aqu_pesticide_module.f90 [src] Revision: default Date:
module aqu_pesticide_module
implicit none
type aqu_pesticide_processes
real :: tot_in = 0. ! kg !total pesticide into aquifer
real :: sol_flo = 0. ! kg !soluble pesticide out of aquifer
real :: sor_flo = 0. ! kg !sorbed pesticide out of aquifer
real :: sol_perc = 0. ! kg !sorbed pesticide out of aquifer
real :: react = 0. ! kg !pesticide lost through reactions in water layer
real :: stor_ave = 0. ! kg !average end of day pesticide in aquifer during the time period
real :: stor_init = 0. ! kg !pesticide in aquifer at the start of the day
real :: stor_final = 0. ! kg !pesticide in aquifer at the end of the day
end type aqu_pesticide_processes
type aqu_pesticide_output
type (aqu_pesticide_processes), dimension (:), allocatable :: pest !pesticide hydrographs
end type aqu_pesticide_output
type (aqu_pesticide_processes) :: aqu_pestbz
type (aqu_pesticide_output), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: aqupst_d
type (aqu_pesticide_output), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: aqupst_m
type (aqu_pesticide_output), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: aqupst_y
type (aqu_pesticide_output), dimension(:), allocatable, save :: aqupst_a
type (aqu_pesticide_output) :: baqupst_d
type (aqu_pesticide_output) :: baqupst_m
type (aqu_pesticide_output) :: baqupst_y
type (aqu_pesticide_output) :: baqupst_a
type (aqu_pesticide_output) :: aqupst, aqupstz
type aqu_pesticide_header
character (len=6) :: day = " jday"
character (len=6) :: mo = " mon"
character (len=6) :: day_mo = " day"
character (len=6) :: yrc = " yr"
character (len=8) :: isd = " unit "
character (len=8) :: id = " gis_id "
character (len=16) :: name = " name "
character (len=16) :: pest = " pesticide "
character(len=13) :: tot_in = " tot_in_kg " ! (mg)
character(len=13) :: sol_out = " sol_flo_kg" ! (mg)
character(len=13) :: sor_out = " sor_flo_kg" ! (mg)
character(len=13) :: sol_perc = "sol_perc_kg" ! (mg)
character(len=13) :: react = "react_kg" ! (mg)
character(len=13) :: stor_ave = "stor_ave_kg" ! (mg)
character(len=13) :: stor_init = "stor_init_kg" ! (mg)
character(len=13) :: stor_final= "stor_final_kg" ! (mg)
end type aqu_pesticide_header
type (aqu_pesticide_header) :: aqupest_hdr
interface operator (+)
module procedure aqupest_add
end interface
interface operator (.sum.)
module procedure aqupest_add_all
end interface
interface operator (/)
module procedure aqupest_div
end interface
interface operator (//)
module procedure aqupest_ave
end interface
!! routines for swatdeg_hru module
function aqupest_add(aqu1, aqu2) result (aqu3)
type (aqu_pesticide_processes), intent (in) :: aqu1
type (aqu_pesticide_processes), intent (in) :: aqu2
type (aqu_pesticide_processes) :: aqu3
aqu3%tot_in = aqu1%tot_in + aqu2%tot_in
aqu3%sol_flo = aqu1%sol_flo + aqu2%sol_flo
aqu3%sor_flo = aqu1%sor_flo + aqu2%sor_flo
aqu3%sol_perc = aqu1%sol_perc + aqu2%sol_perc
aqu3%react = aqu1%react + aqu2%react
aqu3%stor_ave = aqu1%stor_ave + aqu2%stor_ave
aqu3%stor_init = aqu1%stor_init
aqu3%stor_final = aqu1%stor_final
end function aqupest_add
function aqupest_add_all(aqu1, aqu2) result (aqu3)
type (aqu_pesticide_processes), intent (in) :: aqu1
type (aqu_pesticide_processes), intent (in) :: aqu2
type (aqu_pesticide_processes) :: aqu3
aqu3%tot_in = aqu1%tot_in + aqu2%tot_in
aqu3%sol_flo = aqu1%sol_flo + aqu2%sol_flo
aqu3%sor_flo = aqu1%sor_flo + aqu2%sor_flo
aqu3%sol_perc = aqu1%sol_perc + aqu2%sol_perc
aqu3%react = aqu1%react + aqu2%react
aqu3%stor_ave = aqu1%stor_ave + aqu2%stor_ave
aqu3%stor_init = aqu1%stor_init + aqu2%stor_init
aqu3%stor_final = aqu1%stor_final + aqu2%stor_final
end function aqupest_add_all
function aqupest_div (aqu1, const) result (aqu2)
type (aqu_pesticide_processes), intent (in) :: aqu1
real, intent (in) :: const
type (aqu_pesticide_processes) :: aqu2
aqu2%tot_in = aqu1%tot_in / const
aqu2%sol_flo = aqu1%sol_flo / const
aqu2%sor_flo = aqu1%sor_flo / const
aqu2%sol_perc = aqu1%sol_perc / const
aqu2%react = aqu1%react / const
aqu2%stor_ave = aqu1%stor_ave
aqu2%stor_init = aqu1%stor_init
aqu2%stor_final = aqu1%stor_final
end function aqupest_div
function aqupest_ave (aqu1, const) result (aqu2)
type (aqu_pesticide_processes), intent (in) :: aqu1
real, intent (in) :: const
type (aqu_pesticide_processes) :: aqu2
aqu2%tot_in = aqu1%tot_in
aqu2%sol_flo = aqu1%sol_flo
aqu2%sor_flo = aqu1%sor_flo
aqu2%sol_perc = aqu1%sol_perc
aqu2%react = aqu1%react
aqu2%stor_ave = aqu1%stor_ave / const
aqu2%stor_init = aqu1%stor_init
aqu2%stor_final = aqu1%stor_final
end function aqupest_ave
end module aqu_pesticide_module