[src/java/m/weppws/results] Revision: default  Date:
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package m.weppws.results;

import csip.ModelDataService;
import csip.annotations.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import util.Extract;
import util.Extract.Channel;
import util.Extract.Hillslope;
import util.Extract.Summary;

@Description("WEPPWS channel stats")
@Polling(first = 2000, next = 2000)
public class WSStatsV1_0 extends ModelDataService {

  protected void doProcess() throws Exception {
    String f_loss = parameter().getString("wsloss_file", "loss_pw0.txt");
    String f_outp = parameter().getString("outputsummary", "outputsummary.json");
    int years = parameter().getInt("years");

    File s = workspace().getExistingFile(f_outp);
    File file = workspace().getExistingFile(f_loss);

    Map<Integer, JSONObject> cm = Extract.getChannelResultsMap(s);

    Summary summary = Extract.getChannelStats(file, years);

    Map<Integer, Integer> chIdMap = Extract.getChannelIdMap(s);
    Map<Integer, Integer> hsIdMap = Extract.getHillslopeIdMap(s);

    if (parameter().has("ch_id")) {
      int chIds = parameter().getInt("ch_id");
      JSONObject chResult = cm.get(chIds);
      int weppid = chResult.getInt("weppID");

      Channel ch = summary.getChannels().get(weppid - 1);
      putStats("Discharge Volume (m^3)", ch.getDischVolStats());
      putStats("Sediment Yield (tonne)", ch.getSedYieldStats());
      putStats("Soil Loss (kg)", ch.getSoilLossStats());
      putStats("Upland Charge (m^3)", ch.getUplandChargeStats());
      putStats("Subsuface Flow Volume (m^3)", ch.getSsurfflowVolStats());

      JSONArray names = chResult.names();
      for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); i++) {
        String name = names.getString(i);
        if (name.equals("topazid"))
        results().put(name, chResult.get(name));

    } else if (parameter().has("ch_ids")) {
      int[] chIds = parameter().getIntArray("ch_ids");

      List<Integer> tdChIds = toIntList(chIds);
      List<Integer> weChIds = Extract.getWeppIdList(chIdMap, tdChIds, "Channel");

      putStats("AOI scaled WS Channel sediment yield (tonne)", summary.getChannelSedYield(weChIds));  // col 10
      putStats("AOI scaled WS Channel Soil Loss (kg)", summary.getChannelSoilLoss(weChIds));  // col 8

    } else if (parameter().has("hs_ids")) {
      int[] hsIds = parameter().getIntArray("hs_ids");

      List<Integer> tdHsIds = toIntList(hsIds);
      List<Integer> weHsIds = Extract.getWeppIdList(hsIdMap, tdHsIds, "Hillslope");

      putStats("AOI scaled WS Hillslope sediment yield (kg)", summary.getHillslopeSedYield(weHsIds)); // col 5
      putStats("AOI scaled WS Hillslope Soil Loss (kg)", summary.getHillslopeSoilLoss(weHsIds));  // col 7

      // col 11 = 10 + 5
      // 15 = ac of the intersection 
    } else {
      // complete output.
      putStats("tot_contrib_area", summary.getTotContribAreaStats());
      putStats("tot_precip_vol", summary.getTotPrecipVolStats());
      putStats("tot_irr_vol", summary.getTotIrrVolStats());
      putStats("tot_water_discharge", summary.getTotWaterDischargeStats());
      putStats("tot_channel_sloss", summary.getTotChannelSlossStats());
      putStats("tot_sed_discharge", summary.getTotSedDischargeStats());
      putStats("sed_deliv_unit_area", summary.getSedDelivUnitAreaStats());
      putStats("sed_deliv_ratio", summary.getSedDelivRatioStats());

      List<Channel> chs = summary.getChannels();
      results().put("channel_count", chs.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < chs.size(); i++) {
        Channel ch = chs.get(i);
        putStats("channel_" + (i + 1) + "_disch_vol", ch.getDischVolStats());
        putStats("channel_" + (i + 1) + "_sed_yield", ch.getSedYieldStats());
        putStats("channel_" + (i + 1) + "_soil_loss", ch.getSoilLossStats());
        putStats("channel_" + (i + 1) + "_upland_charge", ch.getUplandChargeStats());
        putStats("channel_" + (i + 1) + "_ssurfflow_vol", ch.getSsurfflowVolStats());

      List<Hillslope> hss = summary.getHillslopes();
      results().put("hillslope_count", hss.size());
      for (int i = 0; i < hss.size(); i++) {
        Hillslope hs = hss.get(i);
        putStats("hillslope_" + (i + 1) + "_runoff_vol", hs.getRunoffVolStats());
        putStats("hillslope_" + (i + 1) + "_subrunoff_vol", hs.getSubRunoffVolStats());
        putStats("hillslope_" + (i + 1) + "_soil_loss", hs.getSoilLossStats());
        putStats("hillslope_" + (i + 1) + "_soil_dep", hs.getSedDepStats());
        putStats("hillslope_" + (i + 1) + "_sed_yield", hs.getSedYieldStats());

  static List<Integer> toIntList(int[] i) {

  private void putStats(String name, DoubleSummaryStatistics s) {
    results().put(name, new double[]{s.getMin(), s.getAverage(), s.getMax()});
