[tools/WepsReportData/src/usda/weru/weps] Revision: default  Date:
package usda.weru.weps;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import usda.weru.util.ConfigData;

 * The "Run file Data" class/object manages, accesses, returns and updates data for the WEPS application
 * GUI where data modifications need to be propagated to different screens that have registered their
 * components to be recognized for any property changes that happen.
public class RunFileData /*implements PropertyChangeListener*/ {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RunFileData.class.getName());
//    private WepsMessageLog c_log = new WepsMessageLog();
    protected boolean c_displayMessages = true;

    public static final double VERSION_WATER_EROSION = 1.01;
    public static final double VERSION_ROCK_FRAGMENTS = 1.02;
    public static final double VERSION_LOCPANEL_REWRITE = 1.03;
    public static final double VERSION_LOCPANEL_SITE = 1.04;
    public static final double VERSION_RELATIVE_PATHS = 1.05;
    //The current version is written out when a file is saved.
    public static final double VERSION_CURRENT = VERSION_RELATIVE_PATHS;
     * All the project files have this extension after the file names i:e file extension to be used.
    public static final String ProjectSuffix = ".wpj";
     * All the "RUN" files have this extension after their file names i:e file extension to be used.
    public static final String RunSuffix = ".wjr";
     * The wind generation file's default name with a ".win" extension for the file to be recognized
    public static final String DefaultWinGenName = "";
     * The climate generation file's defaullt name with a ".cli" extension for the file to be recognized
    public static final String DefaultCliGenName = "cli_gen.cli";
     * * Default name for the daily submodel name of the Wind file to be used in MCREW.
    public static final String WarningsFile = "warnings.txt";
    public static final String DefaultSubDailyWindName = "none";
     * Default name for the management file to be used in MCREW.
    public static final String DefaultManageFileName = "none";
     * Default name for the soil file to be used in SOIL UI.
    public static final String DefaultSoilFileName = "none";
     * All the IFC Template files are placed in this directory.
    public static final String IFCTemplateDir = "{IFCTemplateDir}";
     * The name of the directory where the management template files reside.
    public static final String ManTemplateDir = "{ManTemplateDir}";
     * The name of "RUN" file used for the WEPS run
    public static final String WepsRun = "";
     * The WEPS data file used to store all the initialization information for the GUI
     * when its first executed.
    public static final String WepsData = "weps.ini";
     * A temporary output file name for the run file output to be stored.
//    public static final String HCOutputFileName = "output.tmp";
     * Default name to be assigned to a new project if saved without any name.
    public static final String UntitledProject = "untitled.wpj";
     * name of the Notes text file used to save management file level notes or notes
     * from the notes section provided in the WEPS screen.
    public static final String NotesFileName = "notes.txt";
     * Error file name to be used for re-directing the erros codes or messages if any generated.
    public static final String StdErr = "stderr.txt";
     * The text messages from the standard output such as screns dialogs which need to be saved are
     * directed to this file.
    public static final String StdOut = "stdout.txt";
     * The output file for the calibration mode parameter for the harvest file.
    public static final String CalibFileName = "harvest_calib_parm.out";
     * Data file name for the WEPS GUI related stored data
    public static final String WepsOutput = "gui1_data.out";
    public static final String RFD = "RFD-";
     * The string used to fire the property changes using this stsndard text as one of the
     * input parameter.
    public static final String FireProperty = RFD + "FireProperty";
     * The username to be used in the application
    public static final String UserName = RFD + "UserName";
     * The farm identification number. Often an individual operator will have more than one
     * farm and therefore more than one farm number. It is saved as part of the WEPS Run and appears on the
     * summary and other output reports. This information is not required for a simulation run but may be
     * useful in identifying specific WEPS Runs and output
    public static final String FarmId = RFD + "FarmId";
     * Often used by FSA and NRCS to identify a field. It is a unit of contiguous land that has both of the following:
     * (1) under one ownership, and (2) operated as a farm or a part of a farm. It is saved as part of a WEPS Run and
     * appears on the summary and other output reports. This information is not required for a simulation run but may
     * be useful in identifying specific WEPS Runs and output.
    public static final String TractId = RFD + "TractId";
     * The "Field No." is a part of a tract that is separated by permanent boundaries, such as: (1) fences, (2) permanent waterways,
     * (3) woodlands, (4) croplines not subject to change because of farming practices, and (5) other similar features. It is saved
     * as part of the WEPS Run and appears on the summary and other output reports. This information is not required for a simulation
     * run but may be useful in identifying specific WEPS Runs and output
    public static final String FieldId = RFD + "FieldId";
//    public static final String SiteState=RFD + "SiteState";  // still used for file documentation - LEW
    //public static final String SiteCounty = RFD + "SiteCounty";  // still used for file documentation - LEW
     * String that stores the text for the state name in run file data.
    public static final String State = RFD + "StateUpdate";
     * String that stores the text for the site name in  run file data.
//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty(RunFileBean.PROP_SITE)
    public static final String Site = RFD + "Site";
     * String used to compare against the latitude data usually used to set/modify latitude values.
     * @deprecated
    public static final String Latitude = RFD + "Latitude";
     * String used to compare against the latitude sign and if changed is used to re-set/modify that latitude
     * sign values.
     * @deprecated
    public static final String LatitudeSign = RFD + "LatitudeSign";
     * String used to coompare against the longitude data usually used to set/modify longitude values.
     * @deprecated
    public static final String Longitude = RFD + "Longitude";
     * String used to coompare against the longitude sign and if changed is used to re-set/modify that longitude
     * sign values.
     * @deprecated
    public static final String LongitudeSign = RFD + "LongitudeSign";
     * The latitude and longitude signs and information for their directions.
//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_LATLONG)
    public static final String LatLong = RFD + "LatLong";

//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_ELEVATION_MODE)
    public static final String RFD_ELEVATION_MODE = RFD + "elevation.mode";    

     * THe elevation above sea level for the specified station
//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_ELEVATION)
    public static final String Elevation = RFD + "Elevation";
    /**This string will be "0" (by default) and will be "1"
     * if an alternate Climate File is used - neha
//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_CLIGEN_STATION_MODE)
    public static final String ClimateFlag = RFD + "ClimateFlag";
     * The selected name of the climate generation station.
     * @deprecated 
    public static final String CliGenStationName = RFD + "CliGenStationName";	// string
     * Name of the state in which tbis particular climate generation station exists.
     * @deprecated
    public static final String CliGenState = RFD + "CliGenState";		
     * numeric id of the Climate generation station
     * @deprecated
    public static final String CliGenStation = RFD + "CliGenStation";	// numeric

//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_CLIGEN_STATION)
    public static final String CligenStation = RFD + "cligen.station";	//handled by the mode
     * This string will be "0" (by default) and will be "1" if an alternate Wind File is used - neha     
//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_WINDGEN_STATION_MODE)
    public static final String WindFlag = RFD + "WindFlag";
     * Name of the Wind generation station
     * @deprecated
    public static final String WindGenStationName = RFD + "WindGenStationName";	// string
     * Numeric id of the Wind generation station
     * @deprecated 
    public static final String WinGenStation = RFD + "WinGenStation";	// numeric
//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_WINDGEN_STATION)
    public static final String WindgenStation = RFD + "windgen.station";  //handled by the mode
     * The date from which you want the simulation to begin.
    public static final String StartDate = RFD + "StartDate";
     * The date on which you want the simulation to end.
    public static final String EndDate = RFD + "EndDate";
     * The number of years in which the crop cycle needs to be rotated.
    public static final String RotationYears = RFD + "RotationYears";
     * The current count before the cycle is started over again.
    public static final String CycleCount = RFD + "CycleCount";
     * The steps in which you can increment the time interval.
    public static final String TimeSteps = RFD + "TimeSteps";
//	public static final String CliGen				= RFD + "CliGen";
//	public static final String WinGen				= RFD + "WinGen";
//	public static final String SubDaily				= RFD + "SubDaily";
     * The name of the current SOIL file selected.
    public static final String SoilFile = RFD + "SoilFile";
     * The name of the current management file selected.
    public static final String ManageFile = RFD + "ManageFile";
     * The name of the current output file.
    public static final String OutputFile = RFD + "OutputFile";
     * The name of the report form.
    public static final String ReportForm = RFD + "ReportForm";
     * Tells when the output period is.
    public static final String OutputPeriod = RFD + "OutputPeriod";
     * Tells what the submodel output is.
    public static final String SubmodelOutput = RFD + "SubmodelOutput";
     * Tells what the debug output is.
    public static final String DebugOutput = RFD + "DebugOutput";
     * Value used for calculated SCI.
    public static final String WaterErosionLoss = RFD + "WaterErosionLoss";
     * Value used to overide soil layer rock fragments
    public static final String SoilRockFragments = RFD + "SoilRockFragments";
     * Indicates the simulation region angle assigned.
    public static final String RegionAngle = RFD + "RegionAngle";
    private static final String SimPoint1 = RFD + "SimPoint1";
    private static final String SimPoint2 = RFD + "SimPoint2";
    private static final String Scales = RFD + "Scales";
    private static final String AccNo = RFD + "AccNo";
    private static final String AccPoint1 = RFD + "AccPoint1";
    private static final String AccPoint2 = RFD + "AccPoint2";
    private static final String SubregionNo = RFD + "SubregionNo";
    private static final String SubPoint1 = RFD + "SubPoint1";
    private static final String SubPoint2 = RFD + "SubPoint2";
     * The average slope of the field/area in study.
    public static final String AverageSlope = RFD + "AverageSlope";
    private static final String BarrierNo = RFD + "BarrierNo";
//	private static final String BarrierInput		= RFD + "Barrier-";
     * The string used to compare and identify for something with barrier panel.
    public static final String Barrier = RFD + "Barrier";
     * The string used to compare and identify north barrier for selection/de-selection.
    public static final String BarrierN = RFD + "BarrierN";
     * The string used to compare and identify west barrier for selection/de-selection.
    public static final String BarrierW = RFD + "BarrierW";
     * The string used to compare and identify south barrier for selection/de-selection.
    public static final String BarrierS = RFD + "BarrierS";
     * The string used to compare and identify east barrier for selection/de-selection.
    public static final String BarrierE = RFD + "BarrierE";
     * The string used to compare and identify none barrier for selection/de-selection.
    public static final String BarrierD = RFD + "BarrierD";
     * Area of the simulation region in the units of measure displayed on the screen (acres or hectares)
     * based upon the "X" length and "Y" length values. X-Length happens to be the breadth of the field.
    public static final String XLength = RFD + "XLength";
     * Area of the simulation region in the units of measure displayed on the screen (acres or hectares)
     * based upon the "X" length and "Y" length values. Y-Length happens to be the length of the field.
    public static final String YLength = RFD + "YLength";
     * Shape of the simulation region.
    public static final String Shape = RFD + "Shape";
     * Shape of the simulation region.
    public static final String Radius = RFD + "Radius";
     * The name of the wind file.
     * @deprecated 
    public static final String WindFile = RFD + "wind file";
     * The name of the climate file.
     * @deprecated 
    public static final String ClimateFile = RFD + "climate file";
     * The name of the sub-daily file.
    public static final String SubDailyFile = RFD + "sub-daily file";
    //	public static final String TotalYrsPlusCyl	= RFD + "TotalYearsPlusCycle";
     * Number of years for which the simulation needs to be carried out.
    public static final String TotalYears = RFD + "TotalYears";
     * The notes files name.
    public static final String NotesFile = RFD + "NotesFile";
     * The text that goes into the notes file and in the notes text area of the GUI like
     * additional information regarding the current WEPS run which the user wishes to record.
//    @RunFileDataBeanBridge.BeanProperty (RunFileBean.PROP_NOTES)
    public static final String NotesText = RFD + "NotesText";
    public static final String NotesReadonly = RFD + "NotesReadOnly";
     * String used to identify the run type to be displayed.
    public static final String RunTypeDisp = RFD + "runtypedisp";
     * Tells the user what the last WEPS run was by storing its name.
    public static final String LastRun = RFD + "lastrun";
     * Tells the location for storing runs.
    public static final String RunsLocation = RFD + "runs location";
     * Most recent run attempt
    public static final String LastRunAttempt = RFD + "last run attempt";
     * Used to identify the instance of data changed on the panel registerd to react.
    public static final String DataChanged = "DataChanged " + RFD;
     * The data from "weps.ini" file which is the hash table containing the details of Project.
    public static final String WriteRunData = "WriteRunData";
     * The  "weps.ini" file which contains the hash table containing the details of Project.
    public static final String WriteRunFile = "WriteRunFile";
     * The data to be read for the WESP run usually from the weps.ini file or for m the hashtable
     * that stores it.
    public static final String ReadRunData = "ReadRunData";
     * The file that contains this WEPS run data is called the readrunfile.
    public static final String ReadRunFile = "ReadRunFile";
     * The WEPS run data that gets the request to be shown.
    public static final String ShowRunData = "ShowRunData";
//	public static final String ClearData			= "ClearData";
     * Fired before and after fireAll().  1 = before, 2 = after
    public static final String LoadData = "LoadData";

    public static final String ResetBarriers = "reset barriers";
     * Hashtable used to store file data internally
    Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>(200);
    // Jan 31 02 dkm no current man ===> zero years, ERRATA01
    // May 09 02
    private String curProj = "";
    private String NRCSRunLen = "";
    // This variable is to store the elevation of the Restore Run
    private String restoreRunElevation = "";
    public File fileObject = null;

     * This methods reads the data from the WEPS.ini file and shows it.  Errors will be shown in a WepsMessageDialog
     * @param pathName The path where this file resides on the system..
    public RunFileData(String pathName) {
        this(pathName, true);

    /** This methods reads the data from the WEPS.ini file and shows it.
     * @param pathName The path where this file resides on the system.
     * @param displayMessages If true, errors and warnings will be displayed in a WepsMessageDialog.
    public RunFileData(String pathName, boolean displayMessages) {        
        c_displayMessages = displayMessages;
        //showRunFileData("after file read Constructor");

     * Initializes the WEPS RUN data.
    public RunFileData() {

    public RunFileData(boolean initialize) {

//    /**
//     * Entry point for testing standalone. Used if this dialog is rum as an independent application.
//     * If executed, makes the GUI for Simulation Region panel visible.
//     * @param args These are the command line arguments passed to the main method.
//     */
//    static public void main(String args[]) {
//        WepsFileChooser wfc = new WepsFileChooser(WepsFileChooser.PROJECT, "",
//                WepsFileChooser.OPEN);
//        wfc.setCurrentDirectory(new"h:/weps/weps.install/projects"));  // temp testing fix
//        RunFileData rfd = new RunFileData();
//        if (wfc.showDialog(null) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
//   sf = new File(wfc.getSelectedFile());
//            String projectsDir = "";
//            try {
//                projectsDir = sf.getCanonicalPath();
//            } catch (IOException e) {
//            }//System.err.println(
//            //      "Error getting canoncial path of projectsDir");}
//            rfd.readRunData(projectsDir);
//        } else {
//            rfd.initialize();
//        }
//        rfd.showRunFileData("Standalone test");
//        System.exit(1);
//    }
     * This is the method where all the WEPS main GUI initialization takes place with the
     * default dataset used for initial display.
    public void initialize() {

            setData(RunTypeDisp, ConfigData.getDefault().getData(ConfigData.DefaultRunMode));

            setData(UserName, "");
            setData(FarmId, "");
            setData(TractId, "");
            setData(FieldId, "");
    //		setData(SiteState, "KS");
//            getBean().setSite(usda.weru.weps.location.Site.valueOf("fips:US00-KS-055"));    
    //		setData(SiteCounty, "FINNEY");

            setData(LatLong, "+38.00;-100.66");

            ////default to the cligen mode, only one working at the moment.
//            getBean().setElevationMode(ElevationMode.Cligen);

            setData(Elevation, "801.0");
            setData(CliGenState, "");
            setData(CliGenStation, "");
            //setData(WinGenStation, "");
            setData(StartDate, "01 01 2001");
            setData(EndDate, "31 12 2001");
            setData(RotationYears, "1");
            setData(CycleCount, "50");
            setData(TotalYears, "6");
            setData(TimeSteps, "24");
            setData(SubDailyFile, DefaultSubDailyWindName);
            setData(SoilFile, DefaultSoilFileName);
            setData(ManageFile, DefaultManageFileName);
    //        setData(OutputFile, HCOutputFileName);
            setData(ReportForm, "0 0 0 0 0 0");
            setData(OutputPeriod, "2");
            setData(SubmodelOutput, "0 0 0 0 0 0");
            setData(DebugOutput, "0 0 0 0 0 0");
            setData(RegionAngle, "0");
            setData(SimPoint1, "100.0 100.0");
            setData(SimPoint2, "904.7 904.7");
            setData(Scales, "10.0 0.25");
            setData(AccNo, "1");
            setData(AccPoint1, "100.0 100.0");
            setData(AccPoint2, "904.7 904.7");
            setData(SubregionNo, "1");
            setData(SubPoint1, "100.0 100.0");
            setData(SubPoint2, "904.7 904.7");

            //A negative slope is ignored by WEPS
            setData(AverageSlope, "-1");
//            changes.firePropertyChange(ResetBarriers, null, null);
            setData(BarrierNo, "0");
            setData(BarrierN, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");
            setData(BarrierS, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");
            setData(BarrierE, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");
            setData(BarrierW, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");

    //        setData(ClimateFlag, ConfigData.getDefault().getData(ConfigData.ClimateFlag));
    //        setData(WindFlag, ConfigData.getDefault().getData(ConfigData.WindFlag));
//            getBean().setCligenStationMode(StationMode.NRCS);
//            getBean().setWindgenStationMode(StationMode.NRCS);
            setData(CliGenStationName, "CIMARRON");
            //setData(WindGenStationName, "GARDEN CITY MUNI");
            setData(CliGenState, "14");
            setData(CliGenStation, "1522");
            //setData(WinGenStation, "724515");
            setData(NotesReadonly, "0");
            setData(NotesFile, NotesFileName);
            setData(NotesText, "", false);  // The "\n" is getting stripped off so text appended is not starting on a new line - this is a quick fix - LEW
            // setData(NotesText, "Enter WEPS Run notes here.\n", false);  //1148, added added false value so the string is not trimmed.

            setData(Shape, "rectangle");
            setData(Radius, "0");
            setData(LastRunAttempt, "");
            //Defaults to the config value
//            if (!RestoringContext.isRestoring()){
                setData(RunsLocation, ConfigData.getDefault().getData(ConfigData.DefaultRunsLocation));
//            }
            setData(WaterErosionLoss, "0.00");

            setData(SoilRockFragments, "0.0");

//            changes.firePropertyChange(DataChanged, null, "xxx");

    public String getData(String idxstr) {
        String s = (String) ht.get(idxstr);
        return s;

    public void setData(final String idxstr, String newData, boolean trimNewData) {
        //String propertyName = c_rfdToBeanProp.get(idxstr);
//        Object oldBeanValue = null;
//        if (propertyName != null) {
//            oldBeanValue = getBeanValue(propertyName);
//        }

//        PropertyStackContext.enter(this, idxstr);
            String oldData = "";

            if (idxstr.equals(FireProperty)) {
                oldData = (String) ht.get(newData);
//                changes.firePropertyChange(newData, null, oldData);

            if (newData == null) {
                oldData = ht.get(idxstr);
            } else {
                if (trimNewData) {
                    newData = newData.trim();      //1148, only trim when told to.

                oldData = (String) ht.get(idxstr);
                if (newData.equals(oldData)) {
                ht.put(idxstr, newData);

    //        if (propertyName != null) {
    //            fireBeanPropertyEvent(propertyName, oldBeanValue);
    //        }

//            changes.firePropertyChange(idxstr, oldData, newData);
//            changes.firePropertyChange(DataChanged, null, DataChanged);
//            PropertyStackContext.exit(this, idxstr);


//    private Object getBeanValue(String propertyName) {
//        try {
//            String firstCharacter = propertyName.substring(0, 1);
//            firstCharacter = firstCharacter.toUpperCase();
//            propertyName = firstCharacter + propertyName.substring(1);
//            Method m = null;
//            //try getter
//            try {
//                m = RunFileData.class.getMethod("get" + propertyName, (Class[])null);
//            } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
//                //try is
//                try {
//                    m = RunFileData.class.getMethod("is" + propertyName, (Class[]) null);
//                } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme2) {
//                    //do nothing.
//                }
//            }
//            //invoke
//            if (m != null) {
//                return m.invoke(this);
//            }
//        } catch (Exception e) {
//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }
//        return null;
//    }
//    private void fireBeanPropertyEvent(String propertyName, Object oldValue) {
//        Object newValue = getBeanValue(propertyName);
//        changes.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
//    }

    //1148, overiding method to pass a default true for trimNewData
    public void setData(String idxstr, String newData) {
        setData(idxstr, newData, true);

//    public void fireAll() {
//        FireAllContext.enter();
//        try{
//            Enumeration e = ht.keys();
//            changes.firePropertyChange(DataChanged, null, "fireall");
//            changes.firePropertyChange(LoadData, null, "1");
//            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
//                Object key = e.nextElement();
//                Object value = ht.get(key);
//                changes.firePropertyChange((String) key, null, value);
//            }
//            changes.firePropertyChange(DataChanged, null, "fireall");
//            changes.firePropertyChange(LoadData, null, "2");
//        }
//        finally{
//            FireAllContext.exit();
//        }
//    }
//    public void fireAll(PropertyChangeListener... listeners) {
//        FireAllContext.enter();
//        try{
//            Enumeration e = ht.keys();
//            for (PropertyChangeListener listener : listeners) {
//                PropertyChangeEvent event1 = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, DataChanged, null, "fireall");
//                PropertyChangeEvent event2 = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, LoadData, null, 1);
//                listener.propertyChange(event1);
//                listener.propertyChange(event2);
//            }
//            while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
//                Object key = e.nextElement();
//                Object value = ht.get(key);
//                PropertyChangeEvent event = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, (String) key, null, value);
//                for (PropertyChangeListener listener : listeners) {
//                    listener.propertyChange(event);
//                }
//            }
//            for (PropertyChangeListener listener : listeners) {
//                PropertyChangeEvent event1 = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, DataChanged, null, "fireall");
//                PropertyChangeEvent event2 = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, LoadData, null, 2);
//                listener.propertyChange(event1);
//                listener.propertyChange(event2);
//            }
//        }
//        finally{
//            FireAllContext.exit();
//        }
//    }
    private String getLine(BufferedReader in) throws IOException {
        String temp;
        while ((temp = in.readLine()) != null) {
            if (temp.length() == 0) {
                return temp;
            if (temp.charAt(0) != '#') {
                return temp;
        return null;

     * Sets the integer value to the rotation year's attribute from the management file provided
     * as an argument path where it exists on the system.
     * @param manageFile The management file that stores this integer value that is used for setting.
    public void setRotationYears(String manageFile) {
        //We need to have a file to work with.
        if (manageFile == null || manageFile.equals("none") || manageFile.length() == 0) {
        try {
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
                    new File(manageFile)));

            String temp;
            while ((temp = in.readLine()) != null) {
                if (temp.startsWith("*START")) {
                    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(temp);
                    String rotationYears = st.nextToken().trim();
                    setData(RunFileData.RotationYears, rotationYears);
//                    changes.firePropertyChange(RunFileData.RotationYears, null, rotationYears);
                    /* Value of Rotation Years in int
                    Integer rotInt = new Integer(1);
                    int rotYears = rotInt.parseInt(rotationYears);
                    //System.out.println("Value of rotYears is:"+rotYears);

            //System.err.println("RFD_sRY: '*START' not found in management file");
//            changes.firePropertyChange(RunFileData.RotationYears, null, "1");
//            return;

        } catch (IOException e) {
            //System.err.println("RFD_sRY: " + e);

    private void readRunFileBarriers(BufferedReader in) throws {
        //Awful hack to get the draw field to work.
//        changes.firePropertyChange(ResetBarriers, null, null);

        //Initially set all the barrier data to "none"
        setData(BarrierN, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");
        setData(BarrierS, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");
        setData(BarrierE, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");
        setData(BarrierW, "none|0.0|0.0|0.0");

        String temp = getLine(in);
        int barrierNo = (new Integer(temp.trim())).intValue();
        if (barrierNo == 0) {		// throw away dummy barrier

            for (int jdx = 0; jdx < 6; jdx++) {
        String temp1 = getData(SimPoint1);
        String temp2 = getData(SimPoint2);
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(temp1, " ");
        String rx1 = st.nextToken();
        double Rx1 = Double.parseDouble(rx1);
        String ry1 = st.nextToken();
        double Ry1 = Double.parseDouble(ry1);
        st = new StringTokenizer(temp2, " ");
        String rx2 = st.nextToken();
        double Rx2 = Double.parseDouble(rx2);
        String ry2 = st.nextToken();
        double Ry2 = Double.parseDouble(ry2);

        for (int idx = 0; idx < barrierNo; idx++) {
            String line = getLine(in);
            st = new StringTokenizer(line, "| ");
            String bx1 = st.nextToken();
            double Bx1 = Double.parseDouble(bx1);
            String by1 = st.nextToken();
            double By1 = Double.parseDouble(by1);
            line = getLine(in);
            st = new StringTokenizer(line, "| ");
            String bx2 = st.nextToken();
            double Bx2 = Double.parseDouble(bx2);
            String by2 = st.nextToken();
            double By2 = Double.parseDouble(by2);
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(getLine(in).trim());
            for (int jdx = 0; jdx < 3; jdx++) {
            line = sb.toString();
            //    //System.out.println("readRunFileBarriers: Rx1:"+Rx1+"  Bx1:"+Bx1+"  Rx2:"+Rx2+"  Bx2:"+Bx2);
            //    //System.out.println("readRunFileBarriers: Ry1:"+Ry1+"  By1:"+By1+"  Ry2:"+Ry2+"  By2:"+By2);
            //		if (bx2.equals(rx1)) {
            if ((Ry1 == By1 && Ry2 == By2) || (Ry1 == By2 && Ry2 == By1)) {
                if (Rx1 == Bx1 || Rx1 == Bx2) {
                    setData(BarrierW, line);
                    //			} else if (bx1.equals(rx2)) {
                } else if (Rx2 == Bx1 || Rx2 == Bx2) {
                    setData(BarrierE, line);
                } else {
//                    c_log.logMessage(WepsMessage.warningMessage("Unknown Barrier Position 1 " + line +
//                            " field-bx1:" + bx1 + "   bx2:" + bx2 + "   by1:" + by1 + "  by2:" + by2 +
//                            " barrier-rx1: " + rx1 + "   rx2:" + rx2 + "  ry1:" + ry1 + "  ry2:" + ry2));
//                    //System.err.println("RFD_rDFB: unknown barrier position 1 " + line +
//                            " field-bx1:" + bx1 + "   bx2:" + bx2 + "   by1:" + by1 + "  by2:" + by2 +
//                            " barrier-rx1: " + rx1 + "   rx2:" + rx2 + "  ry1:" + ry1 + "  ry2:" + ry2);
            } else if ((Rx1 == Bx1 && Rx2 == Bx2) || (Rx1 == Bx2 && Rx2 == Bx1)) {
//			} else if (by2.equals(ry1)) {
                if (Ry1 == By1 || Ry1 == By2) {
                    setData(BarrierS, line);

//			} else if (by1.equals(ry2)) {
                } else if (Ry2 == By1 || Ry2 == By2) {
                    setData(BarrierN, line);
                } else {
//                    c_log.logMessage(WepsMessage.warningMessage("Unknown Barrier Position 2 " + line +
//                            " field-bx1:" + bx1 + "   bx2:" + bx2 + "   by1:" + by1 + "  by2:" + by2 +
//                            " barrier-rx1: " + rx1 + "   rx2:" + rx2 + "  ry1:" + ry1 + "  ry2:" + ry2));
//                    //System.err.println("RFD_rDFB: unknown barrier position 2 " + line +
//                            " field-bx1:" + bx1 + "   bx2:" + bx2 + "   by1:" + by1 + "  by2:" + by2 +
//                            " barrier-rx1: " + rx1 + "   rx2:" + rx2 + "  ry1:" + ry1 + "  ry2:" + ry2);

            } else {
//                c_log.logMessage(WepsMessage.warningMessage("Unknown Barrier Position 3 " + line +
//                        " field-bx1:" + bx1 + "   bx2:" + bx2 + "   by1:" + by1 + "  by2:" + by2 +
//                        " barrier-rx1: " + rx1 + "   rx2:" + rx2 + "  ry1:" + ry1 + "  ry2:" + ry2));
//                //System.err.println("RFD_rDFB: unknown barrier position 3 " + line +
//                        " field-bx1:" + bx1 + "   bx2:" + bx2 + "   by1:" + by1 + "  by2:" + by2 +
//                        " barrier-rx1: " + rx1 + "   rx2:" + rx2 + "  ry1:" + ry1 + "  ry2:" + ry2);


    private void readNotesFile(String runFilePathName) {
        String temp = "";
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        File file = new File(runFilePathName, NotesFileName);
        BufferedReader in = null;
        try {
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
            while ((temp = in.readLine()) != null) {
                sb.append(temp.trim() + "\n");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.severe("Error while reading notes file. " + file.getPath() + e.getMessage());
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.severe("Error closing stream. " + file.getPath() + e.getMessage());
        setData(NotesText, sb.toString());
    private static final String VERSION_MARKER = "#VERSION=";

     * This method reads the data in the RUN file meant for the GUI initialization from the
     * existing set of values and makes it visible on the respective components of the interface.
     * @param runFilePathName The system path to the RUN file from where this data is retrieved.
    public void readRunFile(String runFilePathName) {

//        LoadingContext.enter();
//        RelativeFileContext.enter(new File(runFilePathName));
//        clearBean();

//            //getBean().setLoading(true);
//            c_log.clear();
            BufferedReader in = null;
            try {
                fileObject = new File(runFilePathName, WepsRun);
                if (!fileObject.exists()) {
                    LOGGER.warning("Run File \"" + fileObject.getAbsolutePath() + "\" does not exist.");
                in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileObject));
                double version = 1.00;  //Default when the version of the file is not included.

                String firstLine = in.readLine();
                if (firstLine == null) {
                firstLine = firstLine.trim();
                if (firstLine.startsWith(VERSION_MARKER)) {
                    firstLine = firstLine.replace(VERSION_MARKER, "");
                    version = Double.parseDouble(firstLine);

                setData(UserName, getLine(in));
                    String temp = getLine(in);
                    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(temp, "|");
                    if (st.countTokens() < 3) {
                        setData(FarmId, temp);
                        setData(TractId, "");
                        setData(FieldId, "");
                        setData(RunFileData.RunTypeDisp, ConfigData.Dates);
    //					changes.firePropertyChange(RunFileData.RunTypeDisp, RunType,
    //										 ConfigData.Dates);
                    } else if (st.countTokens() == 3) {
                        setData(FarmId, st.nextToken().trim());
                        setData(TractId, st.nextToken().trim());
                        setData(FieldId, st.nextToken().trim());
                        setData(RunFileData.RunTypeDisp, ConfigData.Dates);
    //					changes.firePropertyChange(RunFileData.RunTypeDisp, RunType,
    //										 st.nextToken().trim());

    //					setData(RunFileData.RunTypeDisp, type);
                    } else {
    //					try {
                        setData(FarmId, st.nextToken().trim());
                        setData(TractId, st.nextToken().trim());
                        setData(FieldId, st.nextToken().trim());
                        String type = st.nextToken().trim();
                        setData(RunFileData.RunTypeDisp, type);
                        setData(RotationYears, st.nextToken());
                        setData(CycleCount, st.nextToken());
    //					} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds e) {
    //						//System.err.println("RFD_rRF: too few tokens in id line (should be 6) " +
    //										   temp);
    //					}

                    String siteString = getLine(in);
                        //old site format
                        assert(false): "error: old site format: " + version ;
//                        usda.weru.weps.location.Site site = upgradeSiteString(siteString);
//                        setData(Site, site != null ? site.toString() : siteString);
                        setData(Site, siteString);

    //				String temp = getLine(in);
    //				setData(LatitudeSign, temp.startsWith("-") ? "-" : "+"); // Added below code for second conditional statement 01/16/2004
    //				setData(Latitude, temp.substring(temp.startsWith("-") ? 1 : ( temp.startsWith("+") ? 1 : 0 ) ));
    //				temp = getLine(in);
    //				setData(LongitudeSign, temp.startsWith("-") ? "-" : "+"); // // Added below code for second conditional statement 01/16/2004
    //				setData(Longitude, temp.substring(temp.startsWith("-") ? 1 : ( temp.startsWith("+") ? 1 : 0 ) ));
                    String latStr = getLine(in);
                    String longStr = getLine(in);
                    setData(LatLong, latStr.trim() + ";" + longStr.trim());

                // This string is used to store the value of the Run's elevation value
                restoreRunElevation = getLine(in);
                setData(Elevation, restoreRunElevation);

                if (version >= VERSION_LOCPANEL_REWRITE) {
                    //new format delegated to StationModeHandlers
                    String cligenLine = getLine(in);
                    int cligenModeIndex = cligenLine.indexOf("|");
                    String cligenModeText = cligenLine.substring(0, cligenModeIndex);
                    String cligenText = cligenLine.length() > cligenModeIndex ? cligenLine.substring(cligenModeIndex + 1) : null;

//                    StationMode cligenMode = StationMode.parse(cligenModeText);
//                    Station cligenStation = StationUtil.deserializeStation(cligenText);
//                    getBean().setCligenStationMode(cligenMode);
//                    getBean().setCligenStation(cligenStation);
                    // JPL - use new string keys to store instead of beans.
                    setData("CliGenStationName", cligenText);
                    setData("CliGenStationMode", cligenModeText);

                    String windgenLine = getLine(in);
                    int windgenModeIndex = windgenLine.indexOf("|");
                    String windgenModeText = windgenLine.substring(0, windgenModeIndex);
                    String windgenText = windgenLine.length() > windgenModeIndex ? windgenLine.substring(windgenModeIndex + 1) : null;

//                    StationMode windgenMode = StationMode.parse(windgenModeText);
//                    Station windgenStation = StationUtil.deserializeStation(windgenText);
//                    getBean().setWindgenStationMode(windgenMode);
//                    getBean().setWindgenStation(windgenStation);
                    // JPL - use new string keys to store instead of beans.
                    setData("WindgenStationName", windgenText);
                    setData("WindgenStationMode", windgenModeText);

                    //                } else {                    
//                    //Handle the old station format, only supports choice (0) or file (1) or interpolated for windgen
//                    //cligen                    
//                    try{
//                        String cligenLine = getLine(in);
//                        String cligenParts[] = cligenLine.split("\\|");
//                        StationMode cligenMode = StationMode.parse(cligenParts[3]);
//                        getBean().setCligenStationMode(cligenMode);
//                        if (StationMode.Choice == cligenMode) {
//                            //choice station
//                            String name = cligenParts[0];
//                            long id = Long.valueOf(cligenParts[1].trim());
//                            long state = Long.valueOf(cligenParts[2].trim());
//                            CligenStation station = CligenDataModel.getInstance().getStation(state, id);
//                            if(station == null){
//                                LOGGER.warning("Unable to find cligen record in database. State: " + state + ", Id: " + id );
//                                station = new CligenStation(name, state, id);
//                            }
//                            getBean().setCligenStation(station);
//                        } else if (StationMode.File == cligenMode) {
//                            //file station
//                            String name = cligenParts[0];
//                            File file = new File(runFilePathName, name);
//                            FileStation station = new FileStation(file);
//                            getBean().setCligenStation(station);
//                        } else {
//                            //really not supposed to get here.
//                        }
//                    }
//                    catch(Exception e){
//                        LOGGER.warning("Unable to read old cligen station.", e);
//                        getBean().setCligenStation(null);
//                    }
//                    //windgen                    
//                    try{
//                        String windgenLine = getLine(in);
//                        String windgenParts[] = windgenLine.split("\\|");
//                        StationMode windgenMode = StationMode.parse(windgenParts[2]);
//                        getBean().setWindgenStationMode(windgenMode);
//                        if (StationMode.Choice == windgenMode) {
//                            //choice station
//                            String name = windgenParts[0];
//                            if(windgenParts[1].startsWith("I~")){
//                                //this was an interpolated station
//                                getBean().setWindgenStationMode(StationMode.Interpolated);
//                                getBean().setWindgenStation(new InterpolatedStation(getBean().getLatLong()));
//                            }
//                            else{
//                                long id = Long.valueOf(windgenParts[1].trim());
//                                WindgenStation station = WindgenDataModel.getInstance().getStation(id);
//                                if(station == null){
//                                    LOGGER.warning("Unable to find windgen record in database. Id: " + id );
//                                    station = new WindgenStation(null, id, null, null, name);
//                                }
//                                getBean().setWindgenStation(station);
//                            }
//                        } else if (StationMode.File == windgenMode) {
//                            //file station
//                            String name = windgenParts[0];
//                            name = name != null ? name.trim() : name;
//                            if("Interpolated".equalsIgnoreCase(name)){
//                                //handle an interpolated file
//                                getBean().setWindgenStationMode(StationMode.Interpolated);
//                                getBean().setWindgenStation(new InterpolatedStation(getBean().getLatLong()));
//                            }
//                            else{
//                                File file = new File(runFilePathName, name);
//                                FileStation station = new FileStation(file);
//                                getBean().setWindgenStation(station);
//                            }
//                        } else {
//                            //really not supposed to get here.
//                        }
//                    }
//                    catch(Exception e){
//                        LOGGER.warning("Unable to read old windgen station.", e);
//                        getBean().setWindgenStation(null);
//                    }

                setData(StartDate, getLine(in));
                setData(EndDate, getLine(in));
                setData(TimeSteps, getLine(in));
                setData(ClimateFile, getLine(in));
                setData(WindFile, getLine(in));
                setData(SubDailyFile, getLine(in));
                String fileName = getLine(in);
                if (!(new File(fileName)).isAbsolute()) {
                    fileName = new File(runFilePathName, fileName).getAbsolutePath();
                final File soilFile = new File(fileName);
//                    ExceptionEventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
//                        @Override
//                        public void run() {
//                            JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane("The referenced soil file is missing.\n" + soilFile.getAbsolutePath(), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE){
//                                @Override
//                                public int getMaxCharactersPerLineCount() {
//                                    return 80;
//                                }
//                            };
//                            JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog("Loading Run");
//                            dialog.setVisible(true);
//                        }
//                    });
                    setData(SoilFile, "");
                    setData(SoilFile, fileName);
                fileName = getLine(in);
                if (!(new File(fileName)).isAbsolute()) {
                    fileName = new File(runFilePathName, fileName).getAbsolutePath();
                final File manFile = new File(fileName);
//                    ExceptionEventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
//                        @Override
//                        public void run() {
//                            JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane("The referenced management file is missing.\n" + manFile.getAbsolutePath(), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE){
//                                @Override
//                                public int getMaxCharactersPerLineCount() {
//                                    return 80;
//                                }
//                            };
//                            JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog("Loading Run");
//                            dialog.setVisible(true);
//                        }
//                    });
                    setData(ManageFile, "");
                    setData(ManageFile, fileName);

                setData(OutputFile, getLine(in));
                setData(ReportForm, getLine(in));
                setData(OutputPeriod, getLine(in));
                setData(SubmodelOutput, getLine(in));
                String s = getLine(in);
                setData(DebugOutput, s);
                setData(RegionAngle, getLine(in));
                setData(SimPoint1, getLine(in));
                setData(SimPoint2, getLine(in));
                setData(Scales, getLine(in));
                setData(AccNo, getLine(in));
                setData(AccPoint1, getLine(in));
                setData(AccPoint2, getLine(in));
                setData(SubregionNo, getLine(in));
                setData(SubPoint1, getLine(in));
                setData(SubPoint2, getLine(in));
                setData(AverageSlope, getLine(in));

                //Shape and radius information used by the user interface to approximate a rectangular field shape.
                // Placed in try in case the run file does not have the shape fields.
                try {
                    setData(Shape, getLine(in));
                } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                    setData(Shape, "rectangle");

                //consume the radius line

                //Only read the value if the correct version.
                if (version >= VERSION_WATER_EROSION) {
                    double d = 0;
                    String temp = getLine(in);
                            temp = temp != null ? temp.trim() : null;
                            if(temp != null){
                                d = Double.parseDouble(temp);
                    catch(Exception e){
                        LOGGER.fine("Unable to parse water erosion value: " + temp);

                    setData(WaterErosionLoss, String.valueOf(d));
                } else {
                    setData(WaterErosionLoss, "0");

                //Only read the value if the correct version.
                if (version >= VERSION_ROCK_FRAGMENTS) {
                    setData(SoilRockFragments, getLine(in));
                } else {
                    setData(SoilRockFragments, "0.0");

            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.severe("unable to read run file: \"" + runFilePathName + "\"" + e.getMessage());
            } catch (java.lang.NullPointerException f) {
//                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
//                        "Error loading run file",
//                        "Error (RFD-001)",
//                        JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (in != null) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.severe("Error closing file stream." + e.getMessage());
//            changes.firePropertyChange(DataChanged, null, "xxx");
//            fireAll();
            setData(Elevation, restoreRunElevation);

            //fire that we have finished loading the data
//            RelativeFileContext.exit();
//            LoadingContext.exit();


    private void fixUpData() {

        /* add additional factors */
        String temp1 = getData(SimPoint1);
        String temp2 = getData(SimPoint2);
        double x1 = 0.0;
        double y1 = 0.0;
        double x2 = 0.0;
        double y2 = 0.0;

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(temp1);
        try {
            x1 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
            y1 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
            st = new StringTokenizer(temp2);
            x2 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
            y2 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            //System.err.println("fUD: " + e);
            x1 = 0.0;
            y1 = 0.0;
            x2 = 0.0;
            y2 = 0.0;
        double Xlen = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
        double Ylen = Math.abs(y1 - y2);
        NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();

        String shape = getData(Shape);
            double radius = Math.sqrt((Xlen * Ylen) / Math.PI);
            setData(Radius, nf.format(radius));
        else if (shape.startsWith("half_circle_v")) {
            double radius = Math.sqrt((Xlen *  Ylen * 2) / Math.PI);
            setData(Radius, nf.format(radius));
        else if (shape.startsWith("quarter_circle")) {
            double radius = Math.sqrt((Xlen *  Ylen * 4) / Math.PI);
            setData(Radius, nf.format(radius));
        setData(XLength, nf.format(Xlen));
        setData(YLength, nf.format(Ylen));

    private String makeBarrier(String barPos, String barData) {

        if (barPos.equals(BarrierD)) {
            return "0.0 0.0" + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                    "0.0 0.0" + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                    "none" + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                    "0.0" + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                    "0.0" + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +

        // get points for sim region

        String temp1 = getData(SimPoint1);
        String temp2 = getData(SimPoint2);
        double x1 = 0.0;
        double y1 = 0.0;
        double x2 = 0.0;
        double y2 = 0.0;

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(temp1);
        try {
            x1 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
            y1 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
            st = new StringTokenizer(temp2);
            x2 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
            y2 = new Double(st.nextToken()).doubleValue();
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            //System.err.println("RFD_mB: " + e);
            x1 = 0.0;
            y1 = 0.0;
            x2 = 0.0;
            y2 = 0.0;
            return "Error in makeBarrier -- can't get field dimensions";

        st = new StringTokenizer(barData, "|");
        String type = st.nextToken();
        double widthDouble = 0.0;
        String height = st.nextToken();
        String width = st.nextToken();
        try {
            widthDouble = new Double(width).doubleValue();
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            //System.err.println("RFD_mB: " + e);
        String porosity = st.nextToken();
        String x1s = "0.0";
        String x2s = "0.0";
        String y1s = "0.0";
        String y2s = "0.0";

        NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();

        /* Since the fraction digits for the Simulation region co-ordinates is 2,
         ** the barrier co-ordinates SHOULD also have fraction digits of 2.
         ** Otherwise, they wont match while displaying the barriers.- added by Neha.

        if (barPos.equals(BarrierN)) {
            x1s = nf.format(x1);
            y1s = nf.format(y2);
            x2s = nf.format(x2);
            y2s = nf.format(y2 + widthDouble);
        } else if (barPos.equals(BarrierS)) {
            x1s = nf.format(x1);
            y1s = nf.format(y1 - widthDouble);
            x2s = nf.format(x2);
            y2s = nf.format(y1);
        } else if (barPos.equals(BarrierE)) {
            x1s = nf.format(x2);
            y1s = nf.format(y1);
            x2s = nf.format(x2 + widthDouble);
            y2s = nf.format(y2);
        } else if (barPos.equals(BarrierW)) {
            x1s = nf.format(x1 - widthDouble);
            y1s = nf.format(y1);
            x2s = nf.format(x1);
            y2s = nf.format(y2);

        return x1s + " " + y1s + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                x2s + " " + y2s + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                type + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                height + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +
                width + java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator") +

     * This method writes the modifications done or text inserted to the notes text field/area in the
     * file that preserves it.
     * @param dir The system path to the directory where this file exists.
    public void writeNotesFile(String dir) {

        //Disabled large note files quick fix.
        //String value = getData(NotesReadonly);
        //if (value != null && value.equals("1")) return;
        PrintWriter out = null;
        try {
            out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
                    new File(dir, RunFileData.NotesFileName))));

            String notes = getData(NotesText);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            //System.err.println("RFD_wNF: " + e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOGGER.severe("Error closing file stream" + e.getMessage());

     * This method updates to the newly inserted date values in the dates column of the interface.
    public void updateDates() {
        String runType = getData(RunTypeDisp);
        if (runType.equals(ConfigData.Dates)) {
            String sD = getData(StartDate);
            // //System.out.println("RFD_uD: START DATE is :" + sD);  // TESTING
            String eD = getData(EndDate);
            // //System.out.println("RFD_uD: END DATE is :" + eD);  // TESTING
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sD);
            sD = st.nextToken();
            // //System.out.println("RFD_uD: START DATE after TOKEN is :" + sD); // TESTING
            st = new StringTokenizer(eD);
            eD = st.nextToken();
            ////System.out.println("RFD_uD: END DATE after TOKEN is :" + eD); // TESTING
            //String totYrs = "" + ( Integer.parseInt(eD) * Integer.parseInt(sD) ); ///CHANGED by MANMOHAN .. 12/31/2003
            String totYrs = "" + ((Integer.parseInt(eD) - Integer.parseInt(sD)) + 1);
            ////System.out.println("RFD_uD: Total Years are :" + totYrs); // TESTING
            setData(TotalYears, totYrs);
        } else {
            if (runType.equals(ConfigData.NRCS)) {
                setData(CycleCount, NRCSRunLen);
            setData(StartDate, "01 01 01");
            String numYrs = getData(RotationYears);
            String numCyl = getData(CycleCount);
            int nY = Integer.parseInt(numYrs);
            int nC = Integer.parseInt(numCyl);
            setData(EndDate, "31 12 " + (nY * nC));
            String totYrs = "" + (nY * nC);
            setData(TotalYears, totYrs);


//    /**
//     * This method creates the "" file in the run directory.
//     * @param runDirPath The system path string to this run directory.
//     */
//    public void writeRunFile(String runDirPath) {
//        PrintWriter out = null;
//        File runDir = new File(runDirPath);
//        RelativeFileContext.enter(runDir);
//        try {
//            out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(runDir, WepsRun))));
//            int count = 0;
//            //First line is now a version line
//            NumberFormat versionFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
//            versionFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2);
//            out.println(VERSION_MARKER + versionFormat.format(VERSION_CURRENT));
//            out.println("#------------ WEPS SIMULATION RUN FILE ------------");
//            out.println("# Note: Lines beginning with '#' are comment lines.");
//            out.println("#       Lines beginning with '#   RFD' are comments used by the interface.");
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("# --USER INFORMATION");
//            out.println("#   " + UserName);
//            out.println(getData(UserName));
//            out.println("#   " + FarmId + " " + TractId + " " + FieldId + " " + RunTypeDisp + " " + RotationYears + " " + CycleCount);
//            out.println(getData(FarmId) + " | " + getData(TractId) + " | " +
//                    getData(FieldId) + " | " + getData(RunTypeDisp) + " | " +
//                    getData(RotationYears) + " | " + getData(CycleCount));
////            out.println("#   " + SiteCounty + ", " + SiteState);
////			out.println(getData(SiteCounty) + ", " + getData(SiteState));
//            out.println("#   " + Site);
//            usda.weru.weps.location.Site site = getBean().getSite();
//            out.println(site != null ? site.toString() : "");
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("# --SITE INFORMATION");
//            //print out the parts of LatLong
//            LatLong latlong = getBean().getLatLong();
//            NumberFormat latlongFormat = new DecimalFormat("+0.00;-0.00");
//            out.println("#   Signed Latitude");
//            out.println(latlongFormat.format(latlong.latitudeValue(NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE)));
//            out.println("#   Signed Longitude");
//            out.println(latlongFormat.format(latlong.longitudeValue(NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE)));
//            out.println("#   " + Elevation + "(meters)");
//            out.println(getData(Elevation));
//            //cligen
//            out.println("#   " + ClimateFlag + "|" + CligenStation);
//            //the new station mode model handles serializing the station for each mode.
//            StationMode cligenMode = getBean().getCligenStationMode();
//            Station cligenStation = getBean().getCligenStation();
//            if(cligenStation instanceof FileStation && cligenStation != null){
//                File file = ((FileStation)cligenStation).getFile();
//                cligenStation = new FileStation(new File(runDir, file.getName()));
//            }
//            out.println(cligenMode.getName() + "|" + StationUtil.serializeStation(cligenStation));
//            //windgen
//            out.println("#   " + WindFlag + "|" + WindgenStation);
//            //the new station mode model handles serializing the station for each mode.
//            StationMode windgenMode = getBean().getWindgenStationMode();
//            Station windgenStation = getBean().getWindgenStation();
//            if(windgenStation instanceof FileStation && windgenStation != null){
//                File file = ((FileStation)windgenStation).getFile();
//                windgenStation = new FileStation(new File(runDir, file.getName()));
//            }
//            out.println(windgenMode.getName() + "|" + StationUtil.serializeStation(windgenStation));
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("# --SIMULATION PERIOD");
//            out.println("#   " + StartDate + "(day month year)");
//            out.println(getData(StartDate));
//            out.println("#   " + EndDate + "(day month year)");
//            out.println(getData(EndDate));
//            out.println("#   " + TimeSteps + "(per day)");
//            out.println(getData(TimeSteps));
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("# --RUN FILE FILENAMES (INPUT)");
//            out.println("#   " + ClimateFile);
//            if (cligenStation instanceof FileStation) {
//                FileStation fileStation = (FileStation) cligenStation;
//                out.println(fileStation.getFile().getName());
//            } else {
//                out.println(DefaultCliGenName);
//            }
//            out.println("#   " + WindFile);
//            //if it is a file station we use the name of the file, else we use the default name            
//            if (windgenStation instanceof FileStation) {
//                FileStation fileStation = (FileStation) windgenStation;
//                out.println(fileStation.getFile().getName());
//            } else if (windgenStation instanceof InterpolatedStation) {
//                out.println("");
//            } else {
//                out.println(DefaultWinGenName);
//            }
//            out.println("#   " + SubDailyFile);
//            out.println("none");
//            out.println("#   " + SoilFile);
//            out.println((new File(getData(SoilFile)).getName()));
//            out.println("#   " + ManageFile);
//            out.println((new File(getData(ManageFile)).getName()));
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("# --WEPS OUTPUT OPTIONS");
//            out.println("#   " + OutputFile);
//            out.println(getData(OutputFile));
//            out.println("#   " + ReportForm);
//            out.println(getData(ReportForm));
//            out.println("#   " + OutputPeriod);
//            out.println(getData(OutputPeriod));
//            out.println("#   " + SubmodelOutput);
//            out.println(getData(SubmodelOutput));
//            out.println("#   " + DebugOutput);
//            out.println(getData(DebugOutput));
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("# --SIMULATION REGION INFORMATION");
//            out.println("#   " + RegionAngle + "(degrees clockwise from North)");
//            out.println(getData(RegionAngle));
//            out.println("#   Origin coordinates of simulation region (meters)");
//            out.println("0.0  0.0");
//            setData(SimPoint1, "0.0 0.0");
//            out.println("#    " + XLength + "(meters)" + "  " + YLength + "(meters)");
//            String xLength = getData(XLength);
//            String yLength = getData(YLength);
//            out.println(xLength + "  " + yLength);
//            setData(SimPoint2, xLength + "  " + yLength);
//            out.println("#   " + Scales + "(place holder line - needed for older versions of WEPS)");
//            out.println("5.5 5.5");
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("#   " + AccNo);
//            out.println(getData(AccNo));
//            out.println("#   Accounting region coordinates (meters)");
//            out.println("    0.0  0.0");
//            out.println(xLength + "  " + yLength);
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("#   " + SubregionNo);
//            out.println(getData(SubregionNo));
//            out.println("#   Subregion region coordinates (meters)");
//            out.println("0.0  0.0");
//            out.println(xLength + "  " + yLength);
//            out.println("#   " + AverageSlope + "(ratio m/m)");
//            out.println(getData(AverageSlope));
//            // out.println("#   Barriers");
//            int barrierCnt = 0;
//            if (!getData(BarrierN).startsWith("none|")) {
//                barrierCnt++;
//            }
//            if (!getData(BarrierS).startsWith("none|")) {
//                barrierCnt++;
//            }
//            if (!getData(BarrierE).startsWith("none|")) {
//                barrierCnt++;
//            }
//            if (!getData(BarrierW).startsWith("none|")) {
//                barrierCnt++;
//            }
//            out.println("#   " + BarrierNo);
//            out.println(barrierCnt);
//            if (barrierCnt == 0) {
//                out.println(makeBarrier(BarrierD, ""));
//            } else {
//                String barrier = getData(BarrierN);
//                if (barrier.length() > 0 && !barrier.startsWith("none|")) {
//                    out.println("#   " + BarrierN + " coordinates (meters)" + " | type" + " | height (meters)" + " | width (meters)" + " | porosity");
//                    out.println(makeBarrier(BarrierN, barrier));
//                }
//                barrier = getData(BarrierW);
//                if (barrier.length() > 0 && !barrier.startsWith("none|")) {
//                    out.println("#   " + BarrierW + " coordinates (meters)" + " | type" + " | height (meters)" + " | width (meters)" + " | porosity");
//                    out.println(makeBarrier(BarrierW, barrier));
//                }
//                barrier = getData(BarrierE);
//                if (barrier.length() > 0 && !barrier.startsWith("none|")) {
//                    out.println("#   " + BarrierE + " coordinates (meters)" + " | type" + " | height (meters)" + " | width (meters)" + " | porosity");
//                    out.println(makeBarrier(BarrierE, barrier));
//                }
//                barrier = getData(BarrierS);
//                if (barrier.length() > 0 && !barrier.startsWith("none|")) {
//                    out.println("#   " + BarrierS + " coordinates (meters)" + " | type" + " | height (meters)" + " | width (meters)" + " | porosity");
//                    out.println(makeBarrier(BarrierS, barrier));
//                }
//            }
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("# --CIRCULAR FIELD INFORMATION");
//            out.println("# Note: These fields are not used by the weps simulation.");
//            out.println("#       The shape and radius values are used by the user ");
//            out.println("#       interface to approximate a rectangular field.  They");
//            out.println("#       are included here so the reports can display the ");
//            out.println("#       correct field shape.");
//            out.println("#");
//            out.println("#   " + Shape);
//            out.println(getData(Shape));
//            out.println("#   " + Radius);
//            out.println(getData(Radius));
//            out.println("#   " + WaterErosionLoss);
//            out.println(getData(WaterErosionLoss));
//            out.println("#   " + SoilRockFragments);
//            out.println(getData(SoilRockFragments));
//            out.println("#---------- END OF SIMULATION RUN FILE ------------");
//            writeNotesFile(runDirPath);
//        } catch (IOException e) {
//            //System.err.println("RunFileData: " + e);
//        } finally {
//            RelativeFileContext.exit();
//            try {
//                out.close();
//            } catch (Exception e) {
//                LOGGER.error("Error closing stream", e);
//            }
//        }
//        changes.firePropertyChange(WriteRunFile, null, "xxx");
//    }
//    /**
//     * This method reads the file "weps.ini" in the project directory specified
//     *  in the path "runFilePathName" into hashtable "ht".
//     * @param runFilePathName The system path string to this run file directory.
//     */
//    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Element.getChildren is not checked
//    public void readRunData(String runFilePathName) {
//        fileObject = new File(runFilePathName);
//        File runData = new File(runFilePathName, WepsData);
//        if(!runData.exists()){
//            assert(false): "run data file doesn't exist: '" + runFilePathName + "'";
////            initialize();
////            writeRunDataXML(runFilePathName);
//        }
////        RelativeFileContext.enter(new File(runFilePathName));
////        LoadingContext.enter();
//        try{
//            if (runFilePathName.length() == 0) {
//                runFilePathName = curProj;
//            }
//            Map<String, String> temp = new HashMap<String, String> ();
//            boolean write = false;
//            //first try the xml
//            try {
//                readRunDataXML(runData, temp);
//                //now set all the data
//            } catch (Exception e) {
////                //xml failed, maybe it's really old in the binary format?
////      "Could not read weps.ini file as an XML document.  Will try using old binary format.");
////                try {
////                    readRunDataBinary(runData, temp);
////                    write = true;
////                } catch (Exception ex) {
////                    //oh snap, even the binary failed.
////                }
//            }
//            //getBean().setLoading(true);
//            try {
//                //Handle a few cases first                
//                prioritySetData(temp, RunFileData.LatLong);
//                prioritySetData(temp, RunFileData.ClimateFlag);
//                prioritySetData(temp, RunFileData.CligenStation);
//                prioritySetData(temp, RunFileData.WindFlag);
//                prioritySetData(temp, RunFileData.WindgenStation);
//                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : temp.entrySet()) {
//                    setData(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
//                }
//                //fixup the cligen/windgen modes
//                String climateMode = temp.get(RunFileData.ClimateFlag);
//                if(climateMode != null && climateMode.trim().length() == 0){
////                    getBean().setCligenStationMode(null);
//                }
//                String windgenMode = temp.get(RunFileData.WindFlag);
//                if(windgenMode != null && windgenMode.trim().length() == 0){
////                    getBean().setWindgenStationMode(null);
//                }
//            } finally {
//               // getBean().setLoading(false);
//            }
//            if (write) {
//                writeRunDataXML(runFilePathName);
//            }
//        }
//        finally{
////            LoadingContext.exit();
////            RelativeFileContext.exit();
//        }
//    }
    private void prioritySetData(Map<String, String> map, String property){
        String value = map.get(property);
        setData(property, value);        

//    private void readRunDataXML(File file, Map<String, String> temp) throws Exception {
//        RelativeFileContext.enter(new File(file.getParentFile()));
//        LoadingContext.enter();
//        clearBean();
//        try{
//            SAXBuilder in = new SAXBuilder();
//            Document doc;
//            Element root = null;
//            //use the stream so zipped files will work
//            doc = FileInputStream(file));
//            if (doc != null) {
//                root = doc.getRootElement();
//            } else {
//                throw new RuntimeException("no runFileData doc");
//            }
//            double version = 0;
//            try {
//                version = Double.valueOf(root.getAttributeValue("version"));
//            } catch (Exception e) {
//                //no version number;
//                version = 0;
//            }
//            for (Element element : (List<Element>) root.getChildren("key")) {
//                String key = element.getAttributeValue("name");
//                String value = element.getText();
//                temp.put(key, value);
//            }
//            //upgrade data
//            upgradeData(temp, version);
//            //clean data
//            cleanData(temp);
//        }
//        finally{
//            LoadingContext.exit();
//            RelativeFileContext.exit();
//        }
//    }
//    private void readRunDataBinary(File file, Map<String, String> temp) throws Exception {
//        LoadingContext.enter();
//        try{
//            ObjectInputStream objStream = null;
//            try {
//                FileInputStream inStream = null;
//                try {
//                    inStream = new FileInputStream(file);
//                } catch ( fnfe) {
//          "Run file data not found. " + file.getPath());
//                    initialize();
//                    return;
//                }
//                objStream = new ObjectInputStream(inStream);
//                //Load the file into a temp location.
//                Hashtable<String, String> tempHashtable = (Hashtable<String, String>) objStream.readObject();
//                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tempHashtable.entrySet()) {
//                    String key = entry.getKey();
//                    if (key.equals(RunsLocation)) {
//                        continue;
//                    }
//                    String value = entry.getValue();
//                    temp.put(key, value);
//                }
//                upgradeData(temp, 0);
//                cleanData(temp);
//            } finally {
//                try {
//                    if (objStream != null) {
//                        objStream.close();
//                    }
//                } catch (Exception e) {
//                    LOGGER.error("Error closing file stream. " + file.getPath(), e);
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        finally{
//            LoadingContext.exit();
//        }
//    }
    private void upgradeData(Map<String, String> map, double version) {

        if (version < VERSION_LOCPANEL_REWRITE) {
            assert(false): "error: obsolete station data.";
            //need to upgrade the station values
//            //CLIGEN
//            StationMode cligenMode = StationMode.parse(map.get(ClimateFlag));
//            //convert id to name
//            map.put(WindFlag, cligenMode.getName());
//            Station cligenStation = null;
//            switch (cligenMode) {
//                case Choice:
//                    try {
//                        long cligenId = Long.valueOf(map.get(CliGenStation));
//                        long cligenState = Long.valueOf(map.get(CliGenState));
//                        //try to find a station for the give id
//                        cligenStation = CligenDataModel.getInstance().getStation(cligenState, cligenId);
//                    } catch (Exception e) {
//                        //oh snap
//                    }
//                    break;
//                case File:
//                    String cligenFilePath = map.get(WindFile);
//                    if (cligenFilePath != null) {
//                        cligenStation = new FileStation(new File(cligenFilePath));
//                    }
//                    break;
//                default:
//                    //unexpected old mode
//                    break;
//            }
//            String cligenStationSer = StationUtil.serializeStation(cligenStation);
//            map.put(CligenStation, cligenStationSer);
//            //END CLIGEN
//            //WINDGEN
//            StationMode windgenMode = StationMode.parse(map.get(WindFlag));
//            //convert id to name
//            map.put(WindFlag, windgenMode.getName());
//            Station windgenStation = null;
//            switch (windgenMode) {
//                case Choice:
//                    try {
//                        long windgenId = Long.valueOf(map.get(WinGenStation));
//                        //try to find a station for the give id
//                        windgenStation = WindgenDataModel.getInstance().getStation(windgenId);
//                    } catch (Exception e) {
//                        //oh snap
//                    }
//                    break;
//                case File:
//                    String windgenFilePath = map.get(WindFile);
//                    if (windgenFilePath != null) {
//                        windgenStation = new FileStation(new File(windgenFilePath));
//                    }
//                    break;
//                default:
//                    //unexpected old mode
//                    break;
//            }
//            String windgenStationSer = StationUtil.serializeStation(windgenStation);
//            map.put(WindgenStation, windgenStationSer);
//            //END WINDGEN


        if(version < VERSION_LOCPANEL_SITE){
            assert(false): "error: obsolete site version.";
//            usda.weru.weps.location.Site site = upgradeSiteString(map.get(Site));
//            if(site != null){
//                map.put(Site, site.toString());
//            }            

        if(version < VERSION_RELATIVE_PATHS){
            File projectFile = new File(curProj);

            //need to fix up paths that might not be valid for soil and management
            String soilPath = map.get(SoilFile);
            File soilFile = new File(soilPath);

                soilFile = new File(projectFile, soilFile.getName());
                    map.put(SoilFile, soilFile.getPath());
          "Resolved missing absolute soil file to relative path.");
            String managePath = map.get(ManageFile);
            File manageFile = new File(managePath);

                manageFile = new File(projectFile, manageFile.getName());
                    map.put(ManageFile, manageFile.getPath());
          "Resolved missing absolute management file to relative path.");

        else{   //Need to take the realtive paths and convert to absolute so the interface still works
            File projectFile = new File(curProj);
            String soilPath = map.get(SoilFile);
            File soilFile = new File(projectFile, soilPath);
            map.put(SoilFile, soilFile.getPath());
            String managePath = map.get(ManageFile);
            File manageFile = new File(projectFile, managePath);
            map.put(ManageFile, manageFile.getPath());


//    private usda.weru.weps.location.Site upgradeSiteString(String oldSiteString){
//            String parts[] = oldSiteString.split(",");
//            String countyName = parts[0].trim();
//            String stateName = parts[1].trim();
//            Level0 usa = Level0.UNITED_STATES;
//            usda.weru.weps.location.Site temp = null;
//            for(usda.weru.weps.location.Site state : usa.getSubDivisions()){
//                if(state.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(stateName)){
//                    temp = state;
//                    break;
//                }
//            }
//            if(temp != null){
//                for(usda.weru.weps.location.Site county : temp.getSubDivisions()){
//                    if(county.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(countyName)){
//                        temp = county;
//                        break;
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//            return temp;
//    }
    private void cleanData(Map<String, String> map) {
        for (Field field : RunFileData.class.getFields()) {
            if (field.getType().equals(String.class) && field.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class)) {
                try {
                    String key = (String) field.get(this);
          "Deprecated RunFileData Key: " + key);
                } catch (Exception e) {

//    /**
//     * Updates the data into the initialization RUN file the user modifications done on the screen
//     * which is a basically a hashtable contiaining the details of the project.
//     * @param runFilePathName The system path string to this run file directory where the screen data resides.
//     */
//    public void writeRunDataXML(String runFilePathName) {
//        cleanData(ht);
////		updateDates();
//        if (runFilePathName.length() == 0) {
//            runFilePathName = curProj;
//            /** Create file "weps.ini" in the Project directory specified in the
//             * path "runFilePathName". Write into this "weps.ini" file the
//             * hash table containing the details of Project.
//             */
//        }
//        File runData = new File(runFilePathName, WepsData);
//        File runFolder = new File(runFilePathName);
//        RelativeFileContext.enter(runFolder);
//        try{
//            Element root = new Element("weps");
//            //add the version number so when read in we know how to handle station values
//            root.setAttribute("version", String.valueOf(VERSION_CURRENT));
//            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : ht.entrySet()) {
//                try {
//                    Element param = new Element("key");
//                    String key = entry.getKey();
//                    param.setAttribute("name", key);
//                    String value = entry.getValue();
//                    if(value != null && (RunFileData.SoilFile.equals(key) || RunFileData.ManageFile.equals(key))){
//                        //if soil or manage file make relative paths
//                        File valueFile = new File(value);
//                        valueFile = Util.resolveFileAsRelativeChildOrAbsolute(runFolder, valueFile);
//                        value = valueFile.getPath();
//                    }
//                    param.setText(value != null ? value : "");
//                    root.addContent(param);
//                } catch (IllegalDataException ide) {
//                    LOGGER.warning("Unable to save data element.  Some data may be missing or corrupted. " + ide.getMessage());
//                }
//            }
//            FileOutputStream stream = null;
//            try {
//                XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
//                stream = new FileOutputStream(runData);
//                out.output(root, stream);
//                stream.close();
//            } catch (IOException ex) {
//                LOGGER.error("Error writing run data.", ex);
//            } finally {
//                if (stream != null) {
//                    try {
//                        stream.close();
//                    } catch (Exception ex) {
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        finally{
//            RelativeFileContext.exit();
//        }
//    }
//    /**
//     * Removes the files/directories that contain the RUN data.
//     * @param dir The directory that contains the RUN data that will be removed.
//     * @return True if the directory is deleted else false.
//     */
//    public boolean removeRunData(File dir) {
//        return Util.deleteAll(dir);
//    }
     * Displays information about the object on the console for use in debugging.
     * @param msg The message to be shown/displayed.
    public void showRunFileData(String msg) {
        //System.err.println("sRFD " + msg + " " + ht.size());
        Enumeration e = ht.keys();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            Object key = e.nextElement();
            Object value = ht.get(key);
            //System.err.println(((String) key) + "=" + ((String) value));
//    /**
//     * RunFileData throws a property change each time setData is called.
//     * Wrapper classes listen to determine if the the event is relevant to
//     * them.
//     */
//    private PropertyChangeSupport changes = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
//    /**
//     * Allows the container to add or register some other components to recognize the changes that occur
//     * on this component.
//     * @param l The listener that listens and reacts towards the the changes to be reflected.
//     */
//    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
//        changes.addPropertyChangeListener(l);
//    }
//    public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener l) {
//        changes.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, l);
//    }
//    /**
//     * Allows the container to remove or de-register some other components and stop recognizing the
//     * changes that occur on this component.
//     * @param l The listener that does not listen and react towards the the changes to be reflected.
//     */
//    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l) {
//        changes.removePropertyChangeListener(l);
//    }
//    public void removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener l) {
//        changes.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName, l);
//    }
//    /**
//     * Recognizes and takes appropriate actions on registered properties from different
//     * screens to update and synchronize data and GUI screens as needed.
//     * @param e The event itself that is responsible for triggering the change required for registered
//     * properties/components.
//     */
//    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
//        String idxstr = e.getPropertyName();
//        if (!idxstr.startsWith(RFD)) { 	// not a rfd file value
//            if (idxstr.equals(WriteRunData)) {
//                writeRunDataXML((String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(WriteRunFile)) {
//                writeRunFile((String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ReadRunData)) {
//                readRunData((String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ReadRunFile)) {
//                readRunFile((String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ShowRunData)) {
//                showRunFileData((String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.CurrentProj)) {
//                curProj = Util.parse(e.getNewValue().toString());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.NRCSRunLen)) {
//                NRCSRunLen = (String) e.getNewValue();
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OutputFreq)) {
//                setData(OutputPeriod, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(RunFileData.ClimateFlag)) {
//                setData(ClimateFlag, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(RunFileData.WindFlag)) {
//                setData(WindFlag, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPHydroDet)) {
//                setDetailFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPCropDet)) {
//                setDetailFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPDecompDet)) {
//                setDetailFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPErosionDet)) {
//                setDetailFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPManageDet)) {
//                setDetailFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPSoilDet)) {
//                setDetailFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPHydroDbg)) {
//                setDebugFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPCropDbg)) {
//                setDebugFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPDecompDbg)) {
//                setDebugFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPErosionDbg)) {
//                setDebugFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPManageDbg)) {
//                setDebugFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            } else if (idxstr.equals(ConfigData.OPSoilDbg)) {
//                setDebugFlags(idxstr, (String) e.getNewValue());
//            }
//            return;
//        }
//        String valstr = (String) e.getNewValue();
//        setData(idxstr, valstr);
//        if (idxstr.equals(ManageFile)) {
//            setRotationYears(valstr);
//        }
//    }
    private void setDebugFlags(String flag, String value) {
        int m_flag = 0;
        if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPHydroDbg)) {
            m_flag = 0;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPSoilDbg)) {
            m_flag = 1;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPManageDbg)) {
            m_flag = 2;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPCropDbg)) {
            m_flag = 3;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPDecompDbg)) {
            m_flag = 4;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPErosionDbg)) {
            m_flag = 5;
        String flags = getData(DebugOutput);
        flags = flags != null ? flags : "";
        String[] m_flags = flags.split("\\s");
        if (m_flags.length < 6) {
            m_flags = Arrays.copyOf(m_flags, 6);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_flags.length; i++) {
                if (m_flags[i] == null) {
                    m_flags[i] = "0";
        m_flags[m_flag] = value;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (String s : m_flags) {
            sb.append(s + " ");
        setData(DebugOutput, sb.toString().trim());

    private void setDetailFlags(String flag, String value) {
        int m_flag = 0;
        if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPHydroDet)) {
            m_flag = 0;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPSoilDet)) {
            m_flag = 1;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPManageDet)) {
            m_flag = 2;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPCropDet)) {
            m_flag = 3;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPDecompDet)) {
            m_flag = 4;
        } else if (flag.equals(ConfigData.OPErosionDet)) {
            m_flag = 5;
        String flags = getData(SubmodelOutput);
        flags = flags != null ? flags : "";
        String[] m_flags = flags.split("\\s");
        if (m_flags.length < 6) {
            m_flags = Arrays.copyOf(m_flags, 6);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_flags.length; i++) {
                if (m_flags[i] == null) {
                    m_flags[i] = "0";
        m_flags[m_flag] = value;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (String s : m_flags) {
            sb.append(s + " ");
        setData(SubmodelOutput, sb.toString().trim());

    public Set<String> keySet() {
        if (ht != null) {
            return ht.keySet();
        } else {
            return null;

//    private RunFileBean c_bean;
//    private synchronized void clearBean(){
//        //getBean().clear();
//    }
//    public synchronized RunFileBean getBean(){
//        if(c_bean == null){
//            c_bean = new RunFileBean();
//            //link the two together
//            RunFileDataBeanBridge.bridge(this, c_bean);
//        }
//        return c_bean;
//    }