albedo.f90 [src] Revision: default Date:
subroutine albedo
!! ~ ~ ~ PURPOSE ~ ~ ~
!! this subroutine calculates albedo in the HRU for the day
use hru_module, only : hru, ihru, albday
use soil_module
use plant_module
use organic_mineral_mass_module
implicit none
real :: cej !none |constant
real :: eaj !none |soil cover index
integer :: j ! none |HRU number
real :: cover !kg/ha |soil cover
j = ihru
!! calculate albedo
cej = -5.e-5
cover = pl_mass(j)%ab_gr_com%m + rsd1(j)%tot_com%m
eaj = Exp(cej * (cover + .1)) !! equation 2.2.16 in SWAT manual
if (hru(j)%sno_mm <= .5) then
!! equation 2.2.14 in SWAT manual
albday = soil(j)%ly(1)%alb
!! equation 2.2.15 in SWAT manual
if (pcom(j)%lai_sum > 0.) albday = .23 * (1. - eaj) + soil(j)%ly(1)%alb * eaj
!! equation 2.2.13 in SWAT manual
albday = 0.8
end if
end subroutine albedo