[tools/WepsReportData/src/usda/weru/util/table] Revision: default  Date:
 * Created on June 19, 2006, 11:10 AM
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package usda.weru.util.table;

 * Interface specifying methods that ColumnGroups and Columns must implement.
 * @author Joseph Levin
public interface ColumnGroupOrColumn {
//    /**
//     * Return the Label used for this Column.
//     * @return The Label for this Column.
//     */
//    public Label getLabel();
     * Set the ColumnGroup this Column will be a part of.
     * @param parent The ColumnGroup this Column will be a part of.
     * @return 
    public ColumnGroupOrColumn setParent(ColumnGroup parent);
     * Return the ColumnGroup this Column is a part of.
     * @return The ColumnGroup this Column is a part of.
    public ColumnGroup getParentGroup();
     * Return the depth in the header that this Columns Label will appear.
     * @return The depth in the header.
    public int depthInHeader();
     * Returns the number of Columns under this Column (inclusive).
     * @return The number of Columns under this Column (inclusive).
    public int bottomBreadth();
     * @param child 
     * @return 
    public boolean isFirstChild(ColumnGroupOrColumn child);