aquifer_module.f90 [src] Revision: default Date:
module aquifer_module
implicit none
type aquifer_database
character(len=16) :: aqunm = "" !aquifer name
character(len=16) :: aqu_ini = "" !initial aquifer data- points to name in initial.aqu
real :: flo = 0.05 !mm |flow from aquifer in current time step
real :: dep_bot = 0. !m |depth - mid-slope surface to bottom of aquifer
real :: dep_wt = 0. !m |depth - mid-slope surface to water table (initial)
real :: no3 = 0. !ppm NO3-N |nitrate-N concentration in aquifer (initial)
real :: minp = 0. !kg |mineral phosphorus in aquifer (initial)
real :: cbn = .5 !percent |organic carbon in aquifer (initial)
real :: flo_dist = 50. !m |average flow distance to stream or object
real :: bf_max = 0. !mm |maximum daily baseflow - when all channels are contributing
real :: alpha = 0. !1/days |lag factor for groundwater recession curve
real :: revap_co = 0. ! |revap oefficient - evap=pet*revap_co
real :: seep = 0. !frac |fraction of recharge that seeps from aquifer
real :: spyld = 0. !m^3/m^3 |specific yield of aquifer
real :: hlife_n = 0. !days |half-life of nitrogen in groundwater
real :: flo_min = 0. !m |water table depth for return flow to occur
real :: revap_min = 0. !m |water table depth for revap to occur
end type aquifer_database
type (aquifer_database), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqudb
type aquifer_data_parameters
real :: alpha = 0. ! |
real :: bf_max = 0. ! |
real :: flo_min !mm |minimum aquifer storage to allow return flow
real :: revap_co !0-1 frac |fraction of pet to calculate revap
real :: revap_min = 0. !mm H2O |threshold depth of water in shallow aquifer required to allow revap to occur
real :: seep = 0. !frac |fraction of recharge that seeps from aquifer
real :: spyld = 0. !m^3/m^3 |specific yield of aquifer
real :: alpha_e = 0. !days |Exp(-alpha)
real :: nloss = 0. !frac |nloss based on half life
real :: rchrg_prev = 0. !m^3 |previous days recharge
real :: rchrgn_prev = 0. !m^3 |previous days n recharge
end type aquifer_data_parameters
type (aquifer_data_parameters), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_prm
type aquifer_dynamic
real :: flo = 0. !mm |flow from aquifer in current time step
real :: dep_wt = 0. !m |depth to water table
real :: stor = 0. !mm |total water storage in aquifer
real :: rchrg = 0. !mm |recharge
real :: seep = 0. !kg N/ha |seepage to next object
real :: revap = 0. !mm |revap
real :: no3 = 0. !ppm NO3-N |nitrate-N concentration in aquifer
real :: minp = 0. !kg |mineral phosphorus from aquifer on current timestep
real :: cbn = 0. !percent |organic carbon in aquifer (initial)
real :: orgn = 0.
real :: rchrg_n = 0. ! |amount of nitrate getting to the shallow aquifer
real :: nloss = 0.
real :: no3gw !kg N/ha |nitrate loading to reach in groundwater
real :: seepno3 = 0. !kg |seepage of no3 to next object
real :: flo_cha = 0. !mm H2O |surface runoff flowing into channels
real :: flo_res = 0. !mm H2O |surface runoff flowing into reservoirs
real :: flo_ls = 0. !mm H2O |surface runoff flowing into a landscape element
end type aquifer_dynamic
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_om_init
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_d
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_m
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_y
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_a
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: saqu_d
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: saqu_m
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: saqu_y
type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: saqu_a
!type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: raqu_d
!type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: raqu_m
!type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: raqu_y
!type (aquifer_dynamic), dimension(:), allocatable :: raqu_a
type (aquifer_dynamic) :: baqu_d
type (aquifer_dynamic) :: baqu_m
type (aquifer_dynamic) :: baqu_y
type (aquifer_dynamic) :: baqu_a
type (aquifer_dynamic) :: aquz
type aquifer_init_data_char
character (len=16) :: name !xwalk with aqudb(iaqu)%aqu_ini
character (len=16) :: org_min !points to initial organic-mineral input file
character (len=16) :: pest !points to initial pesticide input file
character (len=16) :: path !points to initial pathogen input file
character (len=16) :: hmet !points to initial heavy metals input file
character (len=16) :: salt !points to initial salt input file
end type aquifer_init_data_char
type (aquifer_init_data_char), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_init_dat_c
type aquifer_init_data
integer :: org_min = 1 !points to initial organic-mineral input file
integer :: pest = 1 !points to initial pesticide input file
integer :: path = 1 !points to initial pathogen input file
integer :: hmet = 1 !points to initial heavy metals input file
integer :: salt = 1 !points to initial salt input file
end type aquifer_init_data
type (aquifer_init_data), dimension(:), allocatable :: aqu_init
type aqu_header
character (len=6) :: day = " jday"
character (len=6) :: mo = " mon"
character (len=6) :: day_mo = " day"
character (len=6) :: yrc = " yr"
character (len=8) :: isd = " unit "
character (len=8) :: id = " gis_id "
character (len=16) :: name = " name "
character(len=16) :: flo = " flo" ! (mm)
character(len=16) :: dep_wt = " dep_wt" ! (m)
character(len=15) :: stor = " stor" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: rchrg = " rchrg" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: seep = " seep" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: revap = " revap" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: no3_st = " no3_st" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=15) :: minp = " minp" ! (kg)
character(len=15) :: orgn = " orgn" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=15) :: orgp = " orgp" ! (kg/ha P)
character(len=15) :: rchrgn = " rchrgn" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=15) :: nloss = " nloss" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=15) :: no3gw = " no3gw" ! (kg N/ha)
character(len=15) :: seep_no3 = " seepno3" ! (kg)
character(len=15) :: flo_cha = " flo_cha" ! (m^3)
character(len=15) :: flo_res = " flo_res" ! (m^3)
character(len=15) :: flo_ls = " flo_ls" ! (m^3)
end type aqu_header
type (aqu_header) :: aqu_hdr
type aqu_header_units
character (len=6) :: day = " "
character (len=6) :: mo = " "
character (len=6) :: day_mo = " "
character (len=6) :: yrc = " "
character (len=8) :: isd = " "
character (len=8) :: id = " "
character (len=16) :: name = " "
character(len=16) :: flo = " mm" ! (mm)
character (len=16) :: depwt = " m " ! (m)
character(len=15) :: stor = " mm" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: rchrg = " mm" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: seep = " mm" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: revap = " mm" ! (mm)
character(len=15) :: no3_st = " kg/ha_N" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=14) :: minp = " kg" ! (kg)
character(len=15) :: orgn = " kg/ha_N" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=15) :: orgp = " kg/ha_P" ! (kg/ha P)
character(len=15) :: rchrgn = " kg/ha_N" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=15) :: nloss = " kg/ha_N" ! (kg/ha N)
character(len=15) :: no3gw = " kg/ha_N" ! (kg N/ha)
character(len=15) :: seep_no3 = " kg" ! (kg)
character(len=15) :: flo_cha = " m^3" ! (m^3)
character(len=15) :: flo_res = " m^3" ! (m^3)
character(len=15) :: flo_ls = " m^3" ! (m^3)
end type aqu_header_units
type (aqu_header_units) :: aqu_hdr_units
interface operator (+)
module procedure aqu_add
end interface
interface operator (/)
module procedure aqu_div
end interface
function aqu_add(aqo1,aqo2) result (aqo3)
type (aquifer_dynamic), intent (in) :: aqo1
type (aquifer_dynamic), intent (in) :: aqo2
type (aquifer_dynamic) :: aqo3
aqo3%flo = aqo1%flo + aqo2%flo
aqo3%dep_wt = aqo1%dep_wt + aqo2%dep_wt
aqo3%stor = aqo1%stor + aqo2%stor
aqo3%no3 = aqo1%no3 + aqo2%no3
aqo3%minp = aqo1%minp + aqo2%minp
aqo3%cbn = aqo1%cbn + aqo2%cbn
aqo3%orgn = aqo1%orgn + aqo2%orgn
aqo3%rchrg = aqo1%rchrg + aqo2%rchrg
aqo3%rchrg_n = aqo1%rchrg_n + aqo2%rchrg_n
aqo3%nloss = aqo1%nloss + aqo2%nloss
aqo3%seep = aqo1%seep + aqo2%seep
aqo3%revap = aqo1%revap + aqo2%revap
aqo3%no3gw = aqo1%no3gw + aqo2%no3gw
aqo3%seepno3 = aqo1%seepno3 + aqo2%seepno3
aqo3%flo_cha = aqo1%flo_cha + aqo2%flo_cha
aqo3%flo_res = aqo1%flo_res + aqo2%flo_res
aqo3%flo_ls = aqo1%flo_ls + aqo2%flo_ls
end function aqu_add
function aqu_div (aq1,const) result (aq2)
type (aquifer_dynamic), intent (in) :: aq1
real, intent (in) :: const
type (aquifer_dynamic) :: aq2
aq2%flo = aq1%flo / const
aq2%dep_wt = aq1%dep_wt / const
aq2%stor = aq1%stor / const
aq2%no3 = aq1%no3 / const
aq2%minp = aq1%minp / const
aq2%cbn = aq1%cbn / const
aq2%orgn = aq1%orgn / const
aq2%rchrg = aq1%rchrg / const
aq2%rchrg_n = aq1%rchrg_n / const
aq2%nloss = aq1%nloss / const
aq2%seep = aq1%seep / const
aq2%revap = aq1%revap / const
aq2%no3gw = aq1%no3gw / const
aq2%seepno3 = aq1%seepno3 / const
aq2%flo_cha = aq1%flo_cha / const
aq2%flo_res = aq1%flo_res / const
aq2%flo_ls = aq1%flo_ls / const
end function aqu_div
end module aquifer_module