[tools/WepsReportData/src/usda/weru/util/table] Revision: default  Date:
 * Created on June 9, 2006, 10:19 AM
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
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package usda.weru.util.table;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.jdom.Element;

 * Wrapper class for a group of Columns and/or Column Groups.
 * @author Joseph Levin
public class ColumnGroup implements XmlObject, ColumnGroupOrColumn, Iterable <ColumnGroupOrColumn>{
    private List<ColumnGroupOrColumn> c_children;
//    private Label c_label;
    private WepsTableMeta c_meta;
    private ColumnGroup c_parent;
    private ColumnGroup c_tempParent;       //Used when there are multiple labels so child ColumnGroup or Column objects are added to the correct parent.
     * Creates a new instance of ColumnGroup
     * @param meta The WepsTableMeta to which this ColumnGroup will be associated.
    public ColumnGroup(WepsTableMeta meta) {
        c_meta = meta;
//        c_label = new Label(meta);
    private void init(){
        c_children = new Vector <ColumnGroupOrColumn> ();
     * Return an Iterator for the List containing the ColumnGroups children.
     * @return An Iterator for the List of children.
    public Iterator iterator(){
        return c_children.listIterator();
     * Add a Column or ColumnGroup to this ColumnGroup.
     * @param child The Column or ColumnGroup to be added.
    public void add(ColumnGroupOrColumn child){
     * Set the ColumnGroup this ColumnGroup will be a part of.
     * @param parent The ColumnGroup this ColumnGroup will be a part of.
     * @return <b>this</b>
    public ColumnGroupOrColumn setParent(ColumnGroup parent){
        c_parent = parent;
        return this;
     * Return the ColumnGroup this ColumnGroup is a part of.
     * @return The ColumnGroup containing this ColumnGroup.
    public ColumnGroup getParentGroup(){
        return c_parent;
     * Return the row in the header containing this ColumnGroup.
     * @return The depth in the header.
    public int depthInHeader(){
        int depth = 0;
        if (getParentGroup() != null){
            depth = depth + getParentGroup().depthInHeader() + 1;
        return depth;
     * Return the number of columns directly under this ColumnGroup.
     * @return The number of columns under this ColumnGroup.
    public int bottomBreadth(){
        int breadth = 0;
        for (ColumnGroupOrColumn child : c_children){
            if (child instanceof ColumnGroup){
                breadth = breadth + ((ColumnGroup) child).bottomBreadth();
            else if (child instanceof Column){
        return breadth;
     * Check to see if the supplied ColumnGroup or Column is the first child of this ColumnGroup.
     * @param child The ColumnGroup or Column in question.
     * @return <b>true</b> if the ColumnGroup or Column is the first child, <b>false</b> otherwise.
    public boolean isFirstChild(ColumnGroupOrColumn child){
        return c_children.indexOf(child) == 0;
     * Load configuration settings for this ColumnGroup from a jdom Element.
     * @param node An org.jdom.Element containing configuration information about this ColumnGroup.
    public void fromXml(Element node){
//        //Load labels first because we may have to make wrapping column containers
//        loadLabels(node);
        // Initialize c_tempParent. This was originally done in loadLabels().
        ColumnGroup tempColumns = new ColumnGroup(c_meta);
        c_tempParent = tempColumns;        
        //Load children(label, columns or column;
        List <Element> children = (List <Element>) node.getChildren();
        for (Element child : children){
            if (child.getName().equals(WepsTableEnum.XML_columngroup)){
                //Child ColumnGroup 
            else if (child.getName().equals(WepsTableEnum.XML_column)){
                //Child Column
    private void loadColumns(Element node){
        ColumnGroup childColumns = new ColumnGroup(c_meta);
    private void loadColumn(Element node){
        Column childColumn = new Column(c_meta);
//    /**
//     * Set the Label to be used by this ColumnGroup.
//     * @param label The Label to be used by this ColumnGroup.
//     */
//    public void setLabel(Label label){
//        c_label = label;
//    }
//    private void loadLabels(Element node){
//        List <Element> labelNodes = (List <Element>) node.getChildren(WepsTableEnum.XML_label);
//        c_label = new Label(c_meta);
//        boolean first = true;
//        ColumnGroup parent = this;
//        for (Element child : labelNodes){
//            if (first){
//                first = false;
//                c_label.fromXml(child);
//            }
//            else{
//                //We have more labels which we will create unique ColumnGroup objects for.
//                ColumnGroup tempColumns = new ColumnGroup(c_meta);
//                Label tempLabel = new Label(c_meta);
//                tempLabel.fromXml(child);
//                tempColumns.setLabel(tempLabel);
//                parent.add(tempColumns);
//                parent = tempColumns;
//            }
//        }
//        c_tempParent = parent;        
//    }
     * Return the ID of this ColumnGroup.
     * @return The ID of this ColumnGroup.
    public String toString(){
//        if (getLabel() != null){
//            return getLabel().getText();            
//        }
//        else{
            return super.toString();
//        }