[src/java/m/weppws] Revision: default  Date:
package m.weppws;

import csip.Config;
import csip.api.server.Executable;
import csip.api.client.ModelDataServiceCall;
import csip.api.server.ServiceException;
import csip.SessionLogger;
import csip.utils.Parallel;
import csip.utils.Parallel.Run;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;
import util.Grid;
import util.WeppConstants;

 * Represents a WEPP and TauDEM subcatchment. This can be modeled as flowpaths
 * or combined into a representative hillslope.
public class SubcatchmentSubarea {

  int id;
  int weppid;   
  int topazid;
  int lastFlowpathID;
  int majorSoil;
  int majorLanduse;
  Subcatchment parSubcatch;
  WeppConstants.SubcatchmentType subType;
  WeppConstants.Orientation dir;
  V1_0 service;
  float avgSoilLoss;      // representative soil loss based on all flowpaths
  float avgRunoff;        // representative runoff based on all flowpaths
  float avgSedYield;      // representative sediment yld based on all flowpaths
  float repProfileWeights[];
  float repProfileSlopes[];
  double area;
  int cells;
  Flowpath repHillslopeFlowpath;    // representative hillslope of all orientations
  double repHillslopeWidth;
  int flowpathsRun;
  int numFlowpaths;
  boolean inUse;
  int weppAltID;

 SubcatchmentSubarea(int id, V1_0 par, int idx, WeppConstants.SubcatchmentType type, Subcatchment par2) { = id;
    this.service = par;
    this.parSubcatch = par2;
    this.subType = type;
    weppid = idx;
    repHillslopeFlowpath = null;
    inUse = false;
    majorSoil = par2.majorSoil;    // TBD - this needs to be recalculated
    majorLanduse = par2.majorLanduse;  // TBD - this needs to be recalculated
    area = par2.area; // TBD - this needs to be recalculated
    cells = par2.cells; // TBD - this needs to be recalculated
    weppAltID = 0;
    if (type == WeppConstants.SubcatchmentType.TOP) {
       dir = WeppConstants.Orientation.TOP;
    } else if (type == WeppConstants.SubcatchmentType.LEFT) {
       dir = WeppConstants.Orientation.LEFT;
    } else if (type == WeppConstants.SubcatchmentType.RIGHT) {
       dir = WeppConstants.Orientation.RIGHT;
    topazid = id;
  int writeFlowpaths(File baseDir) throws IOException, JSONException {
    File fileName = new File(baseDir, "flowpaths_" + Integer.toString(id));
    int num = 0;
    try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName))) {
      for (int i = 0; i < parSubcatch.flowpaths.size(); i++) {
        if (parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).getDir() == dir) {
    return parSubcatch.flowpaths.size();

  String summarizeInput(int hillnum) throws JSONException {
    String ostr = getOrientation();
    JSONObject so = new JSONObject()
        .put("id", id)
        .put("weppid", weppid)
        .put("weppAltID", weppAltID)
        .put("topazid", topazid)
        .put("orientation", ostr)
        .put("Area (ac)", area * WeppConstants.CONV_HA_TO_AC)
        .put("Grid cells", cells)
        .put("Major Soil", service.soilIndexToShortName(majorSoil))
        .put("Major Soil id", majorSoil)
        .put("Major Landuse", service.manIndexToShortName(majorLanduse))
        .put("Major Landuse id", majorLanduse)
        .put("Percentage of total area", getPercentageArea());
    return so.toString(2);

  double getPercentageArea() {
      return ((double) cells / (double) service.aoi.getArea()) * 100;
  String summarizeOutput(SessionLogger log, int hillnum) throws JSONException {
    double avgRunoffVol;
    String ostr = getOrientation();
    try {
        avgRunoffVol = (repHillslopeFlowpath.totalLengthMeters*WeppConstants.CONV_M_TO_FT) * 
            (repHillslopeWidth*WeppConstants.CONV_M_TO_FT) * (avgRunoff/12.0);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        avgRunoffVol = -999;;
        if (repHillslopeFlowpath != null) {
        } else {
  "No representative hillslope created for subcatchment " + id);
  "Number of flowpaths: " + numFlowpaths);
            JSONObject so = new JSONObject()
                .put("id", id)
                .put("weppid", weppid)
                .put("topazid", topazid)
                .put("orientation", ostr)
                .put("Area (ac)", area * WeppConstants.CONV_HA_TO_AC)
                .put("Grid cells", cells)
                .put("Major Soil", service.soilIndexToShortName(majorSoil))
                .put("Major Soil id", majorSoil)
                .put("Major Landuse", service.manIndexToShortName(majorLanduse))
                .put("Major Landuse id", majorLanduse)
                .put("Percentage of total area", ((double) cells / (double) service.aoi.getArea()) * 100)
                .put("Representative Hillslope Length (ft)",-999)
                .put("Representative Hillslope Width (ft)",-999)
                .put("Soil Loss (ton/yr)", -999)
                .put("Soil Loss per Area (ton/ac/yr)", -999)
                .put("Sediment Yield (ton/yr)", -999)
                .put("Sediment Yield per Area (ton/ac/yr)", -999)
                .put("Runoff (in/yr)", -999)
                .put("Runoff Volume (ft^3/yr)", -999)
                .put("Flowpaths within subcatchment", numFlowpaths)
                .put("Message", "No flowpaths calculated in subcatchment");
                return so.toString(2);
    JSONObject so = new JSONObject()
        .put("id", id)
        .put("weppid", weppid)
        .put("topazid", topazid)
        .put("weppAltID", weppAltID)
        .put("orientation", ostr)
        .put("Area (ac)", area * WeppConstants.CONV_HA_TO_AC)
        .put("Grid cells", cells)
        .put("Major Soil", service.soilIndexToShortName(majorSoil))
        .put("Major Soil id", majorSoil)
        .put("Major Landuse", service.manIndexToShortName(majorLanduse))
        .put("Major Landuse id", majorLanduse)
        .put("Percentage of total area", ((double) cells / (double) service.aoi.getArea()) * 100)
        .put("Representative Hillslope Length (ft)",repHillslopeFlowpath.totalLengthMeters*WeppConstants.CONV_M_TO_FT)
        .put("Representative Hillslope Width (ft)",repHillslopeWidth*WeppConstants.CONV_M_TO_FT)
        .put("Soil Loss (ton/yr)", avgSoilLoss)
        .put("Soil Loss per Area (ton/ac/yr)", avgSoilLoss/(area * WeppConstants.CONV_HA_TO_AC))
        .put("Sediment Yield (ton/yr)", avgSedYield)
        .put("Sediment Yield per Area (ton/ac/yr)", avgSedYield/(area * WeppConstants.CONV_HA_TO_AC))
        .put("Runoff (in/yr)", avgRunoff)
        .put("Runoff Volume (ft^3/yr)", avgRunoffVol)
        .put("Flowpaths within subcatchment", numFlowpaths)
    return so.toString(2);

  // runFlowpaths0()
  // Uses CSIP services to make parallel WEPP runs.
  int runFlowpaths0(SessionLogger LOG, File workspace, Grid field, boolean statsOnly) throws Exception {"Parallel Flowpath runs for subcatchment " + id);
    AtomicInteger numRun = new AtomicInteger();
    int nthreads = Config.getInt("weppws.fp.par", 16);, parSubcatch.flowpaths.size(), new Function<Integer, Run>() {
      public Run apply(Integer t) {
        System.out.println("Created FP Run: " + t);
        service.progress("Running " + id + "/" + t);
        return () -> {
          Flowpath fp = parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(t);
          if (!statsOnly && fp.intersectsField(field) && parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(t).getDir() == dir) {
            System.out.println("Running FP: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  " + t);
            fp.runFlowpathService(workspace, service.aoi, service.flow_d8_grid.getCellsize(),false);

    return flowpathsRun = numRun.get();

  // runFlowpaths1()
  // Runs all, or a subset percentage, of the flowpaths in a the subcatchment.
  // The runs are done by calling the local executable, a service call is not 
  // done to run WEPP. Every call must wait until the previous run is complete.
  int runFlowpaths1(SessionLogger LOG, File workspace, Executable weppserv, Grid field,
      boolean statsOnly, int subsetPercentage) throws ServiceException, IOException, Exception {
 "Exe Flowpath runs for subcatchment " + id);
    int numRun = 0;
    double div = ((double) subsetPercentage) / (double) 100;
    int freq = (int) (1.0 / div);

    flowpathsRun = 0;
    int i = 0;
    while (i < parSubcatch.flowpaths.size()) {
      if (parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).intersectsField(field) && parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).getDir() == dir) {">>> Starting flowpath: " + i);
        if (statsOnly == false) {
          // may only be running a subset of the flowpaths
          if ((subsetPercentage == 100) || ((i % freq) == 0)) {
              parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).runFlowpathLocal(workspace, weppserv,
                  service.aoi, service.flow_d8_grid.getCellsize(), false);
        } else {
    flowpathsRun = numRun;
    return numRun;

  void makeRepresentativeHillslope(float cellSize) {
    float longest = 0;
    int matched = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < parSubcatch.flowpaths.size(); i++) {
      if (parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).getDir() == dir) {
          if (parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).totalLengthMeters > longest) {
            longest = parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).totalLengthMeters;
    //"  ... Matched: " + matched + " out of: " + parSubcatch.flowpaths.size() + " Longest: " + longest);
    int cellsNeeded = (int) ((double) longest / cellSize);
    repProfileWeights = new float[cellsNeeded];
    repProfileSlopes = new float[cellsNeeded];

    numFlowpaths = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < parSubcatch.flowpaths.size(); i++) {
      if (parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).getDir() == dir) {
         parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).updateRepProfile(cellSize, repProfileSlopes, repProfileWeights);
    for (int i = 0; i < repProfileSlopes.length; i++) {
      repProfileSlopes[i] = repProfileSlopes[i] / repProfileWeights[i];

    int r[] = new int[cellsNeeded];
    int c[] = new int[cellsNeeded];
    float sl[] = new float[cellsNeeded];
    int s[] = new int[cellsNeeded];
    int m[] = new int[cellsNeeded];
    float d[] = new float[cellsNeeded];

    for (int i = 0; i < cellsNeeded; i++) {
      r[i] = 0;
      c[i] = 0;
      sl[i] = repProfileSlopes[i] / (float) 100.0;   // slopes were calculated as %, need to be 0-1 for constructor
      s[i] = majorSoil;
      m[i] = majorLanduse;
      d[i] = (float) cellSize;
    repHillslopeFlowpath = new Flowpath(topazid, r, c, sl, m, s, d, service, -1, -1, -1);
    repHillslopeWidth = (area * 10000) / repHillslopeFlowpath.totalLengthMeters;

  int runRepresentativeHillslope0(File workspace, Executable weppserv,
      Grid field, boolean statsOnly, boolean usePassFiles) throws ServiceException, IOException, Exception {
    makeRepresentativeHillslope((float) field.getCellsize());
    if (repHillslopeFlowpath == null) {
        avgSoilLoss = 0;
        avgRunoff = 0;
        avgSedYield = 0;
        return 0;
    if (statsOnly == false) {
      repHillslopeFlowpath.runFlowpathService(workspace, service.aoi, repHillslopeWidth, usePassFiles);
      avgSoilLoss = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSoilLoss;
      avgRunoff = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgRunoff;
      avgSedYield = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSedYield;
    return 1;
  // runRepresentativeHillslope()
  // Runs the flowpath that is an aggregation of all flowpaths in a subcatchment.
  // Calls to either run the simulation as a service or directly (runflowpath1).
   JSONObject runRepresentativeHillslope(SessionLogger log, File workspace, Executable weppserv,
      Grid field, boolean statsOnly, boolean usePassFiles) throws ServiceException, IOException, Exception {
    JSONObject resp = null;
    makeRepresentativeHillslope((float) field.getCellsize());
    //"   ...runRep Length is: " + repHillslopeFlowpath.totalLengthMeters);
    if (repHillslopeFlowpath == null) {
        avgSoilLoss = 0;
        avgRunoff = 0;
        avgSedYield = 0;
        return null;
    if (statsOnly == false) {
      //if (service.flowpathURL.length() > 0) {
      //     resp = repHillslopeFlowpath.runFlowpath(workspace, weppserv, service.aoi, repHillslopeWidth);
      //     if (resp != null) {
      //       avgSoilLoss = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSoilLoss;
      //        avgRunoff = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgRunoff;
      //        avgSedYield = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSedYield;
      //      } 
      //} else {
           resp = repHillslopeFlowpath.runFlowpathLocal(workspace, weppserv, service.aoi, repHillslopeWidth, usePassFiles);
           avgSoilLoss = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSoilLoss;
           avgRunoff = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgRunoff;
           avgSedYield = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSedYield;
    return resp;

 // checkProgress()
 // Checksif the representaive hillslope run is complete if it was started from a
 // service call.
   JSONObject checkProgress(SessionLogger LOG, JSONObject resp, File workspace) 
        throws ServiceException, IOException, Exception {
       JSONObject resp2 = repHillslopeFlowpath.checkProgress(LOG, resp, workspace, service.aoi);
       if (resp2 == null) {
            avgSoilLoss = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSoilLoss;
            avgRunoff = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgRunoff;
            avgSedYield = repHillslopeFlowpath.avgSedYield;
       return resp2;
  float getAvgSoilLoss() {
    return avgSoilLoss;

  float getAvgRunoff() {
    return avgRunoff;

  float getAvgSedYield() {
    return avgSedYield;

  Grid outputFlowpaths(Grid lossGrid, Grid sedWeightGrid) {
    for (int i = 0; i < parSubcatch.flowpaths.size(); i++) {
      if (parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).getDir() == dir) {  
         parSubcatch.flowpaths.get(i).updateWeightedLossGrid(lossGrid, sedWeightGrid);
    return lossGrid;

  void setMajorSoil(int val) {
    majorSoil = val;

  void setMajorLanduse(int val) {
    majorLanduse = val;

  void calcArea(Grid subcatchments, Grid bound) throws ServiceException {
    cells = subcatchments.cellCountWithMask(topazid, bound);
    area = (cells * subcatchments.getCellsize() * subcatchments.getCellsize()) / 10000; // total area in ha

  String printProfile() {
    if (repHillslopeFlowpath != null) {
        return repHillslopeFlowpath.printProfile(repHillslopeWidth);
    } else {
        return("Representative profile not set for hillslope." + String.valueOf(id));

String soilIndexToName(int idx) throws ServiceException {
    String name;
    try {
      name = service.soilIndexToName(idx);
      if (name.equals("")) {
        throw new ServiceException("Could not find soil to match index: " + Integer.toString(idx));
    } catch (JSONException je) {
      throw new ServiceException("Could not find soil to match index: " + Integer.toString(idx));
    return name;

  String manIndexToName(int idx) throws ServiceException {
    String name;
    try {
      name = service.manIndexToName(idx);
      if (name.equals("")) {
        throw new ServiceException("Could not find management to match index: " + Integer.toString(idx));
    } catch (JSONException je) {
      throw new ServiceException("Could not find management to match index: " + Integer.toString(idx));
    return name;

  double getRepHillslopeWidth() {
    return repHillslopeWidth;

  double getRepHillslopeLength() {
    return repHillslopeFlowpath.totalLengthMeters;

  String majorLanduseName() throws ServiceException {
    return manIndexToName(majorLanduse);

  String majorSoilName() throws ServiceException {
    return soilIndexToName(majorSoil);
  void setInuse(boolean val) {
      inUse = val;
  boolean getInuse() {
      return inUse;
  void setWeppID(int val) {
      weppid = val;
   void setWeppAltID(int val) {
      weppAltID = val;
  int getWeppAltID() {
      return weppAltID;
  int getCells() {
      return cells;
  String getOrientation() {
    String ostr;
    if (dir == WeppConstants.Orientation.LEFT) {
        ostr = "LEFT";
    } else if (dir == WeppConstants.Orientation.RIGHT) {
        ostr = "RIGHT";
    } else if (dir == WeppConstants.Orientation.TOP) {
        ostr = "TOP";
    } else {
        ostr = "UNKNOWN";
    return ostr;