atri.f90 [src] Revision: default Date:
function atri(at1,at2,at3,at4i)
!! ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
!! this function generates a random number from a triangular distribution
!! given X axis points at start, end, and peak Y value
!! Intrinsic: Sqrt
!! SWAT: Aunif
!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END SPECIFICATIONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
implicit none
real, intent (in) :: at1 !none |lower limit for distribution
real, intent (in) :: at2 !none |monthly mean for distribution
real, intent (in) :: at3 !none |upper limit for distribution
integer, intent (in out) :: at4i !none |random number seed
real :: u3 ! |
real :: rn !none |random number between 0.0 and 1.0
real :: y ! |
real :: b1 ! |
real :: b2 ! |
real :: x1 ! |
real :: xx ! |
real :: yy ! |
real :: amn ! |
real :: atri !none |daily value generated for distribution
real :: aunif ! |
u3 = 0.
rn = 0.
y = 0.
b1 = 0.
b2 = 0.
x1 = 0.
xx = 0.
yy = 0.
amn = 0.
u3 = at2 - at1
rn = Aunif(at4i)
y = 2.0 / (at3 - at1)
b2 = at3 - at2
b1 = rn / y
x1 = y * u3 / 2.0
if (rn <= x1) then
xx = 2.0 * b1 * u3
if (xx <= 0.) then
yy = 0.
yy = Sqrt(xx)
end if
atri = yy + at1
xx = b2 * b2 - 2.0 * b2 * (b1 - 0.5 * u3)
if (xx <= 0.) then
yy = 0.
yy = Sqrt(xx)
end if
atri = at3 - yy
end if
amn = (at3 + at2 + at1) / 3.0
atri = atri * at2 / amn
if (atri >= 1.0) atri = 0.99
if (atri <= 0.0) atri = 0.001