sidhu
@Name("WQM-09: Pesticide Soil Adsorbed Runoff Potential (PesticideSARP)")
@Description("This service computes pesticide soil adsorbed runoff potential "
        + "for soil components in an area of analysis, and then computes soil "
        + "adsorbed runoff potential representing the area of analysis. "
        + "The service primarily will consume data from the WQM-2 WQMSoilAttributes "
        + "service to compute pesticide soil adsorbed runoff potentials used "
        + "later by the WQM-13 to compute threshold treatment level scores.")

public class V1_0 extends ModelDataService {

    String comp_sarp[] = new String[]{"", "LOW", "INTERMEDIATE", "HIGH"};
    int comp_sarp_number;
    String aoa_sarp;

    //JSONArray getArray
    ArrayList<m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Input> components;// store the set of all input soilcomponents as objects
    ArrayList<m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Result1> result1;  // store the result as objects

    // reading the inputs from the json file into input object and placing it in the arraylist
    protected void preProcess() throws ServiceException {
        try {
            components = new ArrayList<>();
            JSONArray groups = parameter().getJSONArray("soilcomponents");
            for (int i = 0; i < groups.length(); i++) {
                Map<String, JSONObject> group = JSONUtils.preprocess(groups.getJSONArray(i));
                int AoAId = JSONUtils.getIntParam(group, "AoAId", 0);
                String cokey = JSONUtils.getStringParam(group, "cokey", "err");
                double aoa_comp_area = JSONUtils.getDoubleParam(group, "aoa_comp_area", 0);
                String aoa_comp_hsg = JSONUtils.getStringParam(group, "aoa_comp_hsg", "err");
                double aoa_comp_kfact = JSONUtils.getDoubleParam(group, "aoa_comp_kfact", 0);
                boolean aoa_comp_slopegr15 = JSONUtils.getBooleanParam(group, "aoa_comp_slopegr15", false);
                boolean aoa_comp_drained = JSONUtils.getBooleanParam(group, "aoa_comp_drained", false);

                components.add(new m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Input(AoAId, cokey,
                        aoa_comp_area, aoa_comp_hsg, aoa_comp_kfact, aoa_comp_slopegr15,
        } catch (JSONException | ServiceException ex) {
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in processing the request JSON for WQM-9!", ex);
            throw new ServiceException("Error in processing the request JSON.", ex);

    protected void doProcess() {
        result1 = new ArrayList<>();
        for (m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Input ip : components) {
            if ((ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("C") && ip.aoa_comp_kfact >= 0.21)
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("D") && ip.aoa_comp_kfact >= 0.10)
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("C\\/D") && ip.aoa_comp_drained
                    && ip.aoa_comp_kfact >= 0.21)) {
                comp_sarp_number = 3;
            } else if (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("A")
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("B") && ip.aoa_comp_kfact <= 0.10)
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("C") && ip.aoa_comp_kfact <= 0.07)
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("D") && ip.aoa_comp_kfact <= 0.02)
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("A\\/D") && ip.aoa_comp_drained)
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("B\\/D") && ip.aoa_comp_kfact <= 0.10
                    && ip.aoa_comp_drained)
                    || (ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("C\\/D") && ip.aoa_comp_kfact <= 0.07
                    && ip.aoa_comp_drained)
                    || ((ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("A\\/D")
                    || ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("B\\/D")
                    || ip.aoa_comp_hsg.equals("C\\/D"))
                    && ip.aoa_comp_kfact <= 0.02 && !ip.aoa_comp_drained)) {
                if (!ip.aoa_comp_slopegr15) {
                    comp_sarp_number = 1;
                } else {
                    comp_sarp_number = 2;
            } else if (!ip.aoa_comp_slopegr15) {
                comp_sarp_number = 2;
            } else {
                comp_sarp_number = 3;

            result1.add(new m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Result1(ip.AoAId, ip.cokey,
                    ip.aoa_comp_area, comp_sarp[comp_sarp_number], comp_sarp_number));


    //writing the results back to JSON
    protected void postProcess() {
        for (m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Result1 temp : result1) {

            results().put("AoAId", temp.AoAId, "Area of Analysis ID");
            results().put("cokey", temp.cokey, "cokey");
            results().put("aoa_comp_area", temp.aoa_comp_area, "Area of the soil component in the AoA");
            results().put("comp_sarp", temp.comp_sarp, "Pesticide Soil Adsorbed Runoff Potential");
            results().put("comp_sarp_number", temp.comp_sarp_number, "Integer Representinf Pesticide Soil Adsorbed Runoff Potential");
        results().put("aoa_sarp", aoa_sarp, "Pesticide Soil Adsorbed Runoff Potential of AoA");

    //#Compute weighted average pesticide soil adsorbed runoff potential for the AoA
    void calAoANutSLP(ArrayList<m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Result1> source) {
        double cum_sarp_product = 0;
        double aoa_area = 0;

        for (m.wqm.wqm09_pesticidesarp.V1_0.Result1 tmp : source) {
            cum_sarp_product += (tmp.comp_sarp_number * tmp.aoa_comp_area);
            aoa_area += tmp.aoa_comp_area;
        double aoa_sarp_fract = cum_sarp_product / aoa_area;
        if (aoa_sarp_fract <= 1.50) {
            aoa_sarp = "LOW";
        } else if (aoa_sarp_fract > 1.50 && aoa_sarp_fract <= 2.50) {
            aoa_sarp = "INTERMEDIATE";
        } else {
            aoa_sarp = "HIGH";

    static class Input {

        int AoAId;
        String cokey;
        double aoa_comp_area;
        String aoa_comp_hsg;
        double aoa_comp_kfact;
        boolean aoa_comp_slopegr15;
        boolean aoa_comp_drained;

        public Input(int AoAId, String cokey, double aoa_comp_area,
                String aoa_comp_hsg, double aoa_comp_kfact,
                boolean aoa_comp_slopegr15, boolean aoa_comp_drained) {
            this.AoAId = AoAId;
            this.cokey = cokey;
            this.aoa_comp_area = aoa_comp_area;
            this.aoa_comp_hsg = aoa_comp_hsg;
            this.aoa_comp_kfact = aoa_comp_kfact;
            this.aoa_comp_slopegr15 = aoa_comp_slopegr15;
            this.aoa_comp_drained = aoa_comp_drained;


    static class Result1 {

        int AoAId;
        String cokey;
        double aoa_comp_area;
        String comp_sarp;
        int comp_sarp_number;

        public Result1(int AoAId, String cokey, double aoa_comp_area,
                String comp_sarp, int comp_sarp_number) {
            this.AoAId = AoAId;
            this.cokey = cokey;
            this.aoa_comp_area = aoa_comp_area;
            this.comp_sarp = comp_sarp;
            this.comp_sarp_number = comp_sarp_number;
