corn,silage, WY, furrow [tools/WepsReportData/test/WY Example.wjr] Revision: default  Date:
Version: 1.5
N Crop Calibration Adjusment From [WY, silage furrow irrigated.wjr] on Jul 09, 12
N Date       | Crop         | Target | Units  | Old | New
N May 01, 01 | Corn, silage | 20     | ton/ac | 1.0 | 1.300
N Crop Calibration Adjusment From [WY, silage furrow irrigated_cover crop.wjr] on Jul 10, 12
N Date       | Crop         | Target | Units  | Old   | New
N May 01, 01 | Corn, silage | 20     | ton/ac | 1.300 | 1.300
N Crop Calibration Adjusment From [WY, silage pivot irrigated_cover crop.wjr] on Jul 10, 12
N Date       | Crop         | Target | Units  | Old   | New
N May 01, 01 | Corn, silage | 20     | ton/ac | 1.300 | 1.239
D 01/04/01
O 03 Disk, tandem heavy primary op
+ 7.0154433 39 2.2351363 0.0 2.2351363 1.3410819 2.6821637
T 11-12in. Spacing, Front and Rear
T Recommended for primary tillage in medium to heavy soils
T Excellent residue-handling capability. MAS 10-26-06
G 01 Tillage
+ 152.4003 1.0 1.0 152.4003 101.600204 177.80035
P 01 Break Crust
P 02 Random Roughness
+ 1 38.100075
P 05 Ridges and Dikes
+ 1 101.600204 279.40057 0.0 0.0 0.0
P 11 Aggregate Crushing
+ 2.8 0.75
P 12 Soil Loosening
+ 0.9
P 13 Soil Layer Mixing
+ 0.4
P 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop
+ 2
P 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.5 1.0
P 25 Bury Flat Biomass
+ 1 0.95 0.85 0.8 0.6 0.95
P 26 Resurface Buried Biomass
+ 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.05
P 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate
+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
D 05/04/01
O 03 Cultipacker, roller
+ 5.799433 35.59 2.6821637 0.0 2.6821637 1.3410819 3.5762181
T Based on RUSLE core Cultipacker Roller finishing tool.
T Consists of an inline gang of ridged rollers follow by one or more rows of staggerd
T spring culivator teeth, followed by a second row of ridged rollers.
T When the culivator teeth are raised out of the ground use the
T operation Roller, corregated packer MAS 10-18-06
G 01 Tillage
+ 38.100075 0.5 1.0 38.100075 25.400051 50.800102
P 01 Break Crust
P 02 Random Roughness
+ 1 10.160021
P 05 Ridges and Dikes
+ 1 25.400051 76.20015 0.0 0.0 0.0
P 11 Aggregate Crushing
+ 3.0 -0.22
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 0 0.95 .95 .95 .95 1.0
P 25 Bury Flat Biomass
+ 1 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05
P 26 Resurface Buried Biomass
+ 0.01 0.01 0.01 .01 0.01
G 01 Tillage
+ 101.600204 .5 1.0 101.600204 50.800102 152.4003
P 01 Break Crust
P 02 Random Roughness
+ 1 20.320042
P 05 Ridges and Dikes
+ 1 50.800102 228.60045 0.0 0.0 0.0
P 11 Aggregate Crushing
+ 3.0 1.0
P 12 Soil Loosening
+ 0.5
P 13 Soil Layer Mixing
+ .4
P 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop
+ 2
P 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 0 0.8 .7 .4 .3 1.0
P 25 Bury Flat Biomass
+ 1 .5 .4 .35 .2 .85
P 26 Resurface Buried Biomass
+ 0.05 0.06 0.07 .2 0.05
G 01 Tillage
+ 38.100075 0.5 1.0 38.100075 25.400051 50.800102
P 01 Break Crust
P 02 Random Roughness
+ 1 10.160021
P 05 Ridges and Dikes
+ 1 25.400051 76.20015 0.0 0.0 0.0
P 11 Aggregate Crushing
+ 3.0 -0.22
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 0 .95 .95 .95 .95 1.0
P 25 Bury Flat Biomass
+ 1 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05
P 26 Resurface Buried Biomass
+ 0.01 0.01 0.01 .01 0.01
P 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate
+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
D 01/05/01
O 03 Planter, double disk opnr
+ 4.1157265 2.4375 2.2351363 0.0 2.2351363 1.5645955 2.9056773
T This is a standard planter on 30 in sp with a 1 in ridge.  Created in RUSLE 6/7/01.  MAS 8/7/07
T G2 was added into file in front of the flattening (P24), burial (P25), and resurfacing (P26) factors because the area affected is less than 1.0 and
T the RUSLE values were normalized to 1.0.  This change will imulate the correct residue changes based on the method set forth in RUSLE.
T RUSLE's factors have been redused to based on the area affected.
T The stalk fall rate factor (P34) was moved ahead of the new (G2) factor to set the fall rate to the less than 1.0 area affected.  8/7/07 MAS
G 01 Tillage
+ 63.500126 0.5 .15 63.500126 50.800102 101.600204
P 01 Break Crust
P 02 Random Roughness
+ 1 10.160021
P 05 Ridges and Dikes
+ 1 50.800102 762.0015 635.0013 0.0 0.0
P 11 Aggregate Crushing
+ 2.8 0.75
P 12 Soil Loosening
+ 0.6
P 13 Soil Layer Mixing
+ 0.35
P 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate
+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
G 02 Biomass Manipulation
+ 1.0
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 0 .3 .25 .2 0.1 1.0
P 25 Bury Flat Biomass
+ 1 .0525 0.0375 .03 .015 .03
P 26 Resurface Buried Biomass
+ .01 .01 .01 .02 .01
G 03 Crop Name
+ Corn, silage
P 51 Seeding Configuration
+ 1 0.0 2
+ 6.0 1.0 1 20  1.239     1.0 2
+ ton/ac
+ 65.0 4.465 4 1.0 0.65 0.8
+ 2.5 0.05 1.5240185 10.0 30.0 0 100 1700.0
+ -5.0 -15.0 0.01 0.05 0.0 40.0
+ 0.0031 0.9233 0.3266 -0.044 0.0 0.976 0.511 0.0287
+ 0.3266 -0.044 0.22259772 0.72 17.4 0.05 0 0.9
+ 333.33334 333.33334 3.0 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 3
+ 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.01 0.153 0.01 20.0 3.3812115
+ -1.20379 0.604887 0.3081 0.21615593 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
T corn silage 23 ton yield, 30" rows  Columbia, Mo DTL
T This record was cloned from ARS records and the revenant data adjusted to RUSLE values.
T The Biomass Conv Factor was changed from 40 to 47 based on runs made in Clovis, NM with full irrigation.
T MAS 9-27-07
T R2 Note - Rev residue : yield ratio 091108 DTL with 35% dry matter content. rev biomass-yield ratio 032012 DTL
T Added the Yield intercept and Res:Yield ratio. 
T If a cover crop is inter planted into Corn, silage users must use a harvest that call in a growing
T cover crop.  Only one crop can be grown at a time in WEPS. 4-3-12 MAS
T Crop Calibration Adjusment From [WY, silage furrow irrigated.wjr] on Jul 09, 12
T Target | Units  | Old | New
T 20     | ton/ac | 1.0 | 1.300
T Crop Calibration Adjusment From [WY, silage furrow irrigated_cover crop.wjr] on Jul 10, 12
T Target | Units  | Old   | New
T 20     | ton/ac | 1.300 | 1.300
T Crop Calibration Adjusment From [WY, silage pivot irrigated_cover crop.wjr] on Jul 10, 12
T Target | Units  | Old   | New
T 20     | ton/ac | 1.300 | 1.239
D 02/05/01
O 04 Irrigation, Start Monitor (pivot, linear, wheelline)
+ 0.0 0
T The height of application is positive (ie. above the surface).
T The time and duration (rate) of water application are set to correspond to the dwell time of the sprinklers over a spot on the field.
T Minimum application depth is medium for these types of systems.
T Minimum irrigation interval is the time it takes to cycle the system.
T Increased the depth (amount) of application and the changed the MAD from 0.7 to 0.4.
T This allows the summer months to grow the correct yield on crops.
T FF and MAS 12-4-07
G 04 Add Material to Field
+ water
P 72 Monitor Irrigation
+ 1 14.98603 0.0 1.0 2000.0 10.0 0.4 4
D 01/06/01
O 03 Cultivator, row 3 in ridge
+ 5.799433 17.55 2.2351363 0.0 2.2351363 0.89405453 2.4586499
T Row crop cultivator w/ sweeps leaving a 3" ridge 05-14-02 DTL
T G2 was added into file in front of the flattening (P24), burial (P25), and resurfacing (P26) factors because the area affected is less than 1.0 and
T the RUSLE values were normalized to 1.0.  This change will imulate the correct residue changes based on the method set forth in RUSLE.
T RUSLE's factors have been redused to based on the area affected.
T The stalk fall rate factor (P34) was moved ahead of the new (G2) factor to set the fall rate to the  less than 1.0 area affected.  8/7/07 MAS
G 01 Tillage
+ 76.20015 0.5 .9 76.20015 50.800102 101.600204
P 01 Break Crust
P 02 Random Roughness
+ 1 15.240031
P 05 Ridges and Dikes
+ 1 76.20015 762.0015 0.0 0.0 0.0
P 11 Aggregate Crushing
+ 3.0 1.0
P 12 Soil Loosening
+ 0.75
P 13 Soil Layer Mixing
+ 0.35
P 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate
+ 4 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
G 02 Biomass Manipulation
+ 1.0
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 14 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.1 1.0
P 25 Bury Flat Biomass
+ 1 0.68 0.6 0.52 0.39 0.77
P 26 Resurface Buried Biomass
+ 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04
D 05/09/01
O 04 Irrigation, Stop Monitor
+ 0.0 0
T Configured with new process
G 04 Add Material to Field
+ water
P 74 Terminate Irrigation Monitor
D 15/09/01
O 04 Harvest, silage, kill crop
+ 8.886228 .15
T Use this operation  when the harvest will stop any regrowth.  It cuts to a 5 in ht. MAS 6-30-08
T ARS record - filename is:  Harvest Corn - silage (silage cutter).oprn
T This operation record is designed to represent a harvesting operation, e.g., a "silage cutter",
T that remove all of the above ground crop biomass above a specified cutting height.
T Examples would be cutting corn for silage and alfalfa for hay.
T This harvesting operation record removes all crop plant material above the specified cut height.
T The remaining above ground crop material below the specified cut height becomes standing residue
T for annual crops.  Perennial crops like alfalfa will automatically regrow.
T The default "Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop" parameter is set to kill annual crops but to allow
T regrowth of perennial crops.  Thus the default value is acceptable for perennial crops
T like alfalfa and most annual crops like corn harvested for silage.  There are situations where
T one might want to change this parameter value for specific types of crops and conditions.
T See additional info below in the "Detailed info regarding this operation record" section.
T No standing stalks (crop or residue) are flattened.  This record is assuming a row crop
T silage harvester, where the tires are tracking in between the rows.
T 200x	Created - Fred Fox
T Oct 31, 2005	Updated notes - Larry Wagner
T Detailed info regarding this operation record:
T This operation template has the "Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop" process parameter defaulting to
T "Annual crop killed, perennial crop regrows" value.  Thus the default value is acceptable for use
T with perennial crops like alfalfa and annual crops like corn harvested for silage.  However, if one
T intends to harvest (green chop) an annual crop that has the capacity to regrow after such a cutting,
T then one needs to change the value to "No crop killed" to allow the crop to regrow afterwards.
T Due to the way WEPS reports crop yields, the crop record selected for this type of harvesting
T operation should specify the "yield" component of the crop to be the "above ground stems, leaves
T and reproductive elements of  the plant".  This will ensure proper reporting of harvested yields
T by WEPS.  However, using a crop record that does not specify the "yield" component in this manner
T will not affect the erosion estimate or change any other simulation run results, except to incorrectly
T report the true "yield" component being removed from the field.  An example of a crop that may be
T harvested for two different types of "yield" components is corn.  There are corn crop records defined
T that specify the yield as the reproductive element (grain) and others that are defined for harvesting
T the crop as silage.
G 02 Biomass Manipulation
+ 1.0
P 31 Kill or Defoliate Growing Crop
+ 2
P 42 Cut/Remove Biomass to Height (flags)
+ 1 1 0 1 0 127.00025 1.0 1.0 1.0
P 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate
+ 0 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.0
+ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
P 40 End crop Biomass Manipulation
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
D 20/09/01
O 03 Drill or airseeder, double disk
+ 3.3674128 6.34 2.2351363 0.0 2.2351363 1.5645955 2.9056773
T Drill or air seeder with double disk openers on 7 to 10 inch spacings.  Rev102403 DTL  RUSLE MAS 10-26-06
T G2 was added into file in front of the flattening (P24), burial (P25), and resurfacing (P26) factors because the area affected is less than 1.0 and
T the RUSLE values were normalized to 1.0.  This change will imulate the correct residue changes based on the method set forth in RUSLE.
T RUSLE's factors have been redused to based on the area affected.
T The stalk fall rate factor (P34) was moved ahead of the new (G2) factor to set the fall rate to the  less than 1.0 area affected.  8/8/07 MAS
T Deleted the G2 process because all process only affect 0.65 of the surface.  This is set a 0.65 with G1 process in the beginning. 5-11-11 MAS
G 01 Tillage
+ 38.100075 0.4 0.65 38.100075 25.400051 50.800102
P 01 Break Crust
P 02 Random Roughness
+ 1 7.6200156
P 05 Ridges and Dikes
+ 1 25.400051 203.20041 25.400051 0.0 0.0
P 11 Aggregate Crushing
+ 2.8 0.75
P 12 Soil Loosening
+ 0.6
P 13 Soil Layer Mixing
+ 0.3
P 34 Change Standing Biomass Fall Rate
+ 7 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
+ 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0
P 24 Flatten Standing Biomass
+ 0 0.6 0.4 0.35 0.15 1.0
P 25 Bury Flat Biomass
+ 1 0.2275 0.1625 0.13 0.065 0.13
P 26 Resurface Buried Biomass
+ 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01
G 03 Crop Name
+ Oats, fall seeded cover
P 51 Seeding Configuration
+ 1 0.0 0
+ 220.0 8.0 0 2000 1.0 1.0 2
+ lbs/ac
+ 0 8930 5 1.0 0.64 0.8
+ 0.6096074 0.025 1.2192148 0.0 21.000002 1 60 1500.0
+ -5.0 -15.0 0.005 0.05 0 35
+ 0.013 0.8013 0.4293 -0.086 -0.018 0.932 0.456 0.0736
+ 0.4293 -0.086 3.14 1.0 23.1 0.05 0 0.3
+ 33.333332 310.0 1.5 0.015 0 0 0.0 2
+ 0.0185 0.0185 0.0185 0.0185 0.28 0.0050 17.1 5.227942
+ -2.08165 0.548606 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
T Spring oats seeded in late summer or fall as a winter cover which is killed at frost.
T Use a kill crop operation to kill this record at date of average killing frost. 10-15-03 DTL
T Corrected error in biomass conversion assume 45% DM at killing frost DTL 3/15/07 DTL
T Coppied Oat, grain and changed factors for forage or cover MAS 3/15/07
D 21/09/01
O 04 Irrigation, Start Monitor (pivot, linear, wheelline)
+ 0.0 0
T The height of application is positive (ie. above the surface).
T The time and duration (rate) of water application are set to correspond to the dwell time of the sprinklers over a spot on the field.
T Minimum application depth is medium for these types of systems.
T Minimum irrigation interval is the time it takes to cycle the system.
T Increased the depth (amount) of application and the changed the MAD from 0.7 to 0.4.
T This allows the summer months to grow the correct yield on crops.
T FF and MAS 12-4-07
G 04 Add Material to Field
+ water
P 72 Monitor Irrigation
+ 1 14.98603 0.0 1.0 2000.0 10.0 0.4 4
D 10/10/01
O 04 Irrigation, Stop Monitor
+ 0.0 0
T Configured with new process
G 04 Add Material to Field
+ water
P 74 Terminate Irrigation Monitor