calsoft_plant.f90 [src] Revision: default Date:
subroutine calsoft_plant
use hru_module, only : ihru
use hydrograph_module
use ru_module
use aquifer_module
use channel_module
use hru_lte_module
use sd_channel_module
use basin_module
use maximum_data_module
use calibration_data_module
use conditional_module
use reservoir_module
use plant_module
implicit none
integer :: iter_all ! |end of loop
integer :: iterall !none |counter
integer :: isim ! |
integer :: ireg !none |counter
integer :: ilum !none |counter
integer :: iihru !none |counter
integer :: ihru_s !none |counter
integer :: iter_ind ! !end of loop
integer :: ist ! |
integer :: ipl !none |counter for plants in the hru
integer :: nvar ! |number of plant cal variables (1=lai_pot, 2=harv_idx)
real :: rmeas ! |
real :: denom ! |
real :: soft ! |
real :: diff ! |
real :: chg_val ! |
!calibrate crop yields
iter_all = 1
iter_ind = 1
nvar = 2
do iterall = 1, iter_all
! 1st lai potential adjustment
isim = 0
do ireg = 1, db_mx%plcal_reg
do ilum = 1, plcal(ireg)%lum_num
soft = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield
diff = 0.
if (soft > 1.e-6) diff = abs((soft - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield) / soft)
if (diff > .02 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha > 1.e-6 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%lai_pot < 1.e-6) then
isim = 1
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa
diff = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield
chg_val = 2. * diff !assume 1 t/ha for .1 stress??
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%lai_pot = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot + chg_val
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev%yield = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot >= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%pos) then
chg_val = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%pos - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%lai_pot
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%pos
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%lai_pot = 1.
end if
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot <= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%neg) then
chg_val = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%neg - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%lai_pot
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%neg
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%lai_pot = 1.
end if
!! re-initialize all objects
call re_initialize
do ihru_s = 1, plcal(ireg)%num_tot
iihru = plcal(ireg)%num(ihru_s)
do ipl = 1, pcom(iihru)%npl
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%name == pcom(iihru)%plg(ipl)%cpnm) then
!set potential lai parm
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot + chg_val
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = amin1 (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%up)
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = Max (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%lo)
pcom_init(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot
end if
end do
end do
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%nbyr = 0
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%precip_aa = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa = plcal_z
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha = 0.
end if
end do
end do
! 1st lai potential adj
if (isim > 0) then
cal_sim = " first lai potential adj "
call time_control
end if
! adjust plant growth using potential lai
do ist = 1, iter_ind
isim = 0
do ireg = 1, db_mx%plcal_reg
do ilum = 1, plcal(ireg)%lum_num
soft = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield
diff = 0.
if (soft > 1.e-6) diff = abs((soft - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield) / soft)
if (diff > .02 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha > 1.e-6 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%lai_pot < 1.e-6) then
isim = 1
rmeas = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield
denom = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev%yield - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield
if (abs(denom) > 1.e-6) then
chg_val = - (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%lai_pot - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot) * &
(plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield - rmeas) / denom
chg_val = 2. * diff
end if
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%lai_pot = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot + chg_val
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev%yield = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot >= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%pos) then
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%pos
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%lai_pot = 1.
end if
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot <= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%neg) then
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%lai_pot = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%neg
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%lai_pot = 1.
end if
!! re-initialize all objects
call re_initialize
do ihru_s = 1, plcal(ireg)%num_tot
iihru = plcal(ireg)%num(ihru_s)
do ipl = 1, pcom(iihru)%npl
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%name == pcom(iihru)%plg(ipl)%cpnm) then
!set potential lai parm
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot + chg_val
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = amin1 (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%up)
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = Max (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum)%lo)
pcom_init(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot
end if
end do
end do
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%nbyr = 0
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%precip_aa = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa = plcal_z
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha = 0.
end if
end do
end do
! plant potential lai adjustment
if (isim > 0) then
cal_sim = " lai potential adj "
call time_control
end if
end do ! ist
! 1st plant harvest index adjustment
isim = 0
do ireg = 1, db_mx%plcal_reg
do ilum = 1, plcal(ireg)%lum_num
soft = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield
diff = 0.
if (soft > 1.e-6) diff = abs((soft - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield) / soft)
if (diff > .02 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha > 1.e-6 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%harv_idx < 1.e-6) then
isim = 1
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa
diff = (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield) / plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield
chg_val = diff / 4. !assume frac diff over 4.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%harv_idx = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx + chg_val
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev%yield = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx >= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%pos) then
chg_val = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%pos - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%harv_idx
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%pos
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%harv_idx = 1.
end if
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx <= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%neg) then
chg_val = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%neg - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%harv_idx
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%neg
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%harv_idx = 1.
end if
!! re-initialize all objects
call re_initialize
do ihru_s = 1, plcal(ireg)%num_tot
iihru = plcal(ireg)%num(ihru_s)
do ipl = 1, pcom(iihru)%npl
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%name == pcom(iihru)%plg(ipl)%cpnm) then
!set potential lai parm
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx + chg_val
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = amin1 (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%up)
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = Max (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%lo)
pcom_init(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx
end if
end do
end do
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%nbyr = 0
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%precip_aa = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa = plcal_z
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha = 0.
end if
end do
end do
! 1st plant harvest index adjustment
if (isim > 0) then
cal_sim = " first harvest index adj "
call time_control
end if
! adjust plant growth using harvest index parameter
do ist = 1, 2 !iter_ind
isim = 0
do ireg = 1, db_mx%plcal_reg
do ilum = 1, plcal(ireg)%lum_num
soft = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield
diff = 0.
if (soft > 1.e-6) diff = abs((soft - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield) / soft)
if (diff > .02 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha > 1.e-6 .and. plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%harv_idx < 1.e-6) then
isim = 1
rmeas = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%yield
denom = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev%yield - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield
if (abs(denom) > 1.e-6) then
chg_val = - (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%harv_idx - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx) * &
(plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield - rmeas) / denom
chg_val = - diff / 4.
end if
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%harv_idx = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx + chg_val
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prev%yield = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa%yield
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx >= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%pos) then
chg_val = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%pos - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%harv_idx
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%pos
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%harv_idx = 1.
end if
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx <= pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%neg) then
chg_val = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%neg - plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_prev%harv_idx
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm%harv_idx = pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%neg
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%prm_lim%harv_idx = 1.
end if
!! re-initialize all objects
call re_initialize
do ihru_s = 1, plcal(ireg)%num_tot
iihru = plcal(ireg)%num(ihru_s)
do ipl = 1, pcom(iihru)%npl
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%name == pcom(iihru)%plg(ipl)%cpnm) then
!set potential lai parm
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx + chg_val
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = amin1 (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%up)
pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = Max (pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx, pl_prms(ireg)%prm(ilum+nvar)%lo)
pcom_init(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx = pcom(iihru)%plcur(ipl)%harv_idx
end if
end do
end do
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%nbyr = 0
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%precip_aa = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%aa = plcal_z
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield = 0.
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha = 0.
end if
end do
end do
! plant harvest index adjustment
if (isim > 0) then
cal_sim = " harvest index adj "
call time_control
end if
end do ! ist
end do ! iter_all loop
end subroutine calsoft_plant