V1_1_1.java [src/java/m/rse/wepot] Revision: default  Date:
package m.rse.wepot;

import csip.*;
import csip.annotations.*;
import static csip.annotations.ResourceType.*;
import oms3.annotations.Description;
import oms3.annotations.Name;
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;

import m.rse.cfactor.utils.Const;

 * @author Shaun Case
 * @author wl
 * @author od
@Description("This service computes water and wind erodibility potentials for "
        + "an area of analysis (AoA).  The service clips SSURGO soil mapunits "
        + "with AoA geometry, determines the dominant soil component in the "
        + "AoA, gets parameters from the SSURGO component table, including a "
        + "climate factor from the C Factor layer, and computes the following "
        + "equations:  Wind Erosion Potential = C*I/T ;  "
        + "Water Erosion Potential = K*(LS)/T")
//@Polling(first = 5000, next = 2000)

// gdal
@Resource(type = REFERENCE, file = "gdallocationinfo", id = "gdal-lin")
@Resource(type = EXECUTABLE, file = "/bin/win/gdallocationinfo.exe", id = "gdal-win")
@Resource(type = ARCHIVE, file = "/bin/win/gdal_dlls.zip")

@Resource(type = FILE, file = "/data/us_cvalues_topo2ras_masked.tfw")
@Resource(type = FILE, file = "/data/us_cvalues_topo2ras_masked.tif", id = "tif")
@Resource(type = FILE, file = "/data/us_cvalues_topo2ras_masked.tif.aux.xml")

// db
@Resource(type = JDBC, file = "${cfactor.db}", id = "cfactor", env = {
    + "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.StatementFinalizer;"
    + "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.ResetAbandonedTimer"
public class V1_1_1 extends ModelDataService {

    static final int JSON_LATITUDE = 1;
    static final int JSON_LONGITUDE = 0;
    static final String RSE_AOAID = "AoAId";
    static final String AOA_GEOMETRY = "aoa_geometry";

    static final double[][] LightleWeesiesSlopeLength = {
        {0, .75, 100},
        {.75, 1.5, 200},
        {1.5, 2.5, 300},
        {2.5, 3.5, 200},
        {3.5, 4.5, 180},
        {4.5, 5.5, 160},
        {5.5, 6.5, 150},
        {6.5, 7.5, 140},
        {7.5, 8.5, 130},
        {8.5, 9.5, 125},
        {9.5, 10.5, 120},
        {10.5, 11.5, 110},
        {11.5, 12.5, 100},
        {12.5, 13.5, 90},
        {13.5, 14.5, 80},
        {14.5, 15.5, 70},
        {15.5, 17.5, 60},
        {17.5, -1, 50}

    static final double[][] PalouseSlopeLength = {
        {0, 5.5, 350},
        {5.5, 10.5, 275},
        {10.5, 15.5, 225},
        {15.5, 20.5, 175},
        {20.5, 25.5, 150},
        {25.5, 35.5, 125},
        {35.5, -1, 100}

    private String AoAId = "Error";
    private JSONObject aoaGeometry;
    private PolygonLatLon polygonData;
    private String error_msg = "";

    //Result variables
    private double aoa_cfactor = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;
    private String aoa_dom_comp = "";
    private String aoa_dom_compname = "";
    private String aoa_dom_wind_comp = "";
    private String aoa_dom_wind_compname = "";
    private double aoa_ifactor = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;
    private double aoa_tfactor = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;
    private double aoa_wind_tfactor = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;
    private double aoa_lsfactor = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;
    private double aoa_kfactor = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;
    private double aoa_wind_ep = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;
    private double aoa_water_ep = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;

    private boolean isPalouse = false;

    protected void preProcess() throws ServiceException {
        //These functions will throw a usuable user message if they cannot find these values.
        //  Just catch it and return it to the user.
        AoAId = getStringParam(RSE_AOAID);
        aoaGeometry = getJSONParam(AOA_GEOMETRY);

    protected void doProcess() throws Exception {
        try {
            JSONArray features = aoaGeometry.optJSONArray("features");
            if (buildPolygon(features)) {

                //Got a valid Polygon now.  
                //HINT:  You can get the WKT from the PolygonLatLon object to build an SQL query via the "toWKT" funciton, 
                //       and then encasing that WKT in the typical "geometry::STPolyFromText(<KWT goes here>,4326)", etc.  
                LOG.info("THE POLYGON AS WE KNOW IT IS=" + polygonData.toWKT());
                String cfactor_polygon = "geometry::STPolyFromText(" + polygonData.toWKT() + ",4326)";
                LOG.info("getting centroid for polygon now");
                Centroid centroid = getCentroid(cfactor_polygon);
                LOG.info("About to get C Factor Raster value for lat=" + centroid.lat + " long=" + centroid.lon + " ");
                aoa_cfactor = getCFactorRaster(centroid.lat, centroid.lon) / 100.0;

                ArrayList<SsurgoAttributes> intersectionAttributes = ssurgoIntersect(polygonData.toWKT());
                isPalouse = isPalouseArea(polygonData.toWKT());

                if (null != intersectionAttributes) {
                    if (windCriticalComponentLookup(intersectionAttributes)) {
                        aoa_wind_ep = aoa_cfactor * aoa_ifactor / aoa_wind_tfactor;
                        if (waterCriticalComponentLookup(intersectionAttributes)) {
                            aoa_water_ep = aoa_kfactor * aoa_lsfactor / aoa_tfactor;
                        } else {
                            throw new ServiceException(" Could not calculate the water erodibility potenial.  Missing component information. ");
                    } else {
                        error_msg += " Could not calculate the wind erodibility potenial.  Missing component information. ";
        } catch (JSONException ex) {
            error_msg += "Cannot proceed with processing the request:  " + ex.getMessage();
            throw new ServiceException("Cannot proceed with processing the request", ex);
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            error_msg += "SQL exception getting cfactor:  " + se.getMessage();
        } catch (ServiceException sx) {
            error_msg += "Service exception getting cfactor:  " + sx.getMessage();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            error_msg += "IO Exception getting cFactor value from raster geotiff layer:  " + ioe.getMessage();

    protected void postProcess() throws Exception {
        putResult("aoa_id", AoAId);
        putResult("aoa_dom_water_comp", aoa_dom_comp);
        putResult("aoa_dom_water_compname", aoa_dom_compname);
        putResult("aoa_dom_wind_comp", aoa_dom_wind_comp);
        putResult("aoa_dom_wind_compname", aoa_dom_wind_compname);
        putResult("aoa_cfactor", aoa_cfactor);
        putResult("aoa_ifactor", aoa_ifactor);
        putResult("aoa_tfactor", aoa_tfactor);
        putResult("aoa_wind_tfactor", aoa_wind_tfactor);
        putResult("aoa_lsfactor", aoa_lsfactor);
        putResult("aoa_kfactor", aoa_kfactor);
        putResult("aoa_wind_ep", aoa_wind_ep);
        putResult("aoa_water_ep", aoa_water_ep);

    //Private functions
    private boolean buildPolygon(JSONArray features) throws JSONException {
        boolean ret_val = false;
        if (null != features) {
            if (features.length() > 0) {
                JSONObject feature = features.getJSONObject(0).optJSONObject("geometry");
                if (isGeometryPolygonType(feature)) {
                    JSONArray polygon = feature.optJSONArray("coordinates");
                    if (null != polygon) {
                        if (polygon.length() > 0) {
                            polygonData = readPolygonCoordinates(polygon.getJSONArray(0));
                            if (null != polygonData) {
                                if (!polygonData.isValid()) {
                                    error_msg += "Invalid latitude and/or longitude data contained in this polygon.  Cannot proceed with processing of this request. ";
                                } else {
                                    ret_val = true;
                            }//No else needed here, the error message will be built in readPolygonCoordinates()
                        } else {
                            error_msg = "No coordinates found associated with the polygon specified in feature collection number:  1 . ";
                    } else {
                        error_msg = "No coordinates found associated with the polygon specified in feature collection number:  1 . ";
                }//No else needed here, the error message will be built in isGeometryPolygonType()
            } else {
                error_msg = "No geometry found associated with this feature. ";
        } else {
            error_msg = "Cannot process request JSON, missing features. ";
        return ret_val;

    private boolean isGeometryPolygonType(JSONObject geometry) {
        boolean ret_val = false;
        if (null != geometry) {
            String geometryType = geometry.optString("type");
            if (!geometryType.isEmpty()) {
                if (geometryType.toLowerCase().equals("polygon")) {
                    ret_val = true;
                } else {
                    error_msg = "No valid geometry type found in the feature collection number:  1 .  Looking for 'Polygon'. ";
            } else {
                error_msg = "No geometry type specified in the feature collection number:  1 . ";
        } else {
            error_msg = "No geometry found in the feature collection number:  1 . ";
        return ret_val;

    private PolygonLatLon readPolygonCoordinates(JSONArray shape) throws JSONException {
        PolygonLatLon tPolygon = null;
        if (null != shape) {
            tPolygon = new PolygonLatLon();
            for (int k = 0; k < shape.length(); k++) {
                JSONArray jPoint = shape.getJSONArray(k);
                tPolygon.add(jPoint.getDouble(JSON_LATITUDE), jPoint.getDouble(JSON_LONGITUDE));
        } else {
            error_msg = "Cannot find the latitude and longitude values for this polygon. ";
        return tPolygon;

    // If the WKTPolygon of interest intersects any polygons in the Palouse, MLRA-9, region, this funciton will return true.
    private boolean isPalouseArea(String wktPolygon) {
        boolean ret_val = false;

        if (null != wktPolygon) {
            String query = "SELECT id"
                    + " FROM ssurgo.mlra_9 "
                    + " WHERE geometry::STGeomFromText(component_boundary.STAsText(),4326).STIntersects(geometry::STGeomFromText(" + wktPolygon + ",4326))=1"
                    + " AND geometry::STGeomFromText(" + wktPolygon + ",4326).STIsValid()=1;";

            LOG.log(Level.INFO, "ssurgo Palouse query={0}", query);

            try (Connection conn = getResourceJDBC("cfactor");
                    Statement statement = conn.createStatement();) {
                try (ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(query)) {
                    LOG.info("   past the query execute");
                    if (null != results) {
                        if (results.next()) {
                            ret_val = true;
            } catch (SQLException | ServiceException ex) {
                error_msg += "Cannot continue processing this request in the find Palouse region procedure:  " + ex.getMessage();
                LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "error", ex);
        return ret_val;

    // Returns the intersected mukeys
    private ArrayList<SsurgoAttributes> ssurgoIntersect(String wktPolygon) {

        ArrayList<SsurgoAttributes> ret_val = null;

        if (null != wktPolygon) {
            ArrayList<SsurgoAttributes> attributeList = new ArrayList<>();
            HashMap<String, SsurgoAttributes> mukeyAttributes = new HashMap<>();

            String query = "SELECT areasymbol, musym, mukey, geography::STGeomFromText(intersectPoly.STAsText(), 4326).MakeValid().STArea() / 4046.86 as sizeIntersectionAcres, "
                    + " geography::STGeomFromText(" + wktPolygon + ", 4326).MakeValid().STArea() / 4046.86 as aoaArea"
                    + " FROM"
                    + " (SELECT m.areasymbol, m.musym, m.mukey, "
                    + " m.the_geom.STIntersection(geometry:: STGeomFromText (" + wktPolygon + ",0)).MakeValid() as intersectPoly"
                    + " FROM ssurgo.soilmu_a as m "
                    + " WITH (index(geom_sidx))"
                    + " WHERE m.the_geom.STIntersects(geometry:: STGeomFromText (" + wktPolygon + ",0)) = 1"
                    + " AND m.the_geom.STIsValid()=1"
                    + " AND (geometry:: STGeomFromText (" + wktPolygon + ",0).STIsValid())=1)"
                    + " as a;";

            LOG.info("ssurgo query=" + query);
            try (Connection conn = getResourceJDBC("cfactor");
                    Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {

                ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(query);
                LOG.info("   past the query execute");
                if (null != results) {
                    while (results.next()) {
                        String tKey = results.getString("areasymbol") + ":" + results.getString("mukey");

                        SsurgoAttributes tAttributes = mukeyAttributes.get(tKey);

                        //Merge, i.e. sum, areas of duplicate AoA:mukey combinations
                        if (null != tAttributes) {
                            tAttributes.gid_area += results.getDouble("sizeIntersectionAcres");
                        } else {
                            tAttributes = new SsurgoAttributes();
                            tAttributes.gid = results.getString("musym");
                            tAttributes.AoA_Id = results.getString("areasymbol");
                            tAttributes.mukey = results.getString("mukey");
                            tAttributes.gid_area = results.getDouble("sizeIntersectionAcres");
                            tAttributes.aoa_area = results.getDouble("aoaArea");

                            mukeyAttributes.put(tKey, tAttributes);
                    ret_val = attributeList;
                } else {
                    error_msg += "No results from the intersect query for this geometry. ";
            } catch (SQLException | csip.ServiceException ex) {
                error_msg += "Cannot continue processing this request in the intersect procedure:  " + ex.getMessage();
                LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "error", ex);
                ret_val = null;
        return ret_val;

    private boolean windCriticalComponentLookup(ArrayList<SsurgoAttributes> intersectionAttributeList) {
        boolean ret_val = true;
        String dom_comp = "";
        String dom_compname = "";
        double ifact = 0.0;
        double tfact = 0.0;
        double sandtotal = 0.0;
        double area = 0.0;

        for (SsurgoAttributes attributes : intersectionAttributeList) {
            if (attributes.gid_area >= (attributes.aoa_area * 0.10)) {
                componentLookup(attributes, false);
                if (attributes.horizons.size() > 0) {
                    for (ComponentAttributes tComponent : attributes.horizons) {
                        if ((tComponent.sand_pct >= sandtotal) && (tComponent.sand_pct > 0)) {
                            if (sandtotal == tComponent.sand_pct) {
                                if (tComponent.area_pct > area) {
                                    sandtotal = tComponent.sand_pct;
                                    ifact = tComponent.ifact;
                                    tfact = tComponent.tfact;
                                    dom_comp = tComponent.cokey;
                                    dom_compname = tComponent.compname;
                                    area = tComponent.area_pct;
                            } else {
                                sandtotal = tComponent.sand_pct;
                                ifact = tComponent.ifact;
                                tfact = tComponent.tfact;
                                dom_comp = tComponent.cokey;
                                dom_compname = tComponent.compname;
                                area = tComponent.area_pct;
        aoa_dom_wind_comp = dom_comp;
        aoa_dom_wind_compname = dom_compname;
        aoa_ifactor = ifact;
        aoa_wind_tfactor = tfact;

        if (dom_comp.isEmpty()) {
            error_msg += " Could not find any wind critical components in the database.  No sand found or no components were greater than 10% of the AOI. ";
            ret_val = false;
        return ret_val;

    private boolean waterCriticalComponentLookup(ArrayList<SsurgoAttributes> intersectionAttributeList) {
        boolean ret_val = true;
        String dom_comp = "";
        String dom_compname = "";
        double ifact = 0.0;
        double lsfactor = 0.0;
        double tfactor = 0.0;
        double kffact = 0.0;
        double area = 0.0;

        for (SsurgoAttributes attributes : intersectionAttributeList) {
            if (attributes.gid_area >= (attributes.aoa_area * 0.10)) {
                componentLookup(attributes, true);
                if (attributes.horizons.size() > 0) {
                    for (ComponentAttributes tComponent : attributes.horizons) {
                        if ((tComponent.kffact >= kffact) && (tComponent.kffact > 0)) {
                            if (kffact == tComponent.kffact) {
                                if (tComponent.area_pct > area) {
                                    kffact = tComponent.kffact;
                                    lsfactor = tComponent.lsfact;
                                    tfactor = tComponent.tfact;
                                    ifact = tComponent.ifact;
                                    dom_comp = tComponent.cokey;
                                    dom_compname = tComponent.compname;
                                    area = tComponent.area_pct;
                            } else {
                                kffact = tComponent.kffact;
                                lsfactor = tComponent.lsfact;
                                tfactor = tComponent.tfact;
                                ifact = tComponent.ifact;
                                dom_comp = tComponent.cokey;
                                dom_compname = tComponent.compname;
                                area = tComponent.area_pct;
        aoa_dom_comp = dom_comp;
        aoa_dom_compname = dom_compname;
        aoa_lsfactor = lsfactor;
        aoa_tfactor = tfactor;
        aoa_ifactor = ifact;
        aoa_kfactor = kffact;
        if (dom_comp.isEmpty()) {
            error_msg += " Could not find any water critical components in the database.  No kffact found or no components were greater than 10% of the AOI. ";
            ret_val = false;
        return ret_val;

    private boolean componentLookup(SsurgoAttributes attribute, boolean useKFact) {
        boolean ret_val = true;
        double lambda = 0.0;

        if ((null != attribute.mukey) && !attribute.mukey.isEmpty()) {
            try (Connection conn = getResourceJDBC("cfactor");
                    Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) {

                String query = "SELECT component.cokey, component.compname, component.wei as ifact, component.slope_r, component.slopelenusle_r as lsfact, component.tfact, component.comppct_r, "
                        + " chorizon.cokey, chorizon.kffact, chorizon.kwfact, chorizon.sandtotal_r "
                        + " FROM ssurgo.component "
                        + " INNER JOIN ssurgo.chorizon on component.cokey=chorizon.cokey "
                        + " WHERE component.mukey='" + attribute.mukey + "' "
                        + " AND component.slope_r is not null"
                        + " AND UPPER(component.majcompflag)='YES' "
                        + " AND chorizon.hzdept_r=0 "
                        + ((useKFact) ? " AND (chorizon.kffact is not null OR chorizon.kwfact is not null )" : " AND chorizon.sandtotal_r is not null ") + ";";

                LOG.info(" ssurgo query=" + query);

                ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(query);
                LOG.info(" past the query execute");

                attribute.horizons = new ArrayList<>();

                while (results.next()) {
                    ComponentAttributes tHorizon = new ComponentAttributes();

                    double slope_r = results.getDouble("slope_r");
                    tHorizon.cokey = results.getString("cokey");
                    tHorizon.compname = results.getString("compname");
                    tHorizon.ifact = results.getDouble("ifact");
                    tHorizon.tfact = results.getDouble("tfact");
                    tHorizon.slope_r = slope_r;
                    tHorizon.area_pct = (results.getDouble("comppct_r") / 100.0) * (attribute.gid_area / attribute.aoa_area);

                    if (useKFact) { // Water Erodibility needed.
                        // Look up tables for slope length 
                        double[][] slopeLength;
                        if (isPalouse) {
                            slopeLength = PalouseSlopeLength;
                        } else {
                            slopeLength = LightleWeesiesSlopeLength;

                        for (int i = 0; i < slopeLength.length; i++) {
                            if (slopeLength[i][1] != -1) {
                                if ((slope_r >= slopeLength[i][0]) && (slope_r < slopeLength[i][1])) {
                                    lambda = slopeLength[i][2];
                                } else if (slope_r >= slopeLength[i][0]) {
                                    lambda = slopeLength[i][2];

                        double length_m = ((slope_r >= 5.0) ? 0.5 : (slope_r >= 3.5) ? 0.4 : (slope_r >= 1.0) ? 0.3 : 0.2);
                        double theta = Math.atan(slope_r / 100.0);

                        tHorizon.lsfact = Math.pow((lambda / 72.6), length_m) * (65.41 * Math.pow(Math.sin(theta), 2.0) + 4.56 * Math.sin(theta) + 0.065);  //results.getDouble("lsfact");
                        tHorizon.kffact = results.getDouble("kffact");
                        if (results.wasNull()) {
                            tHorizon.kffact = results.getDouble("kwfact");
                            if (results.wasNull()) {
                                error_msg = "Invalid kffact selected, empty columns in both kffact and kwfact";
                                ret_val = false;
                            } else {
                                ret_val = true;
                        } else {
                            ret_val = true;
                    } else {
                        tHorizon.lsfact = 0.0;
                        tHorizon.sand_pct = results.getDouble("sandtotal_r");
                        ret_val = true;
                if (attribute.horizons.size() <= 0) {
                    ret_val = false;
                    error_msg += "No soil components and/or horizon data found for this mukey: " + attribute.mukey + " .";
            } catch (SQLException | csip.ServiceException ex) {
                error_msg += "Could not continue processing the component lookups for this mapunit intersect:  " + ex.getMessage();
        return ret_val;

     * @author Shaun Case
     * @param polygon
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
    Centroid getCentroid(String polygon) throws SQLException, ServiceException {
        Centroid cent = new Centroid();
        try (Connection c = getResourceJDBC("cfactor")) {
            try (Statement s = c.createStatement()) {
                String find_centroid = "select (" + polygon + ".STCentroid().STY) as lat, (" + polygon + ".STCentroid().STX) as long;";
                try (ResultSet r = s.executeQuery(find_centroid)) {
                    LOG.info("query sql=" + find_centroid);
                    if (r.getMetaData().getColumnCount() != 2) {
                        LOG.severe("invalid columns in getCentroid query");
                        throw new ServiceException("invalid columns in getCentroid query");
                    LOG.info("getting centroid for polygon");
                    if (r.next()) {
                        cent.lat = r.getString(1);
                        cent.lon = r.getString(2);
        return cent;

     * @author Wes Lloyd
     * @param slat
     * @param slon
     * @return
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws ServiceException
     * @throws IOException Synchronized in an attempt to reduce random shell
     * failures...
    double getCFactorRaster(String slat, String slon) throws SQLException, ServiceException, IOException {
        double c_fact = Const.UNKNOWN_CFACTOR;

        //File tiffFile = new File("/tmp/us_cvalues_topo2ras_masked.tif");
        String gdal = Config.getString("gdal.deployment", Const.RSE_DEPLOYMENT_LINUX);
        Executable gdal_exe = getResourceExe(gdal.equals(Const.RSE_DEPLOYMENT_WINDOWS) ? "gdal-win" : "gdal-lin");

        // to do
        //pc.exe = (gdal.equals(Const.RSE_DEPLOYMENT_WINDOWS) ? gdalwinpath : "") + "gdallocationinfo";
        LOG.info("gdal is equal to=" + gdal);

        File tifptr = getResourceFile("tif");
        gdal_exe.setArguments(tifptr.toString(), slon, slat, "-wgs84");

        StringWriter stdout = new StringWriter();
        StringWriter stderr = new StringWriter();

        int res = gdal_exe.exec();

        LOG.info("RET=" + res);
        LOG.info("STDOUT=" + stdout.toString());
        LOG.info("STDERR=" + stderr.toString());

        String output[] = stdout.toString().split("\\r?\\n");

        if (res == 0 && output.length > 0) {
            String val[];
            val = output[output.length - 1].split(" ");
            if ((null != val) && (val.length > 0) && !val[val.length - 1].isEmpty()) {
                c_fact = Double.parseDouble(val[val.length - 1]);
            } else {
                LOG.severe("gdallocationinfo returned no parseable output.  Cannot proceed. ");
                throw new csip.ServiceException("Cannot proceed with cfactor calculation; gdallocationinfo returned no parseable output: " + stdout.toString() + " err " + stderr.toString());
        } else {
            LOG.severe("gdallocationinfo returned no output on stdout.  Cannot proceed. ");
            throw new csip.ServiceException("Cannot proceed with cfactor calculation: " + stderr.toString());
        return c_fact;

    ///// inner classes
    static class SsurgoAttributes {

        public String gid = "";
        public String AoA_Id = "";
        public String mukey = "";
        public double gid_area;
        public double aoa_area = 1.0;
        public ArrayList<ComponentAttributes> horizons;

    static class ComponentAttributes {

        public String cokey = "";
        public String compname = "";
        public double ifact;
        public double slope_r;
        public double tfact;
        public double kffact;
        public double kwfact;
        public double area_pct;
        public double lsfact;
        public double sand_pct;

    static class Centroid {

        public String lon = "0.0";
        public String lat = "0.0";

    public static class PolygonLatLon {

        private ArrayList<PointLatLon> points = new ArrayList<>();
        private boolean bValid = true;

        public enum ESRIContourType {

            outer, inner, unknown

        protected ESRIContourType myRotation;

        public PolygonLatLon() {

        public PolygonLatLon(ArrayList<PointLatLon> tPoints) {
            if (null != tPoints) {
                for (PointLatLon tPoint : tPoints) {
                    if (!tPoint.isValid()) {
                        bValid = false;

        public void add(PointLatLon tPoint) {
            if (!tPoint.isValid()) {
                bValid = false;

        public void add(double Lat, double Lon) {
            PointLatLon tPoint = new PointLatLon(Lat, Lon);
            if (!tPoint.isValid()) {
                bValid = false;

        public String toWKT() {
            String ret_val = "'POLYGON((";
            int currentPoint = 0;
            if (bValid) {
                for (PointLatLon tPoint : points) {
                    if (currentPoint > 0) {
                        ret_val += ", ";
                    //  Remember Lon is X and Lat is Y...
                    ret_val += tPoint.getLon() + " " + tPoint.getLat();
                ret_val += "))'";
            } else {
                ret_val = "";
            return ret_val;

        public boolean isValid() {
            return bValid;

        protected void swapRotation() {
            ArrayList<PointLatLon> newPoints = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int j = points.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                PointLatLon tPoint = new PointLatLon(points.get(j).getLat(), points.get(j).getLon());
            points = newPoints;

        public boolean makeESRIRotation(ESRIContourType contourType) {
            boolean ret_val = false;
            if (isValid()) {
                if (((contourType == ESRIContourType.outer) && (myRotation == ESRIContourType.inner))
                        || ((contourType == ESRIContourType.inner) && (myRotation == ESRIContourType.outer))) {
                ret_val = true;
            return ret_val;

        protected void getRotation() {
            int j;
            myRotation = ESRIContourType.unknown;
            if (bValid) {

                //  Calculate cartesian area...test for positive or negative value.  This tells the rotation of points CW versus CCW.
                //  NOTE:  Don't use this method to calc "real" areas of Lat/Lon!  This is just a fast way of finding out the order of points.
                //         Lat/Lon must be projected first to get actual area using this type of cross-product method.
                if (points.size() > 2) {
                    double contour_area = 0.0;
                    for (j = 0; j < points.size() - 2; j++) {
                        PointLatLon a = points.get(j);
                        PointLatLon b = points.get(j + 1);
                        contour_area += a.getLon() * b.getLat() - b.getLon() * a.getLat();
                    PointLatLon a = points.get(j);
                    PointLatLon b = points.get(0);
                    contour_area += a.getLon() * b.getLat() - b.getLon() * a.getLat();

                    if (contour_area < 0) {
                        myRotation = ESRIContourType.inner;  //CCW		    
                    } else {
                        myRotation = ESRIContourType.outer; //CW		    

        public static class PointLatLon {

            private double Lat;
            private double Lon;
            private boolean bValid;

            public PointLatLon(double Lat, double Lon) {
                this.Lat = Lat;
                this.Lon = Lon;
                bValid = true;

                if (Math.abs(Lon) > 180) {
                    bValid = false;

                if (Math.abs(Lat) > 90) {
                    bValid = false;

            public boolean isValid() {
                return bValid;

            public double getLat() {
                return Lat;

            public double getLon() {
                return Lon;

            public void setLon(double Lon) {
                this.Lon = Lon;
                if (Math.abs(Lon) > 180) {
                    bValid = false;

            public void setLat(double Lat) {
                this.Lat = Lat;
                if (Math.abs(Lat) > 90) {
                    bValid = false;
