actions.f90 [src] Revision: default Date:
subroutine actions (ob_cur, ob_num, idtbl)
use conditional_module
use climate_module
use time_module
use aquifer_module
use hru_module, only : hru, fertno3, fertnh3, fertorgn, fertorgp, fertsolp, &
ihru, ipl, isol, ndeat, phubase, sol_sumno3, sol_sumsolp, hru, yield
use soil_module
use plant_module
use plant_data_module
use mgt_operations_module
use tillage_data_module
use reservoir_module
use sd_channel_module
use hru_lte_module
use basin_module
use organic_mineral_mass_module
use hydrograph_module
use output_landscape_module
use conditional_module
use constituent_mass_module
use calibration_data_module
use fertilizer_data_module
implicit none
integer, intent (in) :: ob_cur !none |sequential number of individual objects
integer, intent (in) :: ob_num !none |sequential number for all objects
integer, intent (in) :: idtbl !none |
integer :: icom !none |
integer :: iac !none |counter
integer :: ial !none |counter
integer :: jj !none |counter
integer :: i !none |counter
integer :: iburn !none |burn type from fire data base
integer :: idtill !none |tillage type
integer :: ifertop ! |surface application fraction from chem app data base
integer :: ifrt ! |fertilizer type from fert data base
integer :: ipestop ! |surface application fraction from chem app data base
integer :: ipst ! |pesticide type from pest data base
integer :: iharvop ! |harvest operation type
integer :: iihru ! |
integer :: ilu ! |landuse type
integer :: j !none |counter
integer :: iob
integer :: idp ! |
integer :: istr ! |
integer :: iob_out
integer :: inhyd ! |
integer :: ihyd_in ! |
integer :: icon ! |
integer :: iplt_bsn
integer :: irrop ! |
integer :: igr
integer :: ireg ! |
integer :: ilum
integer :: iwro ! |
integer :: isrc
integer :: irr_ob
integer :: iaqdb
real :: hiad1 ! |
real :: irrig_m3 ! |
real :: amt_mm ! |
real :: biomass ! |
real :: frt_kg
real :: wur ! |
real :: frac ! |
real :: rto ! |
real :: rto1 ! |
real :: pest_kg !kg/ha |amount of pesticide applied
real :: irr_mm
real :: vol_avail
character(len=1) :: action ! |
do iac = 1, d_tbl%acts
action = "n"
do ial = 1, d_tbl%alts
if (d_tbl%act_hit(ial) == "y" .and. d_tbl%act_outcomes(iac,ial) == "y") then
action = "y"
end if
end do
if (action == "y") then
select case (d_tbl%act(iac)%typ)
!irrigation demand - hru action
case ("irr_demand")
ipl = 1
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
irrop = d_tbl%act_typ(iac)
irrig(j)%demand = irrop_db(irrop)%amt_mm * hru(j)%area_ha * 10. ! m3 = mm * ha * 10.
!! if unlimited source, set irrigation applied directly to hru
if (d_tbl%act(iac)%file_pointer == "unlim") then
irrig(j)%applied = irrop_db(irrop)%amt_mm * irrop_db(irrop)%eff * (1. - irrop_db(irrop)%surq)
irrig(j)%runoff = irrop_db(irrop)%amt_mm * irrop_db(irrop)%eff * irrop_db(irrop)%surq
!set organics and constituents from irr.ops ! irrig(j)%water = cs_irr(j) =
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, " ", "IRRIGATE", phubase(j), &
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw,pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), irrig(j)%applied
end if
!! set demand for irrigation from channel, reservoir or aquifer
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, " ", "IRRIG_DMD", phubase(j), &
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw,pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), irrop_db(irrop)%amt_mm
end if
end if
!irrigate - hru action
case ("irrigate")
ipl = 1
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
irrop = mgt%op4 !irrigation amount (mm) from irr.ops data base
irrig(j)%applied = irrop_db(irrop)%amt_mm * irrop_db(irrop)%eff * (1. - irrop_db(irrop)%surq)
irrig(j)%runoff = irrop_db(irrop)%amt_mm * irrop_db(irrop)%surq
irrig(j)%demand = mgt%op3 * hru(j)%area_ha / 1000. ! ha-m = mm * ha / 1000.
!select object type
iob = d_tbl%act(iac)%const
select case (d_tbl%act(iac)%option)
case ("aqu")
irrig_m3 = amin1 (ch_stor(j)%flo, irrig(j)%demand)
rto = irrig_m3 / ch_stor(j)%flo ! ratio of water removed from aquifer volume
rto1 = (1. - rto)
irrig(j)%applied = irrig(j)%applied * hru(j)%area_ha / 10. ! convert to mm for hru application
irrig(j)%water = rto * ch_stor(j) ! organics in irrigation water
aqu(j) = rto1 * ch_stor(j) ! remainder stays in aquifer
cs_irr(j) = rto * cs_aqu(j) ! constituents in irrigation water
cs_aqu(j) = rto1 * cs_aqu(j) ! remainder stays in aquifer
case ("cha")
irrig_m3 = amin1 (ch_stor(j)%flo, irrig(j)%demand)
rto = irrig_m3 / ch_stor(j)%flo ! ratio of water removed from channel volume
rto1 = (1. - rto)
irrig(j)%applied = irrig(j)%applied * hru(j)%area_ha / 10. ! convert to mm for hru application
irrig(j)%water = rto * ch_stor(j) ! organics in irrigation water
!ch_stor(j) = rto1 * ch_water(j) ! remainder stays in channel
cs_irr(j) = rto * ch_water(j) ! constituents in irrigation water
ch_water(j) = rto1 * ch_water(j) ! remainder stays in channel
case ("res")
irrig_m3 = amin1 (res(j)%flo, irrig(j)%demand)
rto = irrig_m3 / res(j)%flo ! ratio of water removed from res volume
rto1 = (1. - rto)
irrig(j)%applied = irrig(j)%applied * hru(j)%area_ha / 10. ! convert to mm for hru application
irrig(j)%water = rto * res(j) ! organics in irrigation water
res(j) = rto1 * res(j) ! remainder stays in reservoir
cs_irr(j) = rto * res_water(j) ! constituents in irrigation water
res_water(j) = rto1 * res_water(j) ! remainder stays in reservoir
end select
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, " ", "IRRIGATE", phubase(j), &
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw,pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), irrig(j)%demand
end if
!irrigate - wro action
case ("allocate_wro")
iwro = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
isrc = Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const)
!! loop through each field in the water rights object
do irr_ob = 1, wro(iwro)%num_objs
irrop = wro(iwro)%field(irr_ob)%irr_no
j = wro(iwro)%field(irr_ob)%ob_num
if (irrig(j)%demand > 0.) then
!! determine water available for allocating by source object
select case (d_tbl%act(iac)%option)
case ("aqu")
iob = sp_ob1%aqu + isrc - 1
iaqdb = ob(iob)%props
vol_avail = (wro(iwro)%min_mon(time%mo) - aqu_d(isrc)%dep_wt) * aqu_prm(iaqdb)%spyld * &
ob(iob)%area_ha * 10000. !m * m/m * ha * 10000. = m3
case ("cha")
iob = sp_ob1%chandeg + isrc - 1
vol_avail = (ob(iob)%hd(1)%flo / 86400. - wro(iwro)%min_mon(time%mo)) * 86400. !min_mon flow = cms -> m3
case ("res")
vol_avail = res(isrc)%flo - wro(iwro)%min_mon(time%mo) * res_ob(isrc)%pvol * 10000. !min_mon vol = ha-m -> m3
end select
!! check if enough water is available - assume irrigate if > 25% of demand
if (vol_avail < .25 * irrig(j)%demand) then
irrig_m3 = amin1 (vol_avail, irrig(j)%demand)
irr_mm = irrig_m3 / (hru(j)%area_ha * 10.) ! convert to mm for hru application
irrig(j)%applied = irr_mm * irrop_db(irrop)%eff * (1. - irrop_db(irrop)%surq)
irrig(j)%runoff = irr_mm * irrop_db(irrop)%surq
!! allocate irrigation water for each field in the water rights object
select case (d_tbl%act(iac)%file_pointer)
!! first come first serve if there is a demand
case ("fcfs_if_demand")
!! remove water from source
select case (d_tbl%act(iac)%option)
case ("aqu")
rto = irrig_m3 / aqu_d(isrc)%stor ! ratio of water removed from aquifer volume
rto1 = (1. - rto)
aqu_d(isrc)%stor = rto * aqu_d(isrc)%stor
!! compute groundwater depth from surface
aqu_d(isrc)%dep_wt = aqudb(iaqdb)%dep_bot - (aqu_d(isrc)%stor / (1000. * aqu_prm(isrc)%spyld))
aqu_d(isrc)%dep_wt = amax1 (0., aqu_d(isrc)%dep_wt)
irrig(j)%water%flo = rto * aqu_d(isrc)%stor ! irrigation water vol - not full organics
!cs_irr(j) = rto * cs_aqu(j) ! constituents in irrigation water
!cs_aqu(j) = rto1 * cs_aqu(j) ! remainder stays in aquifer
case ("cha")
rto = irrig_m3 / ob(iob)%hd(1)%flo ! ratio of water removed from channel volume
rto1 = (1. - rto)
irrig(j)%water = rto * ob(iob)%hd(1) ! organics in irrigation water
ob(iob)%hd(1) = rto1 * ob(iob)%hd(1) ! remainder stays in channel
!cs_irr(j) = rto * ch_water(j) ! constituents in irrigation water
!ch_water(j) = rto1 * ch_water(j) ! remainder stays in channel
case ("res")
rto = irrig_m3 / res(j)%flo ! ratio of water removed from res volume
rto1 = (1. - rto)
irrig(j)%water = rto * res(j) ! organics in irrigation water
res(j) = rto1 * res(j) ! remainder stays in reservoir
!cs_irr(j) = rto * res_water(j) ! constituents in irrigation water
!res_water(j) = rto1 * res_water(j) ! remainder stays in reservoir
end select
end select
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
ipl = 1
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, " ", "IRRIGATE", phubase(j), &
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw,pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), irr_mm
end if
end if ! irrig(j)%demand > 0.
end if ! vol_avail
end do ! irr_ob
case ("fertilize")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
ipl = 1
ifrt = d_tbl%act_typ(iac) !fertilizer type from fert data base
frt_kg = d_tbl%act(iac)%const !amount applied in kg/ha
ifertop = d_tbl%act_app(iac) !surface application fraction from chem app data base
call pl_fert (j, ifrt, frt_kg, ifertop)
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
!write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, chemapp_db(mgt%op4)%name, " FERT", &
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, fertdb(ifrt)%fertnm, " FERT", &
phubase(j),pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw, pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), frt_kg, fertno3, fertnh3, &
fertorgn, fertsolp, fertorgp
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac) = 1 !reset days since last action
if (iac > 1) pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac-1) = 0 !reset previous action day counter
end if
case ("till")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
idtill = d_tbl%act_typ(iac)
ipl = 1
call mgt_newtillmix(j, 0., idtill)
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, tilldb(idtill)%tillnm, "TILLAGE", &
phubase(j), pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw, pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), tilldb(idtill)%effmix
end if
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac) = 1 !reset days since this action
if (iac > 1) pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac-1) = 0 !reset previous action day counter
end if
case ("plant")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
icom = pcom(j)%pcomdb
pcom(j)%days_plant = 1 !reset days since last planting
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
do ipl = 1, pcom(j)%npl
idp = pcomdb(icom)%pl(ipl)%db_num
if (d_tbl%act(iac)%option == pcomdb(icom)%pl(ipl)%cpnm) then
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%gro = "y"
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idorm = "n"
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, pldb(idp)%plantnm, "PLANT", &
phubase(j), pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(ihru)%sw, &
pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, rsd1(j)%tot_com%m, sol_sumno3(j), &
sol_sumsolp(j), pcom(j)%plg(ipl)%lai, pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%lai_pot
end if
end if
end do
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac) = 1 !reset days since last action
if (iac > 1) pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac-1) = 0 !reset previous action day counter
end if
!harvest only
case ("harvest")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
iharvop = d_tbl%act_typ(iac)
icom = pcom(j)%pcomdb
pcom(j)%days_harv = 1 !reset days since last harvest
do ipl = 1, pcom(j)%npl
biomass = pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m
if (d_tbl%act(iac)%option == pcomdb(icom)%pl(ipl)%cpnm .or. d_tbl%act(iac)%option == "all") then
!harvest specific type
select case (harvop_db(iharvop)%typ)
case ("biomass")
call mgt_harvbiomass (j, ipl, iharvop)
case ("grain")
call mgt_harvgrain (j, ipl, iharvop)
case ("residue")
case ("tree")
case ("tuber")
call mgt_harvtuber (j, ipl, iharvop)
end select
!! sum yield and num. of harvest to calc ave yields
pl_mass(j)%yield_tot(ipl) = pl_mass(j)%yield_tot(ipl) + pl_yield
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%harv_num = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%harv_num + 1
!! sum basin crop yields and area harvested
iplt_bsn = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%bsn_num
bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%area_ha = bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%area_ha + hru(j)%area_ha
bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%yield = bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%yield + yield * hru(j)%area_ha / 1000.
!! sum regional crop yields for soft calibration
ireg = hru(j)%crop_reg
do ilum = 1, plcal(ireg)%lum_num
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%name == mgt%op_char) then
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha + hru(j)%area_ha
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield + pl_yield%m * hru(j)%area_ha / 1000.
end if
end do
idp = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idplt
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, pldb(idp)%plantnm, "HARVEST", &
phubase(j), pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw, biomass, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), pl_yield%m, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_n, &
pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_p, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_tmp, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_w, &
end if
end if
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc = 0.
end do
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac) = 1 !reset days since last action
if (iac > 1) pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac-1) = 0 !reset previous action day counter
end if
!kill plant
case ("kill")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
icom = pcom(j)%pcomdb
do ipl = 1, pcom(j)%npl
biomass = pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m
if (d_tbl%act(iac)%option == pcomdb(icom)%pl(ipl)%cpnm .or. d_tbl%act(iac)%option == "all") then
call mgt_killop (j, ipl)
idp = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idplt
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, pldb(idp)%plantnm, "HARV/KILL", &
phubase(j), pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw, biomass, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), yield, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_n, &
pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_p, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_tmp, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_w, &
end if
end if
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc = 0.
phubase(j) = 0.
end do
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac) = 1 !reset days since last action
if (iac > 1) pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac-1) = 0 !reset previous action day counter
end if
!harvest and kill
case ("harvest_kill")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
iharvop = d_tbl%act_typ(iac)
icom = pcom(j)%pcomdb
pcom(j)%days_harv = 1 !reset days since last harvest
do ipl = 1, pcom(j)%npl
biomass = pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m
if (d_tbl%act(iac)%option == pcomdb(icom)%pl(ipl)%cpnm .or. d_tbl%act(iac)%option == "all") then
!harvest specific type
select case (harvop_db(iharvop)%typ)
case ("biomass")
call mgt_harvbiomass (j, ipl, iharvop)
case ("grain")
call mgt_harvgrain (j, ipl, iharvop)
case ("residue")
case ("tree")
case ("tuber")
call mgt_harvtuber (j, ipl, iharvop)
end select
call mgt_killop (j, ipl)
!! sum yield and number of harvests to calc ave yields
pl_mass(j)%yield_tot(ipl) = pl_mass(j)%yield_tot(ipl) + pl_yield
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%harv_num = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%harv_num + 1
!! sum basin crop yields and area harvested
iplt_bsn = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%bsn_num
bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%area_ha = bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%area_ha + hru(j)%area_ha
bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%yield = bsn_crop_yld(iplt_bsn)%yield + pl_yield%m * hru(j)%area_ha / 1000.
!! sum regional crop yields for soft calibration
ireg = hru(j)%crop_reg
do ilum = 1, plcal(ireg)%lum_num
if (plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%meas%name == d_tbl%act(iac)%option) then
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%ha + hru(j)%area_ha
plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield = plcal(ireg)%lum(ilum)%sim%yield + pl_yield%m * hru(j)%area_ha / 1000.
end if
end do
idp = pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%idplt
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, pldb(idp)%plantnm, "HARV/KILL", &
phubase(j), pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw, biomass, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), pl_yield%m, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_n, &
pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_p, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_tmp, pcom(j)%plstr(ipl)%sum_w, &
end if
end if
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc = 0.
phubase(j) = 0.
end do
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac) = 1 !reset days since last action
if (iac > 1) pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%days_act(iac-1) = 0 !reset previous action day counter
end if
!reset rotation year
case ("rot_reset")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (d_tbl%act(iac)%const < 1) d_tbl%act(iac)%const = 1
pcom(j)%rot_yr = d_tbl%act(iac)%const
!apply pesticide
case ("pest_apply")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
ipl = 1
ipst = d_tbl%act_typ(iac) !pesticide type from fert data base
ipestop = d_tbl%act_app(iac) !surface application fraction from chem app data base
pest_kg = d_tbl%act(iac)%const * chemapp_db(ipestop)%app_eff !amount applied in kg/ha
call pest_apply (j, ipst, pest_kg, ipestop)
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day_mo, d_tbl%act(iac)%option, " PEST ", &
phubase(j), pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw,pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), pest_kg
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
dtbl_lum(idtbl)%hru_lu_cur = dtbl_lum(idtbl)%hru_lu_cur + 1
dtbl_lum(idtbl)%hru_ha_cur = dtbl_lum(idtbl)%hru_ha_cur + hru(j)%area_ha
end if
case ("graze") !! grazing operation
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
igr = d_tbl%act_typ(iac)
graze = grazeop_db(igr)
call pl_graze
!if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
! write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, " ", " GRAZE", &
! phubase(j), pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw,pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
! rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j), grazeop_db(igr)%eat, grazeop_db(igr)%manure
!end if
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
!initiate growing season for hru_lte
case ("grow_init")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
hlt(j)%gro = "y"
hlt(j)%g = 0.
hlt(j)%alai = 0.
hlt(j)%dm = 0.
hlt(j)%hufh = 0.
!end growing season for hru_lte
case ("grow_end")
!calculate yield - print lai, biomass and yield
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
idp = hlt(j)%iplant
if (hlt(j)%pet < 10.) then
wur = 100.
wur = 100. * hlt(j)%aet / hlt(j)%pet
hiad1 = (pldb(idp)%hvsti - pldb(idp)%wsyf) * &
(wur / (wur + Exp(6.13 - .0883 * wur))) + pldb(idp)%wsyf
hiad1 = amin1 (hiad1, pldb(idp)%hvsti)
yield = 0.8 * hlt(j)%dm * hiad1 ! * hlt(isd)%stress
hlt(j)%yield = yield / 1000.
hlt(j)%npp = hlt(j)%dm / 1000.
hlt(j)%lai_mx = hlt(j)%alai
!compute annual net primary productivity (npp) for perennial non-harvested?
!use output.mgt print code
!write() isd, time%day, time%yrc, pldb(iplt)%plantnm, hlt(isd)%alai, hlt(isd)%dm, yield
hlt(j)%gro = "n"
hlt(j)%g = 0.
hlt(j)%alai = 0.
hlt(j)%dm = 0. !adjust for non-harvested perennials?
hlt(j)%hufh = 0.
hlt(j)%aet = 0.
hlt(j)%pet = 0.
!drainage water management
case ("drain_control") !! set drain depth for drainage water management
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
istr = hru(j)%tiledrain
hru(j)%lumv%sdr_dep = d_tbl%act(iac)%const
!if (hru(j)%lumv%sdr_dep > 0) then
! do jj = 1, soil(j)%nly
! if (hru(j)%lumv%sdr_dep < soil(j)%phys(jj)%d) hru(j)%lumv%ldrain = jj
! if (hru(j)%lumv%sdr_dep < soil(j)%phys(jj)%d) exit
! end do
! hru(j)%lumv%ldrain = 0
!end if
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
end if
!flow control for water allocation - needs to be modified***
case ("flow_control") !! set flow fractions to buffer tile and direct to channel
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
select case (d_tbl%act(iac)%option)
case ("min_flo")
if (hwb_d(j)%qtile < d_tbl%act(iac)%const) then
frac = 1.
frac = d_tbl%act(iac)%const / hwb_d(j)%qtile
end if
! set inflow hydrograph fraction of recieving objects - used for dtbl flow fractions
! set first object hyd fractin as defined in decision table
inhyd = dtbl_flo(idtbl)%act(iac)%ob_num
ihyd_in = ob(ob_num)%rcvob_inhyd(inhyd)
iob_out = ob(ob_num)%obj_out(inhyd)
ob(iob_out)%frac_in(ihyd_in) = frac
! set second hydrograph fraction
if (inhyd < ob(ob_num)%src_tot .and. dtbl_flo(idtbl)%act(iac)%typ /= "irrigate_direct") then
inhyd = inhyd + 1
ihyd_in = ob(ob_num)%rcvob_inhyd(inhyd)
iob_out = ob(ob_num)%obj_out(inhyd)
ob(iob_out)%frac_in(ihyd_in) = 1. - frac
end if
case ("linear")
case ("power")
end select
!tile flow control for saturated buffers
case ("tile_control") !! set flow fractions to buffer tile and direct to channel
icon = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
select case (d_tbl%act(iac)%option)
case ("min_flo")
if (hwb_d(j)%qtile < d_tbl%act(iac)%const) then
frac = 1.
frac = d_tbl%act(iac)%const / hwb_d(j)%qtile
end if
! set inflow hydrograph fraction of recieving objects - used for dtbl flow fractions
! set first object hyd fractin as defined in decision table
inhyd = dtbl_flo(idtbl)%act(iac)%ob_num
ihyd_in = ob(ob_num)%rcvob_inhyd(inhyd)
iob_out = ob(ob_num)%obj_out(inhyd)
ob(iob_out)%frac_in(ihyd_in) = frac
! set second hydrograph fraction
if (inhyd < ob(ob_num)%src_tot .and. dtbl_flo(idtbl)%act(iac)%typ /= "irrigate_direct") then
inhyd = inhyd + 1
ihyd_in = ob(ob_num)%rcvob_inhyd(inhyd)
iob_out = ob(ob_num)%obj_out(inhyd)
ob(iob_out)%frac_in(ihyd_in) = 1. - frac
end if
case ("linear")
case ("power")
end select
!water rights decision to move water
case ("water_rights")
!land use change
case ("lu_change")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
ilu = d_tbl%act_typ(iac)
hru(j)%dbs%land_use_mgt = ilu
hru(j)%land_use_mgt_c = d_tbl%act(iac)%file_pointer
isol = hru(j)%dbs%soil
call plant_init (1)
!channel change
case ("chan_change")
ich = ob_cur
!set new cover and name for calibration
sd_ch(ich)%cov = d_tbl%act(iac)%const
sd_ch(ich)%order = d_tbl%act(iac)%file_pointer
! burning
case ("burn")
j = d_tbl%act(iac)%ob_num
if (j == 0) j = ob_cur
if (pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) <= Int(d_tbl%act(iac)%const2)) then
iburn = d_tbl%act_typ(iac) !burn type from fire data base
do ipl = 1, pcom(j)%npl
call pl_burnop (j, ipl, iburn)
end do
if (pco%mgtout == "y") then
write (2612, *) j, time%yrc, time%mo, time%day, " ", " BURN", phubase(j), &
pcom(j)%plcur(ipl)%phuacc, soil(j)%sw,pl_mass(j)%tot(ipl)%m, rsd1(j)%tot(ipl)%m, &
sol_sumno3(j), sol_sumsolp(j)
end if
pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) = pcom(j)%dtbl(idtbl)%num_actions(iac) + 1
end if
!herd management - move the herd
case ("herd")
end select
end if
end do
end subroutine actions