[tools/WepsReportData/src/usda/weru/weps/reports/query] Revision:   Date:
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package usda.weru.weps.reports.query;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import usda.weru.util.ConversionCalculator;
import usda.weru.util.Util;
import usda.weru.weps.RunFileData;

 * @author joelevin
public class RunsResultSet extends WepsResultSet {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RunsResultSet.class.getName());
    private String stdFileName;

    // Names of the table and columns in the SQL data model.
    public static final String NAME = "runs";
    public static final String COLUMN_PREFIX = NAME + ".";
//    public static final String COLUMN_RUNID = COLUMN_PREFIX + "runid";
    public static final String COLUMN_NAME = COLUMN_PREFIX + "name";
    public static final String COLUMN_NAMEEXT = COLUMN_PREFIX + "nameext";
    public static final String COLUMN_LOCATION = COLUMN_PREFIX + "location";
    public static final String COLUMN_CLIENT = COLUMN_PREFIX + "client";
    public static final String COLUMN_FARM = COLUMN_PREFIX + "farm";
    public static final String COLUMN_TRACT = COLUMN_PREFIX + "tract";   
    public static final String COLUMN_FIELD = COLUMN_PREFIX + "field";
    public static final String COLUMN_MANAGE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "manage";
    public static final String COLUMN_SOIL = COLUMN_PREFIX + "soil";
    public static final String COLUMN_FIELDIMAGE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "fieldimage";
    public static final String COLUMN_RUNDATE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "rundate";
    public static final String COLUMN_MODE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "mode";
    public static final String COLUMN_CYCLESCOUNT = COLUMN_PREFIX + "cyclescount";
    public static final String COLUMN_STATE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "state";
    public static final String COLUMN_COUNTY = COLUMN_PREFIX + "county";
    public static final String COLUMN_SITE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "site";
    public static final String COLUMN_LATITUDE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "latitude";
    public static final String COLUMN_LONGITUDE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "longitude";
    public static final String COLUMN_ELEVATION = COLUMN_PREFIX + "elevation";
    public static final String COLUMN_FIELDSHAPE = COLUMN_PREFIX + "fieldshape";
    public static final String COLUMN_FIELDXLENGTH= COLUMN_PREFIX + "fieldxlength";
    public static final String COLUMN_FIELDYLENGTH = COLUMN_PREFIX + "fieldylength";
    public static final String COLUMN_FIELDRADIUS = COLUMN_PREFIX + "fieldradius";
    public static final String COLUMN_FIELDORIENTATION = COLUMN_PREFIX + "fieldorientation";
    public static final String COLUMN_CLIGEN = COLUMN_PREFIX + "cligen";
    public static final String COLUMN_WINDGEN = COLUMN_PREFIX + "windgen";
//    private final WepsConnection c_con;
//    private boolean c_filled;

    // New member variables
    public String m_sDirectory;
    public String m_sUnits;

    public RunsResultSet(WepsConnection con, String sDirectory, String sUnits,String stdfilename) {
//        c_con = con;
        m_sDirectory = sDirectory;
        m_sUnits     = sUnits;
        stdFileName = stdfilename;
//        addColumn(COLUMN_RUNID, Types.INTEGER, 10, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_NAME, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_NAMEEXT, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_LOCATION, Types.VARCHAR, 255, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_CLIENT, Types.VARCHAR, 100, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_FARM, Types.VARCHAR, 100, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_TRACT, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_FIELD, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_MANAGE, Types.VARCHAR, 255, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_SOIL, Types.VARCHAR, 255, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_CLIGEN, Types.VARCHAR, 255, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_WINDGEN, Types.VARCHAR, 255, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_FIELDIMAGE, Types.BINARY, 0, 0);     
        addColumn(COLUMN_RUNDATE, Types.TIMESTAMP, 0, 0);     
        addColumn(COLUMN_MODE, Types.VARCHAR, 25, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_CYCLESCOUNT, Types.INTEGER, 10, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_STATE, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_COUNTY, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_SITE, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);
        addColumn(COLUMN_LATITUDE, Types.DOUBLE, 10, 3);
        addColumn(COLUMN_LONGITUDE, Types.DOUBLE, 10, 3);
        addColumn(COLUMN_ELEVATION, Types.DOUBLE, 10, 3);
        addColumn(COLUMN_FIELDSHAPE, Types.VARCHAR, 50, 0);        
        addColumn(COLUMN_FIELDXLENGTH, Types.DOUBLE, 10, 3);
        addColumn(COLUMN_FIELDYLENGTH, Types.DOUBLE, 10, 3);
        addColumn(COLUMN_FIELDRADIUS, Types.DOUBLE, 10, 3);
        addColumn(COLUMN_FIELDORIENTATION, Types.DOUBLE, 10, 3);

    public String getName() {
        return NAME;
    protected boolean isUSUnits(){
        return Util.USUnits.equals(m_sUnits);

    public synchronized void fill() /*throws SQLException*/ {
//        if (c_filled) {
//            return;
//        }
//        File[] files = c_con.getRunFiles();

//        DrawField fieldPainter = null;
//        RepBarPanel rbp = null;        
        int i = 0;
//        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            File runDir = new File(m_sDirectory);
            Object[] row = createNewRow(false);
//            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_RUNID, i);

            //name with extension
            String name = runDir.getName();
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_NAMEEXT, name);
            //name with out extension
            name = name.substring(0, name.length() - RunFileData.RunSuffix.length());
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_NAME, name);
            RunFileData data = new RunFileData(runDir.getAbsolutePath(), false);
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_CLIENT, data.getData(RunFileData.UserName));
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FARM, data.getData(RunFileData.FarmId));            
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_TRACT, data.getData(RunFileData.TractId));
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FIELD, data.getData(RunFileData.FieldId));
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_MANAGE, data.getData(RunFileData.ManageFile));
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_SOIL, data.getData(RunFileData.SoilFile));

//            Station cligen = data.getBean().getCligenStation();
//            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_CLIGEN, cligen != null ? cligen.getDisplayName() : null);
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_CLIGEN, data.getData("CliGenStationName"));

//            Station windgen = data.getBean().getWindgenStation();
//            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_WINDGEN, windgen != null ? windgen.getDisplayName() : null);
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_WINDGEN, data.getData("WindgenStationName"));
            //run mode
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_MODE, data.getData(RunFileData.RunTypeDisp));
                Integer cyclescount = Integer.valueOf(data.getData(RunFileData.CycleCount));
                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_CYCLESCOUNT, cyclescount);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error parsing cylescount value.");
//            try{
//                String buffer = null;
//                for (Site site = data.getBean().getSite(); site != null; site = site.getParent()){
//                    if(buffer == null){
//                        buffer = site.getDisplayName();
//                    }
//                    else{
//                        buffer = site.getDisplayName() + ", " + buffer;
//                    }
//                }
//                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_SITE, buffer != null ? buffer : "");
//            }
//            catch(Exception e){
//                LOGGER.severe("Error parsing site in file: " + runDir.getAbsolutePath());
//            }
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_SITE, data.getData(RunFileData.Site));

            DecimalFormat twoDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
            String latlong = data.getData(RunFileData.LatLong);
            String[] latlongParts = latlong.split(";", 2);
                Double lat = Double.valueOf(twoDecimalFormat.format(Double.valueOf(latlongParts[0].trim())));

                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_LATITUDE, lat);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.warning("Unable able to parse latitude for file: " + runDir.getAbsolutePath());
                Double lon = Double.valueOf(twoDecimalFormat.format(Double.valueOf(latlongParts[1].trim())));
                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_LONGITUDE, lon);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.warning("Unable able to parse latitude for file: " + runDir.getAbsolutePath());
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FIELDSHAPE, data.getData(RunFileData.Shape));
                Double radius = Double.valueOf(data.getData(RunFileData.Radius));
                if (isUSUnits()){
                    radius = ConversionCalculator.convert(radius, "m", "ft");
                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FIELDRADIUS, radius);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error parsing radius." + nfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.ConversionNotFoundException cnfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting radius value." + cnfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.UnitNotFoundException unfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting radius value." + unfe.getMessage());
            //x length
                Double xLength = Double.valueOf(data.getData(RunFileData.XLength));
                if (isUSUnits()){
                    xLength = ConversionCalculator.convert(xLength, "m", "ft");
                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FIELDXLENGTH, xLength);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error parsing xlength." + nfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.ConversionNotFoundException cnfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting xlength value." + cnfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.UnitNotFoundException unfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting xlength value." + unfe.getMessage());
            //y length
                Double yLength = Double.valueOf(data.getData(RunFileData.YLength));
                if (isUSUnits()){
                    yLength = ConversionCalculator.convert(yLength, "m", "ft");
                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FIELDYLENGTH, yLength);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error parsing ylength." + nfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.ConversionNotFoundException cnfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting ylength value." + cnfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.UnitNotFoundException unfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting ylength value." + unfe.getMessage());
                Double elevation = Double.valueOf(data.getData(RunFileData.Elevation));
                if (isUSUnits()){
                    elevation = ConversionCalculator.convert(elevation, "m", "ft");
                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_ELEVATION, elevation);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error parsing elevation." + nfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.ConversionNotFoundException cnfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting elevation value." + cnfe.getMessage());
            catch(ConversionCalculator.UnitNotFoundException unfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error converting elevation value." + unfe.getMessage());
                Double orientation = Double.valueOf(data.getData(RunFileData.RegionAngle));
                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FIELDORIENTATION, orientation);
            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                LOGGER.severe("Error parsing orientation." + nfe.getMessage());
            //add special fields        
            //location of run
//            String location = getRunLocation(ConfigData.getDefault().getData(ConfigData.DefaultRunsLocation),runDir);                        
            String location = m_sDirectory;
            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_LOCATION, location);
//            //field image
//            if (fieldPainter == null){
//                fieldPainter = new DrawField();            
//                fieldPainter.setSize(200, 200);
//                fieldPainter.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
//            }
//            rbp=new RepBarPanel();
//            rbp.addPropertyChangeListener(fieldPainter); 
//            fieldPainter.reset();
//            data.fireAll(rbp, fieldPainter);
//            BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(200, 200, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
//            fieldPainter.paintComponent(image.getGraphics());
//            byte[] bytes = getBytes(image);
//            setRowValue(row, COLUMN_FIELDIMAGE, bytes);   
//            //end image
            //date of weps run, have to read the stdout.txt
            File stdout = new File(runDir, stdFileName);
            if (stdout.exists()){
                BufferedReader reader = null;
                    reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(stdout));
                    String line = getLine(reader);  //First line
                    line = line.trim();
                    while(line != null){
                        if (line.startsWith("Date of WEPS Run:")){
                            //found the line
                            String dateText = line;
                            dateText = line.substring(18, line.length());
                                //Each thread creates its own because formats are not thread safe.
                                DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss");
                                Date date = format.parse(dateText);
                                setRowValue(row, COLUMN_RUNDATE, new Timestamp(date.getTime()));
                            catch(NumberFormatException nfe){
                                LOGGER.warning("Unable to parse date line: \"" + line + "\" in file: " + stdout.getAbsolutePath() + nfe.getMessage());
                            catch(ParseException pe){
                                LOGGER.warning("Unable to parse date line: \"" + line + "\" in file: " + stdout.getAbsolutePath() + pe.getMessage());
                        line = getLine(reader);  //next line
                catch(IOException ioe){
                    LOGGER.severe("Error reading file: " + stdout.getAbsolutePath() + ioe.getMessage());
                    if (reader != null){
                        catch(Exception e){
                            LOGGER.severe("Error closing file: " + stdout.getAbsolutePath() + e.getMessage());
//        }                

//        c_filled = true;
//    public byte [] getBytes(RenderedImage image) {
//        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
//        try {
//            ImageIO.write(image, "JPEG", baos);
//        } catch (IOException ex) {
//            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
//        }
//        return baos.toByteArray();
//    }
//    private String getRunLocation(String defaultLocation, File run) {
//        if (defaultLocation == null) {
//            return run.getParentFile().getPath();
//        }
//        File defaultLocationFile = new File(defaultLocation);
//        File parent = new File(run.getParentFile());
//        //Is the direct parent a project file?
//        if (parent.getName().endsWith(RunFileData.ProjectSuffix)) {
//            return parent.getName().replace(RunFileData.ProjectSuffix, "");
//        }
//        while (parent != null) {
//            if (parent.equals(defaultLocationFile)) {
//                String pathToIgnore = defaultLocationFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
//                String fullPath = run.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
//                fullPath = fullPath.replace(pathToIgnore, "");
//                if (fullPath.startsWith(File.separator)) {
//                    fullPath = fullPath.substring(1);
//                }
//                return fullPath;
//            } else {
//                try {
//                    parent = new File(parent.getParentFile());
//                } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
//                    return run.getParentFile().getPath();
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        return run.getParentFile().getPath();
//    }
    //Skip comments and blank lines
    private String getLine(BufferedReader in) throws IOException {
        String temp;
        while ((temp = in.readLine()) != null) {
            temp = temp.trim();
            if (temp.length() == 0) {
                //blank line
            if (temp.charAt(0) != '#') {
                //not a comment
                return temp;
        return null;
