V1_5.java [src/java/d/soils] Revision:   Date:
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package d.soils;

import csip.annotations.*;
import static csip.annotations.State.RELEASED;
import database.DBResources;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import static util.ErosionConst.SOILS;

 * REST Web Service. Front end callable.
 * @author wlloyd, od
 * Changed the results array to wrap the soils in a name value set. bjakobitz
@Description("IET soils")
@Resource(from = DBResources.class)

public class V1_5 extends V1_21 {

    protected void postProcess() throws Exception {
        for (int i = 0; i < outputObj.length(); i++) {
            results().put(SOILS, outputObj.get(i));