[src/java/m/datadownload] Revision: default  Date:
package m.datadownload;

import AirData.AirData;
import AirData.AirDataInterface;
import WaterData.GroundwaterData;
import WaterData.GroundwaterDataInterface;
import WaterData.WaterData;
import WaterData.WaterDataException;
import WaterData.WaterDataInterface;
import datadownload.SNOTEL_Data;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

* Last Updated: 19-June-2019
* @author Tyler Wible
* @since 12-April-2012
public class guiDataDownloads {
    String directory            = "C:/Projects/TylerWible_repos/NetBeans/data/DataDownloads";
    String beginDate             = "";//user defined begin date
    String endDate               = "";//user defined end date
    boolean USGSflowTF           = true;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for USGS stations
    boolean USGSwqTF             = true;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for USGS stations
    boolean USGSfloodTF          = true;//if true then flood data will be downloaded for USGS stations
    boolean USGSstageDischargeTF = true;//if true then stage-discharge data will be downloaded for USGS stations
    boolean USGSWellsDepthTF     = true;//if true then depth-to-watertable data will be downloaded for USGSwell stations
    boolean USGSWellsWatertableHeightTF = true;//if true then watertable-height data will be downloaded for USGSwell stations
    boolean USGSWellwqTF         = true;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for USGSwell stations
    boolean STORETflowTF         = false;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for STORET stations
    boolean STORETwqTF           = true;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for STORET stations
    boolean CDWRflowTF           = true;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for CDWR stations
    boolean CDWRstageDischargeTF = true;//if true then stage-discharge data will be downloaded for CDWR stations
    boolean NADPannualDataTF     = false;//if true then annual data will be downloaded for NADP stations
    boolean NADPmonthlyDataTF    = false;//if true then monthly data will be downloaded for NADP stations
    boolean NADPweeklyDataTF     = false;//if true then weekly data will be downloaded for NADP stations
    boolean CDSNflowTF           = true;//if true then flow data will be downloaded for CDSN stations
    boolean CDSNwqTF             = true;//if true then water quality data will be downloaded for CDSN stations
    String attributeFile         = "Database\tOrg_ID\tStaID\tStaName\tLatitude\tLongitude\tCounty\tState\tCountry\tHUCNumber\tDrainArea\tElev\tElevUnits\tElevDatum\tBeginDate\tEndDate\tCoop_ID\tWBAN_ID\n" + 
                                   "USGS\tn/a\t07369654\tCoon Bayou Tributary near Tillar\t33.74982893\t-91.4115096\tDesha County\tARKANSAS\tUnited States\t8050002\t0.02\t145\tft\tNGVD29\t1995-03-05\t1996-12-16\tn/a\tn/a\n" + 
                                   "USGS Wells\tn/a\t332432091031501\tD0016  WASHINGTON\t33.409005\t-91.0542732\tWashington County\tMISSISSIPPI\tUnited States\t8030209\t\t125\tft\tNGVD29\t\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + 
                                   "SNOTEL\tn/a\t330\tBeaver Divide\t40.61666667\t-111.1\tWasatch\tUTAH\tUnited States\t\t\t8280\tfeet\t\t1978-10-01\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + 
                                   "STORET\t11NPSWRD\tCRLA_GSFRA_52\tPothole Creek (No.52 in GS report)\t42.936853\t-121.949314\tKLAMATH\tOREGON\t\t18010201\t--\t0\t\tNAD83\t\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + 
//                                   "NADP\tn/a\tCO21\tManitou\t39.1008\t-105.0933\tTeller\tCOLORADO\tUSA\t\t\t2362\tm\t\t1978-10-17\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + 
//                                   "CDSN\tCITYFTCO_WQX\tPBOXC\tCache La Poudre River above Boxelder Creek, Site C\t40.551282\t-105.008726\tLarimer\tCOLORADO\tUSA\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tn/a\tn/a\n" + 
                                   "CDWR\tn/a\tDEUDITCO\tDEUEL SNYDER CANAL\t40.282657\t-103.848246\t\tColorado\tUnited States\t\t\t\t\t\t2008-03-31\t2014-09-25\tn/a\tn/a";//the contents of a tab-delimited input file
    public File getResults(){ return new File(directory, ""); }
    public void setDirectory(String directory_str){ directory = directory_str; }
    public void setAttributeFile(String attributeFile_str){ attributeFile = attributeFile_str; }
    public void setBeginDate(String beginDate_str){ beginDate = beginDate_str; }
    public void setEndDate(String endDate_str){ endDate = endDate_str; }
    public void setUSGSflowTF(boolean USGSflow_TF){ USGSflowTF = USGSflow_TF; }
    public void setUSGSwqTF(boolean USGSwq_TF){ USGSwqTF = USGSwq_TF; }
    public void setUSGSfloodTF(boolean USGSflood_TF){ USGSfloodTF = USGSflood_TF; }
    public void setUSGSstageDischargeTF(boolean USGSstageDischarge_TF){ USGSstageDischargeTF = USGSstageDischarge_TF; }
    public void setUSGSWellsDepthTF(boolean USGSWellsDepth_TF){ USGSWellsDepthTF = USGSWellsDepth_TF; }
    public void setUSGSWellsWatertableHeightTF(boolean USGSWellsWatertableHeight_TF){ USGSWellsWatertableHeightTF = USGSWellsWatertableHeight_TF; }
    public void setUSGSWellwqTF(boolean USGSWellwq_TF){ USGSWellwqTF = USGSWellwq_TF; }
    public void setSTORETflowTF(boolean STORETflow_TF){ STORETflowTF = STORETflow_TF; }
    public void setSTORETwqTF(boolean STORETwq_TF){ STORETwqTF = STORETwq_TF; }
    public void setCDWRflowTF(boolean CDWRflow_TF){ CDWRflowTF = CDWRflow_TF; }
    public void setCDWRstageDischargeTF(boolean CDWRstageDischarge_TF){ CDWRstageDischargeTF = CDWRstageDischarge_TF; }
    public void setNADPannualDataTF(boolean NADPannualData_TF){ NADPannualDataTF = NADPannualData_TF; }
    public void setNADPmonthlyDataTF(boolean NADPmonthlyData_TF){ NADPmonthlyDataTF = NADPmonthlyData_TF; }
    public void setNADPweeklyDataTF(boolean NADPweeklyData_TF){ NADPweeklyDataTF = NADPweeklyData_TF; }
    public void setCDSNflowTF(boolean CDSNflow_TF){ CDSNflowTF = CDSNflow_TF; }
    public void setCDSNwqTF(boolean CDSNwq_TF){ CDSNwqTF = CDSNwq_TF; }
     * Combines all of the results files into a single results zip file
     * @param fileNameList  list of each download result file to be included in the zip file
    public void zipResultsFiles(File[] fileNameList){
        //Check if the output zip file already exists
        File output = this.getResults();
            boolean deleteTrue = output.delete();
                System.out.println("The zip file " + output.getName() + " already exists and was not properly deleted");
        //Zip up the files in fileNameList into the output zip file
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            FileOutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(this.getResults());
            ZipOutputStream zipOutput = new ZipOutputStream(fileOutput);
            for(int i=0; i<fileNameList.length; i++){
                FileInputStream fileInput = new FileInputStream(fileNameList[i]);
                zipOutput.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(fileNameList[i].getName()));
                int len;
                while((len = > 0){
                    zipOutput.write(buffer, 0, len);
        }catch(FileNotFoundException ex){
            Logger.getLogger(guiDataDownloads.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        }catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(guiDataDownloads.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        System.out.println("Results files zipped at: " + directory + File.separator + this.getResults().getName());
        //Loop through and delete the original files after zipping to save space
        for(int i=0; i<fileNameList.length; i++){
            File currentFile = fileNameList[i];
            boolean deleteTrue = currentFile.delete();
                System.out.println("The file " + currentFile.getName() + " was not properly deleted after being zipped");
     * Writes out the error message, if any, for finding the file and then exits the program
     * @param error  string array to be written as each line of an error message
     * @throws IOException
    public void writeError(ArrayList<String> error) throws IOException{
        //Output data to text file
        String errorContents = error.get(0);
        for(int i=1; i<error.size(); i++){
            errorContents = errorContents + "\n" + error.get(i);
        throw new IOException("Error encountered. Please see the following message for details: \n" + errorContents);
     * Writes out the contents of the data query to a text file
     * @param textData  string array to be written as each line of the text file
     * @param fileNameList
     * @param fileName  the name of the output file to be written
     * @return 
     * @throws IOException
    public ArrayList<String> writeOutputFile(ArrayList<String> textData, ArrayList<String> fileNameList, String fileName, String database) throws IOException{
        String path = directory + "/" + fileName;
        FileWriter write =  new FileWriter(path, false);
        PrintWriter print_line = new PrintWriter(write);

        //Output data to text file
        for(int i = 0; i < textData.size(); i++) {
                print_line.printf("%s" + "\n", textData.get(i));
                print_line.printf("%s" + "\r\n", textData.get(i));
        System.out.println("Text File located at:\t" + path);
        return fileNameList;
    public void run() throws IOException, ParseException, InterruptedException, Exception {
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        //If no date input, make it the maximum of available data
        if(beginDate == null || beginDate.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
            beginDate = "1850-01-01";
        if(endDate == null || endDate.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
            // Pull current date for upper limit of data search
            DateFormat desiredDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
            Date currentDate = new Date();
            endDate = desiredDateFormat.format(currentDate);
        //Pull data out into a string array
        String[] inputRows = attributeFile.split("\n");
        ArrayList<String> fileNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
        int index_database = -1, index_org_id = -1, index_station_id = -1, index_state = -1;
        for(int i=0; i<inputRows.length; i++){//Start on 2nd line (first line is a header)
            String[] currentAttributes = inputRows[i].split("\t");
                //Determine indicies for data
                for(int j=0; j<currentAttributes.length; j++){
                        index_database = j;
                    }else if(currentAttributes[j].equalsIgnoreCase("org_id")){
                        index_org_id = j;
                    }else if(currentAttributes[j].equalsIgnoreCase("staid")){
                        index_station_id = j;
                    }else if(currentAttributes[j].equalsIgnoreCase("state")){
                        index_state = j;
                //Check for missing information
		if(index_database == -1){
                    throw new IOException("There is no attribute column 'database' in the station list provided");
		if(index_org_id == -1){
                    throw new IOException("There is no attribute column 'org_id' (STORET organization id) in the station list provided");
		if(index_station_id == -1){
                    throw new IOException("There is no attribute column 'staid' (station ID)  in the station list provided");
		if(index_state == -1){
                    throw new IOException("There is no attribute column 'state' in the station list provided");
                //Call Download function for current database
                if(currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("USGS Wells")){
                    GroundwaterDataInterface groundwaterLib = GroundwaterData.getNewGroundwaterDataInterface("USGS", "");
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = groundwaterLib.extractDepthToWaterTable_raw(currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate);
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, "USGSwells_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_DepthData.txt", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = groundwaterLib.extractDepthToWaterTable_raw(currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate);
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, "USGSwells_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_HeightData.txt", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = groundwaterLib.extractWaterQualityData_raw(currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate, "all");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, "USGSwells_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_WQData.txt", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                }else if(currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("NADP")){
                    String NADPbeginDate = beginDate;
                    if (Integer.parseInt(NADPbeginDate.substring(0,4))<1900) {
                        // NADP website give an internal server error if beginyear<1900
                        // This is the revised default beginDate for NADP. No NADP stations recorded data earlier than 1978
                        NADPbeginDate = "1900-01-01";
                    AirDataInterface airLib = AirData.getNewAirDataDataInterface("NADP");
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = airLib.extractAnnualDepositionData_raw(currentAttributes[index_station_id], NADPbeginDate, endDate, "");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, "NADP_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_AnnualData.csv", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                    if(NADPmonthlyDataTF) {
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = airLib.extractMonthlyDepositionData_raw(currentAttributes[index_station_id], NADPbeginDate, endDate, "");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, "NADP_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_MonthlyData.csv", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                    if(NADPweeklyDataTF) {
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = airLib.extractWeeklyDepositionData_raw(currentAttributes[index_station_id], NADPbeginDate, endDate, "");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, "NADP_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_WeeklyData.csv", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                }else if(currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("SNOTEL")){
                    Object[] returnArray = SNOTEL_Data.getSNOTELdata(currentAttributes[index_station_id], currentAttributes[index_state], "snow");
                    ArrayList<String> textData = (ArrayList<String>) returnArray[0];
                    //String[][] flowData = (String[][]) returnArray[1];
                    //String start = (String) returnArray[2];
                    //String end = (String) returnArray[3];
                    fileNameList = writeOutputFile(textData, fileNameList, "SNOTEL_" + currentAttributes[index_state] + "_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + ".csv", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                    WaterDataInterface waterLib = WaterData.getNewWaterDataInterface(currentAttributes[index_database], "");
                    String stationId_fixed = currentAttributes[index_station_id].replace("/", "");
                    if((currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("USGS") && USGSflowTF) ||
                       (currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("STORET") && STORETflowTF) || 
                       (currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("CDWR") && CDWRflowTF) || 
                       (currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("CDSN") && CDSNflowTF) ) {
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = new ArrayList<>();
                            rawData = waterLib.extractFlowData_raw(directory, currentAttributes[index_org_id], currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate);
                        }catch(WaterDataException e){
                            rawData.add("There is no available flow data in the " + currentAttributes[index_database] + " database for station '" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "'.");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, currentAttributes[index_database] + "_" + stationId_fixed + "_FlowData.txt", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                    if((currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("USGS") && USGSwqTF) ||
                       (currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("STORET") && STORETwqTF) || 
                       (currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("CDSN") && CDSNwqTF) ) {
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = new ArrayList<>();
                            rawData = waterLib.extractWaterQualityData_raw(directory, currentAttributes[index_org_id], currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate, "all");
                        }catch(WaterDataException e){
                            rawData.add("There is no available water quality data in the " + currentAttributes[index_database] + " database for station '" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "'.");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, currentAttributes[index_database] + "_" + stationId_fixed + "_WqData.txt", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                    if((currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("USGS") && USGSfloodTF) ) {
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = new ArrayList<>();
                            rawData = waterLib.extractFloodData_raw(directory, currentAttributes[index_org_id], currentAttributes[index_station_id], beginDate, endDate);
                        }catch(WaterDataException e){
                            rawData.add("There is no available flood data in the " + currentAttributes[index_database] + " database for station '" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "'.");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, currentAttributes[index_database] + "_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_FloodData.txt", currentAttributes[index_database]);
                    if((currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("USGS") && USGSstageDischargeTF) ||
                       (currentAttributes[index_database].equalsIgnoreCase("CDWR") && CDWRstageDischargeTF) ) {
                        ArrayList<String> rawData = new ArrayList<>();
                            rawData = waterLib.extractStageDischarge_raw(currentAttributes[index_station_id]);
                        }catch(WaterDataException e){
                            rawData.add("There is no available stage-discharge (rating curve) data in the " + currentAttributes[index_database] + " database for station '" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "'.");
                        fileNameList = writeOutputFile(rawData, fileNameList, currentAttributes[index_database] + "_" + currentAttributes[index_station_id] + "_StageDischargeData.txt", currentAttributes[index_database]);
        File[] resultFileNames = new File[fileNameList.size()];
        for(int i=0; i<fileNameList.size(); i++){
            resultFileNames[i] = new File(directory + File.separator + fileNameList.get(i));
        //Output list of file names
        //Save the result of how long this model run took
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Finished.  all models took: " + (endTime - startTime) + 
                " millseconds (" + ((endTime - startTime)/1000) + " seconds)(" +  (((endTime - startTime)/1000)/60) + " minutes) to run");
        //Location of Attributes (just for reference)
        //	Database 	= 0
        //	Org 		= 1
        //	StaID 		= 2
        //	StaName 	= 3
        //	Latitiude	= 4
        //	Longitude	= 5
        //	County		= 6
        //	State		= 7
        //	Country		= 8
        //	HUCNumber	= 9
        //	DrainArea	= 10
        //	Elev		= 11
        //	ElevUnits	= 12
        //	ElevDatum	= 13
        //	BeginDate 	= 14
        //	EndDate		= 15
        //	Coop_ID		= 16
        //	WBAN_ID		= 17
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, Exception{
        //Run model
        guiDataDownloads model = new guiDataDownloads();;