Extract.java [src/java/util] Revision: default  Date:
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package util;

import csip.utils.TextParser;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;

 * @author od
public class Extract {

  public static int[] extractCSVColumnAsInt(File file, String name) throws IOException {
    TextParser p = new TextParser(file).autoClose(false);
    String[] h = p.nextLine().split(",").asStringArray();
    int idx = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < h.length; i++) {
      if (h[i].equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
        idx = i;
    if (idx == -1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found: " + name);

//    p.nextLine(1);
    List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>();
    while (p.nextLineSkipEmpty().notEOF()) {
      String[] row = p.split(",").asStringArray();
    return l.stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).toArray();

  public static class Summary {

    // Lists of annual values 
    List<Double> tot_contrib_area = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> tot_precip_vol = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> tot_irr_vol = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> tot_water_discharge = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> tot_hs_sloss = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> tot_channel_sloss = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> tot_sed_discharge = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> sed_deliv_unit_area = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> sed_deliv_ratio = new ArrayList<>();

    List<Channel> channels;
    List<Hillslope> hillslopes;

    Summary(int noChannels, int noHillslopes) throws Exception {
      channels = createList(Channel.class, noChannels);
      hillslopes = createList(Hillslope.class, noHillslopes);

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getChannelSedYield(List<Integer> weIds) {
      int years = tot_contrib_area.size();
      List<Double> l = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int y = 0; y < years; y++) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (Integer weId : weIds) {
          Channel ch = channels.get(weId - 1);
          sum += ch.getSed_yield().get(y);
      return l.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getChannelSoilLoss(List<Integer> weIds) {
      int years = tot_contrib_area.size();
      List<Double> l = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int y = 0; y < years; y++) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int weId : weIds) {
          Channel ch = channels.get(weId - 1);
          sum += ch.getSoil_loss().get(y);
      return l.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public void collectChannelSoilLoss(List<Double> values, List<Integer> weIds) {
      int years = tot_contrib_area.size();
      for (int y = 0; y < years; y++) {
        for (int weId : weIds) {
          Channel ch = channels.get(weId - 1);
          values.add(ch.getSoil_loss().get(y) / 1000);

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getHillslopeSoilLoss(List<Integer> weIds) {
      int years = tot_contrib_area.size();
      List<Double> l = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int y = 0; y < years; y++) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int weId : weIds) {
          Hillslope hs = hillslopes.get(weId - 1);
          sum += hs.getSoil_loss().get(y);
      return l.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getHillslopeSedYield(List<Integer> weIds) {
      int years = tot_contrib_area.size();
      List<Double> l = new ArrayList<>();
      for (int y = 0; y < years; y++) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int weId : weIds) {
          Hillslope hs = hillslopes.get(weId - 1);
          sum += hs.getSed_yield().get(y);
      return l.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public List<Channel> getChannels() {
      return channels;

    public List<Hillslope> getHillslopes() {
      return hillslopes;

    void add(double tot_contrib_area,
        double tot_precip_vol,
        double tot_irr_vol,
        double tot_water_discharge,
        double tot_hs_sloss,
        double tot_channel_sloss,
        double tot_sed_discharge,
        double sed_deliv_unit_area,
        double sed_deliv_ratio) {


    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getTotContribAreaStats() {
      return tot_contrib_area.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getTotPrecipVolStats() {
      return tot_precip_vol.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getTotIrrVolStats() {
      return tot_irr_vol.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getTotWaterDischargeStats() {
      return tot_water_discharge.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getTotChannelSlossStats() {
      return tot_channel_sloss.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getTotSedDischargeStats() {
      return tot_sed_discharge.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSedDelivUnitAreaStats() {
      return sed_deliv_unit_area.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSedDelivRatioStats() {
      return sed_deliv_ratio.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();


  public static class Channel {

    List<Double> disch_vol = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> sed_yield = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> soil_loss = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> upland_charge = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> ssurfflow_vol = new ArrayList<>();

    void add(double disch_vol, double sed_yield, double soil_loss, double upland_charge, double ssurfflow_vol) {

    public String toString() {
      return disch_vol + " "
          + sed_yield + " "
          + soil_loss + " "
          + upland_charge + " "
          + ssurfflow_vol;

    public List<Double> getSed_yield() {
      return sed_yield;

    public List<Double> getSoil_loss() {
      return soil_loss;

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getDischVolStats() {
      return disch_vol.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSedYieldStats() {
      return sed_yield.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSoilLossStats() {
      return soil_loss.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getUplandChargeStats() {
      return upland_charge.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSsurfflowVolStats() {
      return ssurfflow_vol.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();


  public static class Hillslope {

    List<Double> runoff_vol = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> subrunoff_vol = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> soil_loss = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> sed_dep = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Double> sed_yield = new ArrayList<>();

    void add(double runoff_vol, double subrunoff_vol, double soil_loss, double sed_dep, double sed_yield) {

    public List<Double> getSoil_loss() {
      return soil_loss;

    public List<Double> getSed_yield() {
      return sed_yield;

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getRunoffVolStats() {
      return runoff_vol.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSubRunoffVolStats() {
      return subrunoff_vol.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSoilLossStats() {
      return soil_loss.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSedDepStats() {
      return sed_dep.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getSedYieldStats() {
      return sed_yield.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).summaryStatistics();


//  public static Summary getHillslopwStats(File sloss, int years) throws Exception {
////   col 5: hillslope spoil loss
////    double[] hs_sl = new double[years];
//    for (int y = 1; y <= years; y++) {
//      try (TextParser p = new TextParser(sloss)
//          .autoClose(false)
//          .toLineContainingAllOf(" ANNUAL SUMMARY FOR WATERSHED IN YEAR ", " " + y)
//          .toLineStartingWith("Hillslopes ")
//          .nextLine()) {
//        while (p.nextLine().notEmpty()) {
//          double[] row = p.split().rangeFrom(1).asDoubleArray();
////      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(row));
//          ch.get((int) row[0] - 1).add(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]);
//        }
//      }
//      TextParser tp = new TextParser(sloss).autoClose(false);
//      tp.toLineContainingAllOf(" ANNUAL SUMMARY FOR WATERSHED IN YEAR ", " " + y);
//      // col 3
//      double d = tp.toLineContaining("Total irrigation volume in contributing area")
//          .rightOf("=").leftOf("m^3").asDouble();
//      // col 4
//      double d1 = tp.toLineContaining("Total water discharge from outlet")
//          .rightOf("=").leftOf("m^3").asDouble();
//      // col 5: hillslope spoil loss
//      double d2 = tp.toLineContaining("Total hillslope soil loss in contributing area")
//          .rightOf("=").leftOf("tonnes").asDouble();
//      System.out.println(d + " " + d1 + " " + d2);
//      hs_sl[y - 1] = d;
//      tp.close();
//    }
//  }
  // map key: TD id -> WEPP id
  public static Map<Integer, Integer> getChannelIdMap(File ouputSummary) throws Exception {
    String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(ouputSummary, "utf-8");
    JSONObject o = new JSONObject(s);
    JSONArray ch = o.getJSONArray("Channels");
    Map<Integer, Integer> m = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < ch.length(); i++) {
      JSONObject c = ch.getJSONObject(i);
      m.put(c.getInt("id"), c.getInt("weppID"));
    return m;

  public static List<Integer> getWeppIdList(Map<Integer, Integer> idMap, List<Integer> tdIds, String name) {
    List<Integer> weIds = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Integer tdId : tdIds) {
      Integer weId = idMap.get(tdId);
      if (weId == null)
        throw new RuntimeException(name + ": Taudem Id not found: " + tdId);
    return weIds;

  // TD Id -> WEPP Channel results
  public static Map<Integer, JSONObject> getChannelResultsMap(File ouputSummary) throws Exception {
    String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(ouputSummary, "utf-8");
    JSONObject o = new JSONObject(s);
    JSONArray ch = o.getJSONArray("Channels");
    Map<Integer, JSONObject> m = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < ch.length(); i++) {
      JSONObject c = ch.getJSONObject(i);
      m.put(c.getInt("id"), c);
    return m;

  public static Map<Integer, Integer> getHillslopeIdMap(JSONArray hs) throws Exception {
    Map<Integer, Integer> m = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < hs.length(); i++) {
      JSONObject c = hs.getJSONObject(i);
      m.put(c.getInt("id"), c.getInt("weppid"));
    return m;

  public static double getHSElementSum(JSONArray hs, String key) throws Exception {
    return getHSElementStats(hs, key).getSum();

  public static DoubleSummaryStatistics getHSElementStats(JSONArray hs, String key) throws Exception {
    List<Double> l = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < hs.length(); i++) {
      JSONObject h = hs.getJSONObject(i);
    return l.stream().mapToDouble(d -> d).filter(v -> v > -999.0).summaryStatistics();

  public static Map<Integer, Integer> getHillslopeIdMap(File ouputSummary) throws Exception {
    String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(ouputSummary, "utf-8");
    JSONObject o = new JSONObject(s);
    JSONArray ch = o.getJSONArray("Representative hillslope subcatchment summary");
    Map<Integer, Integer> m = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < ch.length(); i++) {
      JSONObject c = ch.getJSONObject(i);
      m.put(c.getInt("id"), c.getInt("weppid"));
    return m;

  public static Summary getChannelStats(File sloss, int years) throws Exception {

    // Find number of channels:
    int noChannels = 0;
    try (TextParser p = new TextParser(sloss)
        .toLineContaining("   SOIL: ")) {
      while (p.nextLine().notEmpty()) {
        noChannels = p.split().intAt(1);

    // Find number of channels:
    int noHillslopes = new TextParser(sloss)
        .toLineStartingWith("Hillslope Elements:")

//    System.out.println(noChannels + " " + noHillslopes);
    Summary chd = new Summary(noChannels, noHillslopes);

    List<Channel> ch = chd.getChannels();

    for (int y = 1; y <= years; y++) {
      try (TextParser p = new TextParser(sloss)
          .toLineContainingAllOf(" ANNUAL SUMMARY FOR WATERSHED IN YEAR ", " " + y)
          .toLineStartingWith("Channels ")
          .nextLine(4)) {

        while (p.nextLine().notEmpty()) {
          double[] row = p.split().rangeFrom(1).asDoubleArray();
          if (row.length == 6)
            // only channel row, skip impoundments
//      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(row));
            ch.get((int) row[0] - 1).add(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]);

//    System.out.println(ch);
//    System.out.println(ch.get(0).getSedYieldStats());
    for (int y = 1; y <= years; y++) {
      try (TextParser p = new TextParser(sloss)
          .toLineContainingAllOf(" ANNUAL SUMMARY FOR WATERSHED IN YEAR ", " " + y)
          .toLineStartingWith("Delivery From Channel Outlet:")) {

        double tc = p.toLineStartingWith("Total contributing area to outlet").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double tp = p.toLineStartingWith("Total precipitation volume in contributing area").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double ti = p.toLineStartingWith("Total irrigation volume in contributing area").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double tw = p.toLineStartingWith("Total water discharge from outlet").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double th = p.toLineStartingWith("Total hillslope soil loss in contributing area").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double tch = p.toLineStartingWith("Total channel soil loss").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double ts = p.toLineStartingWith("Total sediment discharge from outlet").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double sdu = p.toLineStartingWith("Sed. delivery per unit area of watershed ").rightOf("=").split().doubleAt(0);
        double sdr = p.toLineStartingWith("Sediment Delivery Ratio for Watershed").rightOf("=").asDouble();

        chd.add(tc, tp, ti, tw, th, tch,
            ts, sdu, sdr);

//    System.out.println(chd.getTotContribAreaStats());
//    System.out.println(chd.getTotChannelSlossStats());
//    System.out.println(chd.getSedDelivRatioStats());
//    System.out.println(chd.getTotSedDischargeStats());
    List<Hillslope> hs = chd.getHillslopes();
    for (int y = 1; y <= years; y++) {
      try (TextParser p = new TextParser(sloss)
          .toLineContainingAllOf(" ANNUAL SUMMARY FOR WATERSHED IN YEAR ", " " + y)
          .toLineStartingWith("Hillslopes ")
          .nextLine()) {

        while (p.nextLine().notEmpty()) {
          double[] row = p.split().rangeFrom(1).asDoubleArray();
//          System.out.println(Arrays.toString(row));
          hs.get((int) row[0] - 1).add(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]);
    return chd;

  static <T> List<T> createList(Class<T> c, int len) throws Exception {
    List<T> l = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    return l;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    getChannelStats(new File("/od/projects/WEPPWS-Python/loss_pw0.txt"), 15);