WEPPSoilParamsServiceCall.java [src/java/util] Revision: default  Date:
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package util;

import static csip.ModelDataService.KEY_METAINFO;
import static csip.ModelDataService.KEY_PARAMETER;
import csip.api.server.ServiceException;
import csip.utils.JSONUtils;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;

 * @author <a href="mailto:shaun.case@colostate.edu">Shaun Case</a>
public class WEPPSoilParamsServiceCall extends ServiceCall {

  protected int _cokey;
  protected boolean _stream;
  protected String _callingMetaInfo;

  public WEPPSoilParamsServiceCall(String URI, String callingMetaInfo, int cokey, boolean stream) {
    _cokey = cokey;
    _stream = stream;
    _callingMetaInfo = callingMetaInfo;

  protected void createRequest() throws ServiceException {
    JSONArray dataArray;

    requestMetainfoObject = new JSONObject();
    request = new JSONObject();

    dataArray = new JSONArray();
    try {
      requestMetainfoObject.put("MultipartRequest", "Bundled Service Request from WEPP");
      requestMetainfoObject.put("WEPP_Metainfo", new JSONObject(_callingMetaInfo));
      request.put(KEY_METAINFO, requestMetainfoObject);

      dataArray.put(JSONUtils.dataDesc("cokey", _cokey, "Cokey of soil parameters needed"));
      dataArray.put(JSONUtils.dataDesc("stream_file", _stream, "Stream sol file rather than force a GET request for it"));
      request.put(KEY_PARAMETER, dataArray);
    } catch (JSONException ex) {
      throwServiceCallException("Cannot create the JSON request for WEPPSoilInput call.", ex);
